How to change the font in Vatsape


How to change the font in Vatsape

Option 1: Monoshyry Font

Consideration of opportunities to change the appearance of the text of the text sent via any option WhatsApp (for Android, iOS and Windows) messages will begin with the most rarely used users of the messenger - writing fragments or all the departure of monosine font. As a result of the application of this design, it turns out a fairly interesting effect - the signs of signs and symbols becomes the same width. Actions suggesting the achievement of the indicated result allow you to study simple formatting algorithms sent vatsap texts.

Method 1: Special Single

  1. In the messenger, write a message to the text you want to apply formatting.
  2. Whatsapp Introduction Messages in Messenger

  3. Install the cursor at the beginning of the message emitted by the monosine font and enter the "Apostrof" symbol three times.
  4. Whatsapp Entering a special symbol to change the font of the message at the beginning of the text fragment

  5. Next, go to the end of the formatted set of characters and type '' 'again.
  6. Whatsapp Entering special characters to change the font of the message at the end of the text fragment

  7. Similarly, in the same way, other fragments of the message, which should be written different from standard fonts, are similarly described.
  8. Whatsapp Changing the font of several text message fragments

  9. Send a message - In a moment you and your interlocutor will be able to estimate the result of the manipulations in their messengers.
  10. Whatsapp Sending a message, the text of which was formatted through the messenger

Method 2: Context Menu

In addition to entering special characters, indicating that the text fragment must be formatted, change the appearance of the font of the message sent via whatsapp is possible using the context menu. Despite the fact that it is more convenient, this technique without reservations can only be used by iPhone users - the ones demonstrated further in the Messenger on the computer, and, in addition, the interface element involved in the following instructions is not available in all the options of Android OS.

  1. Write, but do not send a message to Vatsap. Select a fragment of the text to which you need to apply formatting.

    Read more: How to highlight text in Messenger WhatsApp

  2. Whatsapp Selection of a text fragment message for formatting

  3. After installing the "backlight" in relation to the set of characters from the messenger generated to send to send, the context menu will automatically display the context menu. Further:
    • If you use whatsapp on the iPhone, scroll through the list of options, click on the "BIU" item. Then, once again by srolling the list, select "Monoshyry".
    • WhatsApp on the iPhone Changing the font of the message fragment using the context menu (monosular)

    • In the Android environment, in the context menu, press three points, scroll through the opening list of possible actions, find the "monoshyry" and click on the name of this option.
    • WhatsApp for Android - Formatting the text of the message using the context menu (monosular font)

  4. Change the font of other text fragments if necessary, and then initiate sending messages.
  5. Whatsapp Sending a message whose text was formatted

Option 2: Fat font

Perhaps the most informative change in the font in Vatsap is the allocation of individual fragments or the entire text of the message transmitted through the messenger. It is easy to implement such a design if the formatting menu and / or you know what kind of specialist - "Star" (*) is available - it is necessary to put in the beginning or end of the set of signs to which the effect applies.

Read more: Decor text messaging WhatsApp bold font

Whatsapp Writing messages with bold font in messenger

Option 3: Receded font

Quite often, inserting different meaning into the result, WhatsApp users write messages and / or individual words and phrases of them with a curtain font. If you need to make a message transmitted through the messenger in the specified manner, use the Tilda specialist (~) to be installed at the beginning and end of the text fragment of the text. In addition, on most mobile devices, the formatting menu is available, from where you can call the "Crosted" option.

Read more: Applying crawling to the message text in WhatsApp

Whatsapp How to write a message in messenger crossed font

Option 4: italics

Another empty effect available in Watzap, which each messenger user can apply to the text of their messages - it is italic. To after sending a message, its text is completely or partially written in oblique font, act on the algorithms presented above the algorithms presented above - specify the system formatted fragment by installing at the beginning and end of the "emphasis" symbol (_), or call the appropriate option from the context menu if it is available in your messenger.

Read more: Decor text messages in WhatsApp italics

Whatsapp Writing Message Fragments in Messenger King

Option 5: Undressing

Make a font in sent via whatsapp of the message with underlined means of the messenger, that is, using the formatting methods described above in this material, it will not work - this possibility is not provided for by the developers. However, by setting the goal to emphasize this or that fragment of the message or its entire text, to achieve a more or less acceptable result, it is still possible to refer to one of the specialized Internet services.

Read more: Text underscore in Messenger WhatsApp

Whatsapp How to emphasize the text of the message transmitted through the messenger

Option 6: Combining effects

Inappropriate change in the font of the text message Whatsapp shows can be applied to the same text fragment not in a single face. That is, to issue a word, phrase, a sentence or everything transmitted through the messenger of the message, for example, fat and at the same time curtailed, inclined and emphasized font is possible, alternately applying effects. An exception here is a monoshyrrine font - the set of letters and signs allocated to them will not additionally transform.

Whatsapp Sharing effects to the text of the text transmitted through the message messenger

Tip: If you need to use an upset, it should be implemented in the messenger first, before using others available in Whatsapp text formatting types of text messages.

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