How to change the computer address of the computer with Windows 7


How to change the computer address of the computer with Windows 7

Important! Further manipulations can interfere with the operation of the computer's network equipment and access to the Internet, so perform them at your own risk!

Method 1: Network Card Driver

In the system of some solutions, there are built-in tools for replacing the existing MAC address for arbitrary. This is done as follows:
  1. It will take to start the "Device Manager": Use the Win + R combination to call the "Run" snap, then write in the DevmGMT.msc text box and click OK.

    Method 2: System Registry

    An alternative to the above method will be the replacement of the MAC address through the registry.

    1. Open the "Run" tool as in step 1 of the previous way, only now the request will be REGEDIT.

      Method 3: third-party software

      You can solve the task and using third-party software. As such, we will use TechniTium Mac Address Changer.

      Download TechniTium Mac Address Changer from the official website

      1. Run the program. At the top there is a list of recognized network cards - select the desired and tick on the left of the name.
      2. Select the adapter to change the MAC address in Windows 7 through the TechniTium Mac Adress Changer

      3. Now refer to the "Change Mac Address" parameters, they are located in the lower left corner. There are two methods for replacing the sequence, the first to generate and set a random, for which you should use the "Random Mac Address" button.

        Set random value to change the MAC address in Windows 7 through the Technitium Mac Adress Changer

        The second option is to enter the address manually: click on the string noted on the screenshot and suck the new value.

      4. Enter the value manually to change the MAC address in Windows 7 through the Technitium Mac ADRESS CHANGER

      5. Use the Change Now button to apply.

        Apply settings to change the MAC address in Windows 7 through the TechniTium Mac Adress Changer

        Next, click "OK".

      6. Successful change of MAC addresses in Windows 7 through TechniTium Mac Adress Changer

      7. If you need to return the original identifier, click "Restore Original".
      8. Restore the original value after changing the MAC address in Windows 7 through the TechniTium Mac Adress Changer

        The reviewed program works immaculately, so we recommend using it.

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