How to enable notifications in Vatsape


How to enable notifications in Vatsape

The article demonstrates steps involving the inclusion of absolutely all types of notices, which are able to generate functioning on devices running Android, iOS and Windows Messenger, but you can include notifications selectively if their separate types of your model use WhatsApp is not in demand.


The NotSapp used for Android notifications of various types are activated by performing simple manipulations, but to get the desired result, you should act carefully so as not to skip one or another setting. The aspect of the use of the messenger considered by us is regulated by mass options both in the application itself and in the operating system, where it functions.

Step 1: Setting the Messenger

  1. Open the messenger and go to "Settings". In Watsap for Android, the parameter management module is available from the main menu of the application, which is called regardless of the selected Touch tab on three points in the upper corner of the screen on the right.
  2. WhatsApp for Android - launch the application and switching to its settings

  3. In the list of sections of the settings, select "Notifications".
  4. WhatsApp for Android - Section Notifications in the Messenger Settings

  5. To provide audio events of sending and receiving messages in the WhatsApp chat rooms, move the right from the name "Sounds in the chat" option to "Enabled".
  6. WhatsApp for Android - Activation Sounds Options in the chat in the settings of the Messenger notification settings

  7. In the field of "Messages":
    • Tap "Sound Notifications", and then select the audio file being played when events in the messenger of the device from occupational in the device's memory.
    • WhatsApp for Android - selection of the sound of notifications in the settings of the messenger

    • Click "Vibration". Then, moving the radio button in the window that opens in different from "Off" Position, adjust the behavior of the device's vibrorshot at the time of the receipt of messages from another participant of VATSAP.
    • WhatsApp for Android - inclusion of vibration accompanying receipt of notifications from the messenger

    • If your device runs running Android 9 and below, an "pop-up notification" item will be available. Touch the name of this option to enable and adjust the display of the messenger of the window-alert over the smartphone screen.
    • WhatsApp for Android - point pop-up notification in the settings of the messenger

    • The "Light" item will allow you to enable the response to events in the messenger of the light indicator, which is located on the device case, as well as select the color of such a signal.
    • WhatsApp for Android - Enable and configure the light indication when notifications received from the messenger

    • The activation of the "Priority Notifications" switch allows you to demonstrate the pop-ups from the messenger at the top of the device screen. If you leave the option off, VATSAP notifications will be located on the screen below the alerts from other programs.
  8. WhatsApp for Android - Enabling Priority Notifications in the Messenger Settings

  9. By adjusting the parameters from the "Group" list similar to the above described list, enable and configure the signals entering your device in the activity of WhatsApp group chat participants.
  10. WhatsApp for Android - setting up notifications for group chats

  11. In the area entitled "Calls":
    • Click "Melody" and select the track using the media available on the device, which will be played when audio and video calls are admitted through the messenger.
    • Whatsapp for Android Selecting a track installed as a ringtone calls from the messenger

    • Tap "Vibration", then select the duration of this type of alert about the incoming call, implemented in your address using VATSAP.
    • Whatsapp for Android Activation and configuration of vibration when admission via the messenger of audio and video calls

  12. Exit "Settings" application. Activation of notifications provided in the messenger means on this completed.

Step 2: Android OS Setup

  1. Go to "Settings" Mobile OS, taping on the appropriate icon on the desktop or the icon in the curtain. From the list of parameters sections that opened in "Notifications". Next, find the item "WhatsApp" in the list of capable of generating application alerts and tap the name of the messenger.

    WhatsApp for Android OS Settings - Notifications - Messenger in Application list

    Another way to open the screen that provides the ability to activate VATSAP notifications:

    • Go to the Operations Settings section called "Appendix", on the next screen, click All Applications.
    • WhatsApp for Android OS Settings - Applications - All Applications

    • Find the messenger in the list of installed on the device, tap it. Next, tap by the name of the "Notifications" module in the list of application parameters.
    • WhatsApp for Android Messenger in the OS settings list - transition to notifications

  2. On the screen that opens, Touch Touch the "Enabled" position located to the right of the name "Show notifications" option.
  3. WhatsApp for Android Activation option Show notifications for the messenger in OS settings

  4. By activating the following six points of the list of alert parameters, you can rather flexibly adjust the receipt of signals about what is happening within your WATSAP events by including notification of individual types.
  5. WhatsApp for Android Activating the notifications of the messenger of various types through the OS settings

  6. Tap in turn: "Group notifications" and "Chat Notifications", activate the "Show notifications" options, as well as if necessary, configure the parameters of the coming from dialogues and group chats of signals.
  7. WhatsApp for Android Enabling the notifications of groups and notifications of the messenger chats through the OS settings

  8. After completing the inclusion of the above options, exit the "settings" android. In the future, notifications from the messenger will be reported on the rules that you installed by following this instruction.
  9. Whatsapp for Android output from OS settings after activating messenger notifications


The process of ensuring all notifications, which are provided for by the creators of WhatsApp for iOS just as in the Android environment, can be divided into two stages, but you should act on the iPhone in the reverse order - first adjust the operating system parameters, and then adjust the messenger.

Step 1: Setting up iOS

  1. Touch the "Settings" icons on the iPhone home screen, scroll through the list of categories of the OS settings and go to "Notifications".
  2. WhatsApp for iPhone Transition to IOS notifications

  3. In the list of installed on iPhone programs, find "WhatsApp" and click on its name.
  4. WhatsApp for iPhone Transition to Configuring Messenger Notifications from IOS Settings

  5. On the screen that opens, activate the on the right of the inscription "tolerance of notifications" switch.
  6. WhatsApp for iPhone Activation Options tolerance of notifications in IOS settings

  7. Set the marks in three checkboxes of the "Warnings" block: "Lock screen", "Center for Notifications", "Banners".
  8. WhatsApp for iPhone Activation of visual notifications from the messenger in the iOS settings

  9. Run below, move to the "enabled" position located to the right of the "sounds" and "stickers" options.
  10. WhatsApp for iPhone Enable sounds and stickers in iOS notification settings

  11. In the "Parameters" block:
    • Touch the "Miniature Show" option, select "Always" in the list that opens so that the alerts from the messenger are demonstrated regardless of whether the iPhone screen is blocked or not.
    • WhatsApp for iPhone Configuring the display of miniature notifications to the messenger in the iOS settings

    • Click "Group" and specify how to be sorted from VatsaP notifications.
    • WhatsApp for iPhone Setting up a grouping of notifications from the messenger on the screen through the IOS parameters

  12. Exit the "IOS settings" and go to configuring the VATSAP program.
  13. WhatsApp for iPhone Exit iOS settings after activating and configuring the notification of the messenger

Step 2: Setting the Messenger

  1. Run the messenger and move to its "settings", taping the icon below the screen below the screen below. Go to the entitled "Notifications" section of the WhatsApp parameters.
  2. WhatsApp for iOS Starting a messenger, transition to settings - Notifications section

  3. Turn to the "Included" position two of the "Show notifications" switches, activating the "Notifications of Messages" and "Group Notifications" in this way.
  4. WhatsApp for iOS activation of options Show notifications in the settings of the messenger

  5. Tapping on the name "Sound" option, determine which melody will be played when events in dialogues and group chats.
  6. WhatsApp for iOS Select the sound of notifications for messages and groups in the settings of the messenger

  7. Click on the name "Application Notifications" option. On the touch screen that opens, by the preferred option, determine the "Warning Style".

    WhatsApp for iOS application notification in the messenger settings - Warning style selection

    Activate "sounds" and "vibration", and then return to the previous screen in the messenger settings.

  8. Whatsapp for iOS notification settings - inclusion of sounds and vibrations

  9. Turn on the "Show miniatures" option.
  10. WhatsApp for iOS Setup Notifications - Enabling Option Show Thumby

  11. On this configuration of the messenger, in order to enable alerts, it is completed, you can move from the "settings" to other sections of the program - now all possible notifications from WhatsApp will be demonstrated in accordance with the order you have installed.
  12. Whatsapp for iOS output from the messenger settings after enabling notifications


The VATSAP program for Windows is as well as mobile service clients, can generate notifications, and to ensure the possibility of obtaining them, you need to perform two uncomplicated operations.

Step 1: Setting the Messenger

  1. Open WhatsApp on the desktop and go to "Settings" of the program

    WhatsApp for Windows Starting Messenger, Calling Main Menu

    From the three-point calls called three points over the list of open dialogs and menu groups.

  2. WhatsApp for Windows Setup item in the main menu of the messenger

  3. From the settings list of the settings list located on the left, open "Notifications".
  4. Whatsapp for Windows Section Notifications in Messenger Settings

  5. Equip three checkboxes: "sounds", "Warnings on the desktop" and "Show miniatures".
  6. WhatsApp for Windows Activation of Notifications of All Types in the Messenger Settings

  7. Exit the messenger settings. At this, the activation of the accompanying activity of participants VATSAP signals is completed.
  8. WhatsApp for Windows Exit from the messenger settings after activating notifications

Step 2: Setting up Windows 10

  1. Without closing (IMPORTANT!) The VATSAP program, open the area displaying on Windows 10, clicking on the most extreme icon on the right of the taskbar.
  2. WhatsApp for PC call notification panel in Windows 10

  3. At the very top of the displayed panel, there is a link "Notifications" reference - click on it.
  4. WhatsApp for PC transition to control notifications in Windows 10

  5. Scroll up the information on the right side of the window that opened,

    WhatsApp for PCs Window Notifications and Actions in Windows 10 parameters

    In the "Receive Notifications from these Applications" list, find the item "WhatsApp".

  6. WhatsApp for PC List to receive notifications from these applications in Windows 10 parameters

  7. Click on the name of the messenger.
  8. WhatsApp for PC transition to control notifications from the messenger in Windows 10 parameters

  9. Move the "Notifications" switch located at the top of the window that opened the window to "On"
  10. WhatsApp for PC Enabling the notifications from the messenger in Windows 10 parameters

  11. Equip Checkboxes "Show notification banners" and "Display notifications in the notification center".
  12. WhatsApp for PC Enabling the banners with notifications from the messenger in Windows 10 parameters

  13. Activate the "Beep when receiving a notification".
  14. WhatsApp for PC Turning on the beep when receiving a notification from the messenger in Windows 10 parameters

  15. Exit "Parameters" Windows 10 and go to the use of VATSAP - now for receipt from the messenger of all possible alerts there are no obstacles.
  16. WhatsApp for PC Exit from the Windows 10 Notifications Center after turning on the alerts from the messenger

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