How to create a text document in Windows 7


How to create a text document in Windows 7

Method 1: Context Menu "Explorer"

The easiest method of creating a text document in Windows 7 is to use the context menu "Explorer". As you know, there is a separate function called "Create", which will be needed to use, and the whole process is as follows:

  1. Right-click on an empty place in any folder or even on the desktop. After the menu appears, Mouse over to "Create".
  2. Calling the Create menu to create a text document through the context menu of the conductor in Windows 7

  3. Another menu is displayed, where the "Text Document" item should be selected.
  4. Select the option to create a text document through the context menu of the conductor in Windows 7

  5. Set the name for it and press ENTER to apply it. Now you can double click on the left mouse file to open it.
  6. Go to editing a text document after creating a conductor in Windows 7 through the context menu

  7. Change the contents and save all changes via the "File" menu or using the Ctrl + S key.
  8. Editing a text document after creating through the context menu of the conductor in Windows 7

Similarly, you can create an unlimited number of text documents, edit them, send to other users or use for your own purposes.

Method 2: Notepad Program

When considering the previous way, you should have noticed that by default the created text document opens through the Notepad application in which it is further edited. Accordingly, you can do without the context menu of the "Explorer", just running this software and starting editing.

  1. Open the Start menu and press the left mouse button on the search field.
  2. Challenge of Search Search for Starting Notepad when creating a text document in Windows 7

  3. Enter the name of the application and run it through the search results.
  4. Starting a notepad for creating a text document in Windows 7

  5. Start entering or insert a pre-copied text.
  6. Enter the contents for creating a text document through a notebook in Windows 7

  7. Upon completion, call the File menu and select "Save". Instead, you can apply the standard keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S.
  8. Go to saving a text document after creating via Notepad in Windows 7

  9. In the save window, specify the path where you want to place the file, then set the name and confirm the action.
  10. Enter the name for a text document after creating via Notepad in Windows 7

If you wish, this application can be removed at the desktop at all or secure on the taskbar.

Method 3: WordPad

WordPad is a more advanced version of the text editor discussed above, which is also installed by default in Windows 7 and is suitable for creating a document. The algorithm of actions is practically not changing.

  1. Through the same menu "Start", find WordPad and run this program. If your shortcut is located on your desktop, you can use it to open software.
  2. Starting a text editor to create a document in Windows 7

  3. Start Edit the document using the available options using the toolbar from above.
  4. Using a standard text editor to create a document in Windows 7

  5. Open the menu and select "Save". Already familiar combination Ctrl + S here also functions normally.
  6. Go to saving a text document after editing in Windows 7

  7. In mandatory, expand the "File Type" menu, if the standard RTF is not suitable.
  8. Opening the menu to select format in the Windows 7 text editor

  9. Specify the appropriate extension, and then enter the name of the document and select a suitable location.
  10. Selecting a text document format in the standard Windows 7 editor

Method 4: "Command String"

The method that will not suit all users due to the specifics of the implementation is associated with the use of the "command line". With it, you can create a text document anywhere and immediately edit its contents.

  1. To begin with, find the "Command Line" itself.
  2. Search for a command line to create a text document in Windows 7

  3. Run it on behalf of the administrator so that when using the command does not have any access problems.
  4. Run a command line to create a text document in Windows 7

  5. Enter the COPY CON C: \ File.txt, where C: \ is the location of the file, and the file.txt is the text document itself. Press Enter to confirm the command.
  6. Team to create a text document through the console in Windows 7

  7. An empty string appears where you can immediately enter letters and numbers that will be placed in a file. However, consider that Cyrillic is not supported with this editing.
  8. Enter the contents of a text document through the Windows 7 console

  9. Once you entered all the text, press Ctrl + Z to exit the document.
  10. Exit a text document through the console after its creation in Windows 7

  11. Re-press ENTER to confirm the operation. If a new line appeared "Copied files: 1, it means that all actions were performed correctly.
  12. Confirmation of a text document saving after its creation through the console in Windows 7

  13. Go to the previously specified path and find the same document there.
  14. Running a text document after it is created through the console in Windows 7

  15. Open it and make sure that the content is displayed correctly.
  16. Checking a text document after it is created through the console in Windows 7

Method 5: third-party text editors

Almost all users know that there are third-party text editors from independent developers who also allow creating various documents and have a huge set of auxiliary tools. Sometimes they are much better than standard funds, so we advise you to get acquainted with the list of such software in a separate article on our website, and the principle of interaction with them is practically what has been shown in the WordPad method.

Read more: Text editors for Windows

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