How to block artist in Spotify


How to block artist in Spotify

Option 1: Mobile application

Despite the fact that the spots is a cross-platform service, there are some differences in applications for different platforms. So, who is interested in us in the framework of this article, the ability to directly block the performer is the "chip" of mobile clients for iOS and Android. In each of them, the task is solved equally.

  1. In any convenient way, locate the artist's page that you want to block. To do this, you can use the search,

    Go to search in Spotify application for iPhone

    Go to it through the menu called from the playlist

    Go to the performer from playlist in the Spotify application for iPhone

    or through the player.

  2. Go to the artist's page through the player in the Spotify application for iPhone

  3. Next, tap on three points located on the right of the "Subscribe" button.

    Calling the menu on the artist page in the Spotify application for iPhone

    The location of these items on the iPhone and Android, as well as on small devices (4-5 ") and a large (5.5" and higher) diagonal may differ, but they look equally.

  4. Calling the menu on the artist page in the Spotify application for Android

  5. On the iPhone, select "Block this artist".

    Block this artist in the Spotify application for iPhone

    On Android - "Do not include".

  6. Do not include this artist in the Spotify application for Android

    Make sure that the blocking is successfully applied by the notification and the icon to which the subscription button will be changed.

    Applying lock to the Contractor in the Spotify application for iPhone

    Also, the menu item will change to "include the tracks of this artist" and "Allow it" on iPhone and Android, respectively.

    The result of blocking the performer and the ability to remove it in the Spotify application for iPhone and Android

    Advice: If you didn't like a specific track, it can be hidden separately, without blocking the artist - it is enough to tap along the corresponding button in the player or contact the called from the list or the menu player and select the appropriate item. True, this feature is available only for the personal selection of the "opening of the week" and "Radar of the Newcomers".

    Ability to hide a separate track in the Spotify application for iPhone

    The blocking will not be shown in the program for the PC and the web version of the Stregnation Service, however will have a proper effect - the tracks that did not like the artist you will no longer fall into the recommendation.

Option 2: PC Program

Unlike the Mobile Applications Spotify, where you can block absolutely any artist, in the desktop version of the service, this feature is available only for the authors of those compositions that fall into the weekly playlists "Radar Newcomes" and "Opening of the Week". It is difficult to name logical, since these selection is largely focused on the taste of the user, but only they can hide the tracks, which allows you to solve the task of interest to us.

  1. In the Appendix Speed ​​for PCs, go to the Radar News Playlist or "Opening of the Week" and hover the cursor to the musical composition, which is required to block - on the right there will be a small button with a view of the crossed circle. This can be done through the playlist if the track is currently played.
  2. Ability to hide tracks in the desktop version of Spotify

  3. Click on the designated button and select the "I don't like * the name of the artist *".
  4. The ability to lock the artist in the desktop version of Spotify

  5. The track blocked by you will be hidden, he will no longer fall into personal recommendations and will not play in current lists. In playlists, such compositions look like this:
  6. Blocked tracks in the playlist in the desktop version of Spotify

    Unfortunately, the actions described above cannot be called effective by 100%. So, if different from the personal, but listening to the playlists (that is, any independently created and / or represented on the Stringing platform) will come across blocked authors and / or individual tracks, they will still be reproduced. The only solution in this case remains the transition to the next composition.

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