How to transfer music from Yandex to Spotify


How to transfer music from Yandex to Spotify

Method 1: Soundiiz

First of all, we consider one of the most advanced online services, providing the possibility of transferring music from one cutting platform to another and supporting Yandex.Music.

SOUNDIIZ service home page

  1. Go to the site presented above and log in. To do this, you need to enter your username and password or, if so, do not yet, register. It is also possible to log in with Google, Facebook, Apple and Twitter accounts. As an example, we use the first.
  2. Entry options to transfer Soundiiz music in a browser on a PC

  3. Select Google account to which you want to enter.

    Select Google account for authorization in Soundiiz music transfer service in a PC browser

    Or, if not yet connected to the browser, specify your login

    Sign in with Google To transfer music from VKontakte to Spotify through Soundiiz service in browser

    And the password, both times pressing the "Next" button.

  4. Enter Google Password to transfer music from VKontakte to Spotify through Soundiiz service in browser

  5. Once on the main page Soundiiz, click "Forward".
  6. Connecting music platforms to the Soundiiz music transfer service in a PC browser

  7. In the list of available services, locate Yandex.Musku and click on the Connect button.
  8. Connect to Yandex.Music in the Soundiiz music transfer service in a PC browser

  9. Enter the login and password from your Yandex account in a separate browser window, which will be open, and click "Connect" again.
  10. Entering data from the Yandex account in the Soundiiz music transfer service in a PC browser

  11. Perform the same action with Spotify, first selecting it.
  12. Connect to Spotify in the Soundiiz music transfer service in a PC browser

  13. Then logged in in its account and providing the necessary permissions by pressing the "Accept" button.
  14. Take the Conditions for connecting Spotify in the Soundiiz music transfer service in the PC browser

  15. Immediately after that you will be taken to the page with playlists. Find the one that you want to transfer from Yandex.Mussels into spots, call it menu (three points to the right) and select "Convert to ...".
  16. Choosing and transformation of playlist from Yandex.Music in Spotify on Soundiiz website in browser on PC

  17. Optionally, change the name of the playlist, add a description to it, and then click "Save Configuration".
  18. First step in the playlist setting from Yandex.Music in Spotify on Soundiiz website in the browser on PC

  19. Confirm the track list by studying the list of songs, and, if you need, remove unnecessary from it - for this, remove the tick in the field on the right. To go to the next step, use the "Confirm" button.
  20. The second step in the playlist setting from Yandex.Music in Spotify on Soundiiz website in the browser on PC

  21. Select the target platform - "Spotify".
  22. The third step in the playlist setting from Yandex.Music in Spotify on the Soundiiz website in the browser on PC

  23. Expect until the transformation is completed.
  24. Playlist transformation from Yandex.Music in Spotify on Soundiiz website in browser on PC

  25. As a result, you will see the following notice. It is possible that in the course of exporting errors will arise. Often this is due to the lack of a track in the library of the "receiving" service or differences in metadata.
  26. Successful transformation of playlist from Yandex.Music in Spotify on Soundiiz website in a browser on PC

    We recommend to see this list and either save it in the form of a CSV file, or to make a screenshot - it will help to find the missing tracks manually, which we will tell in the last part of the article.

    Error during the transformation of the playlist from Yandex.Music in Spotify on the Soundiiz website in the browser on PC

    If you click on the "Show" button, transferred from Yandex.Mussels to the spots of the playlist will be opened on the service website.

    View transferred playlist from Yandex.Music to Spotify on Soundiiz website in a browser on PC

    He will appear in the program and mobile applications.

View transferred playlist from Yandex.Music in Spotify program for PC

If you want to transfer album via Soundiiz or individual tracks, do the following:

  1. On the sidebar of the service, go to the appropriate section. Find there the desired item saved in the Yandex library, call the menu and select "Convert to ...".
  2. Selection of album for transfer from Yandex.Music to Spotify on Soundiiz website in a PC browser

  3. Next click on the Spotify logo.
  4. Selection of a platform for the transfer of album from Yandex.Music to Spotify on Soundiiz website in a PC browser

  5. Wait until the conversion is completed and read it with its results.
  6. Successful transfer of album from Yandex.Music to Spotify on Soundiiz website in a browser on PC

    Soundiiz, as we said at the very beginning, perfectly copes with the task of exporting playlists, but the service is not deprived of the shortcomings. Thus, in its free version, at a time you can transfer no more than one list consisting of no more than 200 tracks. These restrictions can be removed if the Premium subscription is issued, which, among other things, provides the ability to synchronize data.

Method 2: YandextOSPotify

There is also a much simpler (in all senses) the solution of our task is a web service with a single function designed by the enthusiast specifically for the transfer of the library from Yandex.Mussels in spots on the eve of the output of the latter on the domestic market. All that will be required for this is a reference to a playlist, which must be open.

HomeSextospotify service home page

  1. First, open your account on Yandex.Musca and go to the "My Collection" section (or to the Collection tab in Mobile Appendix).
  2. Transition to my collection on Yandex.Music website in a browser on PC

  3. Next, open the section with playlists

    Switch to the search for playlist on the Yandex.Music website in the browser on PC

    And select the one you want to transfer to spots.

    Search Playlist for transfer from Yandex.Mussels in Spotify in a browser on a PC

    It may be the list "I like" or any other. Mouse over to it the cursor pointer, click on the Share button and select the "Copy link" item.

  4. Copy the link to the favorite playlist to transfer from Yandex.Mussels in Spotify in the browser on PC

  5. Use the reference presented at the beginning of the instruction to open the YandextOSPotify service. Insert the playlist address in the previous step into the search string and click on the "Transfer" button.
  6. Insert Links to the liked playlist for transferring from Yandex.Mussels in Spotify in a browser on a PC

  7. If you need, log in to your Spotify account, after which provide the service required permissions by clicking "accepting" on the page with their list.
  8. Authorized a playlist for transfer to transfer from Yandex.Mussels to Spotify in a PC browser

  9. Expect the export procedure to be completed, and then read its results. On this page you can see how many tracks were transferred, as well as a list of those not found. We recommend to keep it, then try to find yourself and add spotify to your library.
  10. The result of the transfer of the playlist from Yandex.Mussels in Spotify in a browser on a PC

    If you open a program or Mobile application Spotify, you will see a transferred playlist in the appropriate section.

    View transferred playlist from Yandex.Mussels in the Spotify program in a browser on a PC

    Similarly, using YandexTospotify, you can transfer albums and individual tracks, but it is much better to use the search provided for in Spotify.

Method 3: Musconv

In addition to specialized online services that provide the possibility of transferring playlists with one cutting platform to another, there is also a software for the PC. The use of the brightest, although not devoid of flaws, consider the representative of this segment further.

Download MusConV program from the official site

  1. Navigate to the official service website using the link above, and click on the button corresponding to the Windows or MacOS installed on your PC.
  2. Download Muscon program to transfer a library from Yandex.Mussels in Spotify in a browser on a PC

  3. Specify the place to save the installation file and click "Save".
  4. Save Muscon program to transfer a library from Yandex.Mussels in Spotify on PC

  5. When you finish the download, run it. Click "Next" in the Installer window,

    Start installation of the Muscon program for transfer of the library from Yandex.Mussels in Spotify on PC

    Then "Install".

    Install the Muscon program to transfer a library from Yandex.Mussels in Spotify on PC

    Expect until the procedure is completed

    Installing the Muscon program to transfer the library from Yandex.Mussels in Spotify on PC

    Then click "Close" to close the window.

  6. Completion of the Musconv installation program for the transfer of the library from Yandex.Mussels in Spotify on PC

  7. Run the MusConV installed application, for example, finding its label in the Start menu.
  8. Launch Muscon program to transfer a library from Yandex.Mussels in Spotify on PC

  9. In the main window, instead of authorization, the license key will be prompted. If you have it, do it if not - you still click "Log In".
  10. First authorization in the Musconv program to transfer music from Yandex.Mussels in Spotify on PC

  11. On the sidebar of the program, find the Yandex Music logo and click on it.
  12. Selection of the source service in the Muscon program to transfer the library from Yandex.Mussels in Spotify on PC

  13. Enter the login and password from your account, then click "Login".
  14. Input login and password in the Musconv program for the transfer of the library from Yandex.Mussels in Spotify on PC

  15. Wait until the scan is completed, after which you will see a list of your open playlists from Yandex.Muski in the main window of Musconv.
  16. Available playlists in the Musconv program for the transfer of the library from Yandex.Mussels in Spotify on PC

  17. Select one or those that you want to transfer to Spotify by setting to the right of their tick names, then click the TRANSFER button at the bottom.
  18. Choose playlists in the Muscon program to transfer a library from Yandex.Mussels in Spotify on PC

  19. In the list that opens, select Speed.
  20. The choice of the target platform in the Musconv program to transfer the library from Yandex.Mussels in Spotify on PC

  21. Wait for the completion of exports.
  22. The work of the program Musconv is the transfer of the library from Yandex.Mussels in Spotify on PC

    Note! In the free version of MusConv there is a limit on the number of portable tracks that can be removed if you make one of the available subscriptions. The latter also opens access to a number of other functions and supports over 30 services.

    Notification of limitations of the free version of Musconv when transferring a library from Yandex.Muski in Spotify on PC

    If you open the Spotify tab (its demo version), you can see that from the three playlists selected by us, only one was transferred.

    Demonstration of limitations of the free version of Musconv when transferring a library from Yandex.Muski in Spotify on PC

    At the same time, all of them are added to the service, but the first two are empty,

    Empty playlist in the free version of Musconv when transferring a library from Yandex.Mussels in Spotify on PC

    And only the third contains all the compositions.

    Transferred playlist in the free version of Musconv when transferred to the library from Yandex.Mussels in Spotify on PC

    The Musconv program copes with the transfer of playlists from Yandex.Mussels into spots, but only in cases where you need to transfer a small number of tracks or if you are ready to pay for it. Export albums and tracks it does not allow.

Method 4: Spotiapp

Another solution to our task is a SpotiaPP mobile application, which, like the YandextOSPotify website, was created by user-enthusiasts on the eve of the launch of Spotify in Russia. It works on a fairly interesting algorithm - the transfer of playlists is carried out primarily by their screenshots, but for Yandex.Mushes is available for exporting data on the link. That is, as in the above case, the playlist should be open.

Note! The service will add songs to the list "Favorite tracks", and not in a separate playlist to spots. Someone will probably take it as dignity, but it will seem to be a significant disadvantage.

Download SpotiaPP from App Store

Download Spotiapp from Google Play Market

  1. Taking advantage of the link above, the corresponding OS of your mobile device, set the application on it and run.
  2. Install and open Spotiapp on iPhone and Android

  3. On the welcome screen, click on the "Go to Spotify" button.

    Go through Spotify in the Spotiapp application on iPhone and Android

    Enter the login and password from your account and confirm authorization.

    Enter a login and password for authorization in Spotify through the Spotiapp application on iPhone and Android

    Check out the requested permissions and provide them,

    Permissions requested in Spotify Application Spotiapp on iPhone and Android

    Tapping "I accept".

  4. Provide permissions requested from Spotify Application on iPhone and Android

  5. Touch the "+" button in the SpotiaPP window.
  6. Go to the export of playlists in Spotify through the Spotiapp application on iPhone and Android

  7. If you are going to carry playlists in screenshots, "Allow access to all photos" app.
  8. Allow access to all photos app Spotiapp on iPhone and Android

  9. Next, you can act one of two ways.

    Export by reference

    • Run the Yandex.Music application on your smartphone and go to the "Collection" tab.
    • Open tab Collection in Yandex.Music application on iPhone and Android

    • Open the "Playlists" section.
    • Open your playlists in Yandex.Music application on iPhone and Android

    • Find in it the one you want to transfer to the spots

      Search Playlist to transfer to Spotify from Yandex.Music application on iPhone and Android

      And call it menu, taping on three horizontal points to the right of the name.

    • Calling a playlist menu to transfer to Spotify from Yandex.Music application on iPhone and Android

    • Touch the Share button

      Share playlist for transfer to Spotify from Yandex.Music application on iPhone and Android

      And select "Copy" in the Action menu.

    • Copy link to playlist to transfer to Spotify from Yandex.Music application on iPhone and Android

    • Return to SpeotiaPP and click "Paste",

      Insert a copied link to the playlist to transfer to Spotify from Yandex.Music application on iPhone and Android

      And then "Start Search".

    • Start searching songs to transfer to Spotify from Yandex.Music application on iPhone and Android

    • Wait until the scanning procedure is completed.
    • Stroke of searching songs to transfer to Spotify from Yandex.Music application on iPhone and Android

    • Check out its results and tap on the inscription "Transfer to Spotify".
    • Transfer to Spotify playlist from Yandex.Musca application in Spotiapp application on iPhone and Android

    • If desired, thank the developers, posing Storsis in Instagram.
    • Thank the developers of the Spotiapp application on iPhone and Android

    Export by screenshots

    • Open Yandex.Musca and go to the playlist, album or arbitrary list of tracks that are planning to transfer to spots.
    • Choosing a playlist in Yandex.Music to transfer to Spotify through the Spotiapp application on iPhone and Android

    • Make it screenshots.

      Make a screenshot playlist in Yandex.Music to transfer to Spotify through the Spotiapp application on iPhone and Android

      See also: How to take a screen shot on iPhone and Android

    • Next, go back to Speotiapp and click on the button "+" in its main window.
    • Adding a playlist from Yandex.Music to transfer to Spotify through the Spotiapp application on iPhone and Android

    • Choose the screenshots made - they will be shown in the preview area - marking them with checklocks. If necessary, you can use the "Open Gallery" item.
    • Adding screenshots of the playlist from Yandex.Music to transfer to Spotify through the SpotiaPP application on iPhone and Android

    • Note the desired images, tap on the "Scan Screenshots" item.
    • Scan the screenshots of the playlist from Yandex.Music to transfer to Spotify through the Spotiapp application on iPhone and Android

    • Expect until the recognition is completed.
    • Waiting for a playlist scan from Yandex.Music to transfer to Spotify through the SpotiaPP application on iPhone and Android

    • Then read its results and tap the inscription below to move to Spotify.
    • Transfer playlist from Yandex.Music to transfer to Spotify through the Spotiapp application on iPhone and Android

      Opening the list of "Favorite Tracks" in your Mediator Spotify,

      Open playlist favorite tracks in the Spotify application on iPhone and Android

      You will see the moved tracks.

    Favorite tracks transferred from Yandex.Mussels in the Spotify app on iPhone and Android

  10. As in the previous cases, some of them may not be transferred, but in addition to this Spotiapp sometimes creates another problem - apparently, the service incorrectly recognizes some names, which carries out completely different tracks of other performers.

    Incorrectly recognized tracks in the Spotify application on iPhone and Android

    Faced with this, do not forget to remove the mark "I like", if this is really not the composition you are. We also recommend maintaining screenshots to find and add content to your librah, which has not been exported to your library. Just about it and it will be discussed.

Method 5: Independent Adding

In some cases, instead of automatic transfer of music, it may be necessary to resort to its independent addition. Consider more available options.

If your media library is small in Yandex.Music, you can add it to the spots manually using the search function. Among other things, this method is good for cases when it is required to transfer individual albums and tracks, as well as when the services discussed above performed export with errors. The latter, as you know, are often associated not related to the lack of musical compositions service, but with differences in their metadata, first of all, in the title.

Note: The Spotify library is the largest among the cutting services and accurately exceeds the size of such in Yandex.Music, so it is unlikely that available in the last tracks will be absent in the first, at least, if we are not interested in domestic performers of past decades.

  1. Run spots and refer to the search.

    Transition to the search for performers, albums and compositions in Spotify on PC

    In mobile applications for iOS and Android, this provides a separate tab.

  2. Using Search Function in Mobile Application Spotify

  3. Enter the name of the artist or the title of the track you want to add to your library or which was not transferred with one of the specialized services. Go to his page.
  4. Go to the page found artist in Spotify program for PC

  5. If this is an artist, whose creativity you like, subscribe to it to get more personalized recommendations and do not miss new items.

    Subscribe to Artist in the Spotify program for PC

    Scroll down the page down.

  6. View the page found artist in Spotify program for PC

  7. Find the album, EP, Single or the track you want to add to your library. Call it with the menu by clicking on three points, and select "Add to Medics".
  8. Adding a performer album to the Spotify program for PC

    Please note that all the executor releases on its page are represented in order from the last to the first one, and first go full-format albums, and then EP and singles.

    Another way to add to the album to the artist album in the Spotify program for PC

    Even below are playlists - it can be both the playlists created by the author and those in which he participated is and joint projects. All of them can also be added to themselves.

    Adding a performer playlist to the Spotify program for PC

Option 2: Music Loading

Some albums and / or tracks, and that and all the work of this or that artist may be absent in spots. The only solution in this case, in addition to the obvious and low-key expectation, is an independent download of files to the service. So, if you have the necessary songs on your computer, you can add them to the program, then create a separate playlist or somewhat such and synchronize with a mobile device. You can learn more about this procedure and all associated nuances from the article presented according to the following link.

Read more: How to upload music in Spotify

Creating a playlist with your music in the Spotify application for PC

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