How to get out of Google Account for Android


How to get out of Google Account for Android

Method 1: Android settings

In all versions and any version of Android, to exit Google Account and simultaneous dislocation of devices from this account, a special section of the "settings" of the operating system is used.

  1. Any familiar method (icon on the desktop or application menu, icon in the system curtain) Open the "Settings" android.
  2. Android transition to operating system settings

  3. Scroll through the list of device parameters, find the "Account" section ("Accounts and Synchronization") and go to it.
  4. Android Section Accounts and Synchronization in the operating system settings

  5. Click on the Google account-related Gmail email address from which you are going to exit.
  6. Android Go to deleting a google account from the device

  7. As a result, the screen will open from which the removal function is called from the device. Access to it can be organized in different ways:
    • Click on the Delete Account button.
    • Android button Delete Google account in Accounts and Synchronization OS Settings

    • If a list of synchronized with the Google type of information cloud is displayed, the tap is most often at the top on the right three points, call the "More" menu, select "Delete Account" item.
    • Android screen Synchronization in OS settings - Call Menu More - Deleting Google Account

  8. Confirm your intentions: Click "Delete Account" under the requested system received from the system, and then, if required, "OK" is notified to disable protection.
  9. Android Confirmation of the deletion of Google Account from the device when you exit OS settings

  10. On this, everything is now to access Google services from Android-devices, you will need authorization in the remote from it as a result of the execution of the steps above or other accounts belonging to you.

    Read more: Entrance to Google Account on Android Device

  11. Android exit from Google Account on the device is successful

Method 2: Browser (remotely)

In the widest list of the possibilities of the Google ecosystem, there is a means that allows you to exit an account on a particular device, even if it is not in the physical user access. You can use the specified function through any web browser - in the example further demonstrated work on the desktop, but you can also use a mobile browser running on the exactly where you need to get out of the Google account, the device.

  1. By clicking on the following link in the browser, open the webpage.

    Google Account Management Webpie

  2. Log in to the system by providing it with a login and password from the Google account to be removed from Android-devices.

    Read more: Log in to Google Account from Computer

  3. Google Account - Authorization on account

  4. From the menu on the left of the opened web page with the profile data or by clicking on the corresponding tab at its top, go to the "Security" options.
  5. Google Account Transition to Safety Safety Web Page Profile

  6. Scroll down information down

    Section Security on Google webpage Account

    Find the "Your Devices" block and click on the "Device Management".

  7. Google Account Web Page Profile - Section Security - Block Your Devices - Device Management

  8. In the displayed list "Devices on which you entered the account", find the demonstrate model and other device data, where you need to exit from the account, the area, click on it "More ...".
  9. Google account account - Link Read more in the area with Android-device from the list of the device where you entered the account

  10. Click on the "Exit" button located below the Android device.

    Google account button Exit on a web page with data tied to Device account

    Then confirm the request received from the system.

  11. Google account confirmation of output from an account on a remote device when performing operation through the service website

  12. On this, the output operation of the Google account is deleted, is considered completed - click "OK" under the confirmation of this fact open in the web page browser.
  13. Exit from Google Account at the remote Android device is successful

  14. On the android device, with respect to which the above manipulations were conducted, a notification was displayed about the exit from the Corporation "Corporation". The services requiring access to the Google account will be inaccessible on a mobile device until re-authorization.
  15. Android The consequences of an exit website from Google Account on the device

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