How to restart the computer on Windows 10 from the "Command Line"


How to restart the computer on windows 10 from the command line

Run "Command Line"

You should start with the opening of the console. To do this, use one of the convenient ways, for example, finding the application to the "Start" or calling it through the "Run" utility. Deployed instructions for each startup method you will find in a separate manual on our website on the link below.

Read more: Opening the "Command Line" in Windows 10

Standard reboot command

Next, we describe several different options that affect the reset of the computer through the "Command Line", but first of all mention the standard Shutdown / R command. It is responsible for sending a PC to a reboot and activated after 30 seconds after entering. During this you can close the console and, for example, switch to any other program, and the reboot will start without displaying any notifications on the screen.

Starting the console to restart Windows 10 via the command line

Reboot with a timer

Not to each user who uses the console to restart the operating system, I want to wait half a minute while this process starts automatically. Therefore, you can use the SHUTDOWN / R / T 0 type command, where instead of 0 write any number in seconds, specifying the time through which it must be executed.

Enter the standard command to restart Windows 10 via the command line

Ignor warnings when closing applications

During the command to restart the screen, notifications from working applications may appear on the screen that you first need to close to save progress. If you want to ignore these warnings, use the ShutDown / R / F string, and also additionally specify other options, for example, by setting a timer through / t.

Enter a command to disable messages when Windows 10 restart via the command line

However, consider that all the software will be closed more than without saving all the changes that were produced there. Add this option only with complete confidence in the fact that you will not lose important information.

Reboot with the message

You can send a PC to the reboot by displaying the notification before the screen, which would say that for what reason this operation is produced. A particularly relevant such option will be in those situations where the process is carried out remotely to another user's PC. Then the input string will look like this: Shutdown / R / C "Enter your message."

Enter a command to display a message when Windows 10 reboot via the command line

Immediately after entering if a timer is set for a certain amount of time, a message will pop up on the screen with the text entered. Its example you see the next screenshot.

Displaying a message when Windows 10 reboot via the command line

Running a graphical interface

Now we offer to familiarize yourself with additional information that can be useful when performing the task. The utility used has a graphical interface that allows you to manage a reboot in a more convenient way. It starts input shutdown / i.

Run a graphical interface to restart Windows 10 via the command line

The graphical interface is called "Dialogue of Remote Completion". Accordingly, it allows you to restart any computer that falls under the control of your domain. Here you specify the target action, choose a PC, the cause, timer and note.

Graphic interface for rebooting Windows 10 via the command line

All the same as by entering standard commands, but more in a convenient form, as well as with the display of the names of the added devices.

View full information

Not all the options that are used to restart the computer through the utility under consideration were given above. Additionally, clarify the availability of various warning errors. With all, you can familiarize yourself with yourself by writing shutdown /?.

Enter the command to help when Windows 10 reboot via the command line

After clicking on the Enter key, the list of available options will immediately appear on the screen, as well as the command syntax so that confusion does not occur with the input sequence, especially when it comes to choosing another computer.

View commands for help when rebooting Windows 10 via the command line

Cancel action

Finally, we note that sometimes the user after entering the command to reboot decides to cancel this action. It is also necessary to do this through the console by writing shutdown / a.

Cancel action when Windows 10 reboot via the command line

After activation, a new line will appear for input, which means that the action has been canceled successfully.

If we are talking about a remote computer and reboot it through the "Command line" simply does not work, we advise you to get acquainted with the special thematic instructions on our website on the link below. There you will learn about the two other methods of performing the task.

Read more: Perform a reboot of a remote computer

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