Srttrail.txt not boot into Windows 10


Srttrail.txt not boot into Windows 10

Note! In each method, this article uses the boot drive with the recorded operating system Windows 10. Complete information on how to create it, is available at the link below.

Details: Creating a bootable USB drive with UEFI Windows 10

Method 1: Disable recovery means

When the system experiences a failure, the subsequent restart the computer, in most cases, run the integrated recovery tool. However, in the case of an error caused by file «SrtTrail.txt», namely it causes BSOD (blue screen of death). In such situations, you need to try to deactivate the automatic recovery tools start.

  1. Connect to a computer / laptop drive with recorded windose 10 operating system.
  2. Restart the OS and boot from a carrier prepared by «Boot menu». If you do not know what kind of button is called «Boot menu», please read the link below.

    Read more: Installation Guide Windows 10 from USB flash drive or disk

  3. Boot from the prepared disc or USB drive, select the first menu the appropriate language. After use the "Next" button.
  4. The choice of language in the first boot device menu, Windows 10, and press the Next button

  5. Then click the left mouse button on the line "System Restore."
  6. Selecting System Restore in the second boot device menu in Windows 10

  7. In the next menu, select "Troubleshooting."
  8. Selecting Troubleshooting window System Restore Windows 10

  9. After that, select "Command Prompt".
  10. Run a command line of the System Restore menu Boot Drive Windows 10

  11. The equipment list the opened window, or copy the following command, and then press «Enter» to its processing:

    bcdedit / set {default} recoveryenabled No

    If done correctly, you will see a message about the successful completion of the operation.

  12. Runs the command to disable the Restore in Windows 10

  13. Then close the utility window and click "Continue" in the next menu.
  14. Pressing the Continue button to start Windows 10 in normal mode from the installation drive

  15. At this time the system boots normally and without error. If you will need to re-enable the recovery tool, run the "command line" on behalf of the administrator and run the following command here in it:

    bcdedit / set {default} recoveryenabled Yes

    Method 2: Recovery loader

    Sometimes the system gives an error message with «srttrail.txt» file due to a damaged bootloader. In this case you should try to update repository loader configuration and update the MBR and boot sector.

    1. Perform the first six steps described in the previous method. Your goal is to run the "command line".
    2. The utility window that opened window should be alimply enter several commands specified below. Do not forget to press "ENTER" after entering each of them for processing.

      BootRec / RebuildBCD.

      bootrec / fixmbr

      BootRec / FixBoot

    3. Running a number of commands to change the bootloader configuration storage in Windows 10

    4. If you will see an access refusal message in the BOOTREC / FixBoot command processing, run the BootSect / NT60 SYS command, and then return to the bootrec / fixboot command.

      Method 3: Restore Registry Key

      By default, backup copies of the registry entry are automatically created in Windows 10 every few days. Since the error with the file "SRTTRAIL.TXT" is often associated with its keys (OS, drivers, and so on), try copying data from backups.

      Note! If the problem arose on a computer with a newly installed Windows 10 OS, this method will not help. In this case, the backup copies will be simply absent.

      Registry recovery looks like this:

      1. Run the "Command Line" snap-in using the boot drive, as described in the first method.
      2. In the window that opened the following command:

        Xcopy C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Config \ RegBack C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Config

        If successful, you will see a message indicating the number of copied files.

      3. Command executing a registry key recovery from backups in Windows 10

      4. Close the snap and restart the computer / laptop. After that, the problem should disappear.

      Method 4: Disable ELAM

      ELAM (Early Launch Anti-Malware) is a kind of virus protection, which starts at the OS load stage. Periodically, it can calculate the driver files dangerous, which leads to the error "srttrail.txt". In such situations, try to disable ELAM.

      1. Restart the system. During the launch, press "F8". These actions must call a menu with different download options. If it fails to do this for some reason, boot from the installation drive and call the "Command Line". In it, write and process the following command:

        BCDEDIT / SET {GlobalSettings} AdvancedOptions True

      2. Command executing to enable automatic Windows 10 boot modes

      3. After that, close the utility and restart the device again. Now the right menu will be called automatically each time the OS starts. After the menu appears with different options for downloading the system, press the "8" key.
      4. Running the system with disconnection of the ELAM function from the Windows 10 download options menu

      5. As a result, the system will boot without the participation of ELAM protection. It is likely that the problem will be solved.

      Method 5: Check system files and components

      In the latest version of the OS there are utilities that scan system components and files automatically correcting errors in case of detection. To apply the method, you need to do the following:

      1. First of all, run the system in "Safe Mode". Since the error with the file "SRTTRAIL.TXT" does not allow you to log in to the usual way, you will have to boot from the installation drive, run the "command line" and process the command specified in the previous method, after which the system restart.
      2. In the download mode selection window, press the "6" key. Checking the system is also performed in the "command line", but it must be run directly from the OS, and not from the installation media.
      3. The process of loading the Windows 10 system in secure mode with command line support

      4. In the window that opens, use the SFC / SCANNOW command. Her processing takes time. It is important not to close the utility until the end of the inspection.
      5. Execute a command for scanning hard disk for errors in Windows 10

      6. Upon completion of the operation, process another command:


      7. Command executing to restore damaged Windows 10 file system data

      8. It takes even more time than the previous procedure. At the end, do not close the "command line", otherwise you can restart the system only physically. Instead, run the shutdown -r command.
      9. During the restart, a window will appear with launch options. In it just click "ENTER". Entering the system, call the "Command Line" on behalf of the administrator. To do this, simply click on the search icon, enter the CMD query and select the option from the resulting results shown in the screenshot number 3 and 4.
      10. The process of running the command line on behalf of the administrator through the Windows 10 menu

      11. In the window that opens, execute the BCDEDIT / DELETEVALUE {GlobalSettings} AdvancedOptions command.
      12. Command executing to disable automatic launch of Windows 10 boot modes

      13. More window with a choice of download option will not appear with each OS start. Error related to the SRTTRAIL.TXT file should also disappear.

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