How to Delete Downloads from Computer on Windows 7


How to Delete Downloads from Computer on Windows 7

Method 1: "Explorer"

Our task can be solved using Windows System File Manager 7.

  1. You can quickly open the desired folder using the "start" - call it, then click on the item named your account.
  2. Call a custom folder to clean downloads on Windows 7 by means of a conductor

  3. After starting the user directory, open "Downloads".
  4. Open the required directory through the user folder for cleaning downloads on Windows 7

  5. The system download directory will be open. Select all its contents (with a combination of Ctrl + A or a mouse by closing the left button), then press DEL. Confirm the desire to move the data to the basket.

    Move files to the basket for cleaning downloads on Windows 7 by means of a conductor

    You can also delete information permanently - click the SHIFT + DEL combination, then click "Yes."

  6. Full removal of data for cleaning downloads on Windows 7 by means of a conductor

    Clearing the folder using the "Explorer" represents the simplest operation.

Method 2: Total Commander

If the standard "conductor" does not suit you something, you can use third-party file managers - for example, Total Commander.

  1. Open the program, then use one of the panels to follow the following address:

    C: \ Users \ * Name of your account * \ downloads

    In the English version of Windows 7, the "Users" folder is called "Users".

  2. Open the required directory to clean downloads on Windows 7 through Total Commander

  3. Next, select the files and directories - as in the case of the "conductor", the Ctrl + A combination will work, - then press the F8 key or the "F8 removal" button at the bottom of the application window.
  4. Start deleting files for cleaning downloads on Windows 7 through Total Commander

  5. A request to move data to the basket will appear, press it "Yes".
  6. Confirm the transfer of files to the basket for cleaning downloads on Windows 7 through Total Commander

  7. Full erasing of the information is also possible, but you will need to press F8 with a ship SHIFT and confirm the procedure.
  8. Permanently remove files for cleaning downloads on Windows 7 through Total Commander

    Using the Commander Total to solve this problem also does not constitute anything complicated.

Method 3: Far Manager

Another alternative to the "conductor" is Far Manager, a fully console tool, with which you can also delete all downloads in Windows 7.

  1. Run the application, then repeat step 1 of the previous method. Folder navigation is performed including the mouse, so there should be no difficulties with this.
  2. Go to the destination folder to clean up Windows 7 via Far Manager

  3. Selecting all files in the headlight manager is as follows: Put the cursor to the first item with the mouse, then clamp the SHIFT and press the arrow down until all items are marked with yellow. Below will appear a string of the status in which you can find out the number and total amount of dedicated data.

    Attention! The program displays utility hidden files, usually such darkened. You do not need to delete them, so make sure they are not highlighted!

  4. Select data for cleaning downloads to Windows 7 via Far Manager

  5. To move the allocated to the basket, press F8 or click on the Delete button.

    Start of transfer to the basket for cleaning downloads on Windows 7 via Far Manager

    In the pop-up window, click "Move".

  6. Transfer confirmation to the basket for cleaning downloads on Windows 7 via Far Manager

  7. Non-reflective deletion available on a combination of Alt + Del - use it, then click "destroy".
  8. Non-reflective deletion of files for cleaning downloads on Windows 7 via Far Manager

    In the Far Manager interface, the newcomer may get confused, but after the development, this program is a very powerful and convenient tool for operations with files.

Solving possible problems

In the process of execution of instructions above, you can encounter those or other problems. Briefly consider the main and offer their decisions.

It is impossible to delete one or more files

A rather frequent problem is an error when you try to delete data that reports that the file is open in a particular program. This usually means that some of the running processes interferes with erase the object, but there may be other reasons - all of them considered one of our authors in a separate article, so we recommend familiar with it.

Read more: Delete unsalled files from hard disk

Unlock a file to solve download troubleshooting on Windows 7

Not cleared "Cart"

If you do not delete the data permanently, but use the "basket", there is a chance that the process of cleaning this storage may have a problem with the procedure. We also looked at this failure in a separate article, so we simply give a link to it.

Read more: What to do if not cleared "basket" in windows 7

Eliminate crashes with a basket for solving problems with downloads on Windows 7

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