How to watch and listen to YouTube in the background


How to watch and listen to YouTube in the background

Method 1: YouTube Premium

YouTube Premium is an extended video hosting version that allows you to use additional features, including allowing you to watch video in the background. Consider how to issue a subscription on YouTube in various OS.

Option 1: iOS

The owners of smartphones based on iOS can issue a trial for a month on Youtube Premium. In addition to the background playback, it is possible to watch videos without advertising, download them and access the exclusive content.

Read more: How to arrange YouTube Premium on iOS

Immediately after connecting the paid version, you can run any video and simply fold the application - playback will not stop.

Option 2: Android

The registration of a paid subscription to YouTube will allow you to include any video in the background, as well as use various additional features. The service offers a trial period for a month to familiarize yourself with the work of the Premium version.

Read more: How to arrange YouTube Premium on Android

Method 2: Safari Browser (iOS)

Safari is a pre-installed browser in the IOS operating system. Despite the fact that the developers are talking about the impossibility of viewing YouTube in the background through this application, there are some loopholes for the desired.

  1. Open the Safari browser and enter YouTube in the search bar.
  2. Opening a safari browser to view YouTube in the background on iOS

  3. After downloading the site, tap on the letter icon, which is located on the left side of the address string.
  4. Go to Website YouTube for viewing YouTube in the background on iOS

  5. Select the Desk Website Request.
  6. Request a desktop web browser for viewing YouTube in the background on iOS

  7. Open any video you want to listen in the background.
  8. Select video to view YouTube in the background on iOS

  9. Run it.
  10. Running video to view YouTube in the background on iOS

  11. At this stage, you must block the smartphone by clicking on the power button.
  12. Opening a video full screen and go to sleep mode for viewing YouTube in the background on iOS

  13. The screen will display the Safari panel with control elements.
  14. Running audio from the screen to view YouTube in the background on iOS

  15. After that unlock the phone.
  16. Entering code from the phone to view YouTube in the background on iOS

  17. Open the top drop-down menu. On the iPhone with the "Home" button, the additional menu opens with swipe bottom up.
  18. Opening the drop-down menu to view YouTube in the background on iOS

  19. Press "Play".
  20. View YouTube in the background on iOS

After that, you can also open any other applications, block your smartphone or put for charging. Safari will continue to play video in the background until you close it.

Method 3: Chrome Browser

Officially video hosting YouTube allows video playback in the background only when you subscribe to a paid version. However, using the Google Chrome browser, you can use this feature on any account.

Option 1: iOS

  1. Run the application and go to the YouTube home page via quick access or through the search string.
  2. Running Google Chrome to view YouTube in chrome iOS background

  3. Tap three points in the right bottom.
  4. Transition to settings for viewing YouTube in the background Chrome iOS

  5. Click on the "Full Version" button to exit the mobile version of video hosting.
  6. Switching to the full version to view YouTube in the background Chrome iOS

  7. Select video to view.
  8. Choice video for viewing YouTube in the background Chrome iOS

  9. After starting the roller, block the screen.
  10. Screen lock for viewing YouTube in the background Chrome iOS

  11. Unlock your smartphone and roll the browser.
  12. Enter the password from the phone to view YouTube in the background Chrome iOS

  13. Open the quick settings panel by performing the swipe from the bottom up or top down, depending on the model.
  14. Opening a quick panel for viewing YouTube in chrome iOS background

  15. Click on the "Play" button. The video will be played in the background until you close Google Chrome.
  16. Enabling video to view YouTube in chrome iOS background

Option 2: Android

  1. Open the Google Chrome browser and go to YouTube.
  2. Starting a browser to watch video in the background in Youtube Google Chrome Android

  3. Tap three vertical points in the upper right corner.
  4. Go to the settings for viewing video in the background in Youtube Google Chrome Android

  5. Select "PC version".
  6. Switching to the full version to view the video in the background in Youtube Google Chrome Android

  7. Click on the video that would like to look in the background.
  8. Select video to view video in the background in Youtube Google Chrome Android

  9. Open it in full screen.
  10. Switching to full screen mode to view video in the background in Youtube Google Chrome Android

  11. Block your smartphone using the power button.
  12. Screen Lock To view the video in the background in Youtube Google Chrome Android

  13. Unlock the screen and open the shortcut panel.
  14. Unlocking the screen to view the video in the background in Youtube Google Chrome Android

  15. Tap the "Play" button.
  16. Running video to view video in the background in Youtube Google Chrome Android

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