How to change the language in windows 7


how to change the language in windows 7

Method 1: Installing the Language Package

For the editors of the "seven" corporate (Enterprise) and the maximum (Ultimate), it is possible to install additional language packs that can be obtained on the official Microsoft resource. All nuances change the language of the system with the help of this method considered one of our authors, so not to repeat, simply give a reference to the corresponding material.

Read more: Setting the language pack in Windows 7

Changing the language in Windows 7 by setting the language pack

Method 2: Vistalizator

The owners of Windows versions 7 home and professional is less lucky - these editions do not support the official installation of updates with new languages. However, enthusiasts found a workaround and created their own solution to our task called Vistalizator.

The official site of Vistalizator.

  1. First, you first executable the program file - click on the link with its name.
  2. Load the utility to change the language in Windows 7 by means of Vistalizator

  3. You will also need to download MUI package with the required language - for example, Russian. To do this, scroll to the "Download Windows MUI Language Pack (S)" block, then use the link that corresponds to the bit and editors of your OS.

    Download additional language packs to change the language in Windows 7 by Vistalizator

    A list of languages ​​will open, click on the download for interest.

    Get a package to change the language in Windows 7 through Vistalizator

    After the download is completed, move the resulting file to the Vistalizator folder.

  4. Move the required files to change the language in Windows 7 by Vistalizator

  5. After all the preparations, run the EXE file of the program. At the start, it will offer to search for updates - there are no longer foreseen, so boldly press "no".
  6. Refuse to receive updates utilities for changing the language in Windows 7 through Vistalizator

  7. When the program flashes the interface, click on the "Add Languages ​​..." button.

    Get started with utility to change the language in Windows 7 through Vistalizator

    In the "Explorer" dialog box, select the 2 pack downloaded in step.

  8. Open downloaded package to change the language in Windows 7 by Vistalizator

  9. Wait until the valitor converts it to his format, after which the "Install Language" button will be available in another separate window.
  10. Start installing a package to change the language in Windows 7 through Vistalizator

  11. The process of installing the language package takes quite a long time, so be patient.
  12. The process of installing a package for changing the language in Windows 7 by Vistalizator

  13. At the end of the installation, click "Yes" to display the interface in the new language.

    Take a change in the interface to change the language in Windows 7 by Vistalizator

    Next click "OK" and restart the computer to apply changes.

  14. Start a reboot after changing the language in Windows 7 through Vistalizator

  15. After rebooting, the new language will be set by default.
  16. The results of the utility after changing the language in Windows 7 through Vistalizator

    This method is convenient and practical, from the official differs only by the method of setting the linguistic package.

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