Why do not come notifications in Vaiber


Why do not come notifications in Vaiber


The work of notifications is organized by the developers of Viber for Android, quite qualitatively, and in a situation where they are not demonstrated by the device, the messenger itself is to blame in this last time. The main reasons for the emergence of problems with Vaiber alerts in the "Green Robot" medium are only four, and they are all due to the wrong choice of user parameters, which set up an application and / or OS mobile device.

Cause 2: OS Settings

It is known that Android OS seriously affects the work of the applications running on its own framework, but many Viber users do not realize that it can be expressed in the ban on displaying the display of the alerts generated by the system. Thus, if the notifications from the instructions are notified above the applications do not come, you should check the availability of a permit for their demonstration in the Operations settings.

  1. Go to the settings screen, according to which Android OS adjusts the receipt of notifications from Weber. This can be done in two ways:
    • Open Android "Settings" Select the "Notifications" section. Next, find the item "Viber" in the list of installed on the device's device and tap it.
    • Viber for Android - OS Settings - Notifications - Messenger in Program List

    • From the "Settings" of the mobile Operations, move to the "Applications" section, select "All applications". Then find the "Viber" in the list displayed on the screen and tap this name.

      Viber for Android - OS Settings - Applications - Messenger in the list of installed applications

      Scroll through the list of options on the screen, click Notifications.

      Viber for Android - notification point on the application page in the OS settings

  2. Activate the "Show notifications" switch on the screen that opens.
  3. Viber for Android - activation option Show notifications from the messenger in OS settings

  4. In the switch-accepted in the previous paragraph of this instruction, the switch with the options in alternately turn on the capabilities to demonstrate the values ​​of the alerts corresponding to your needs.
  5. Viber for Android - Enable all types of notifications from the messenger through the OS settings

  6. Move to the "Notifications Category" area. Alternately turning the list to the items contained here, put the "Show notifications" switches on opening screens to the "Enabled" position.
  7. Viber for Android - Activating the notification of the Messenger of various categories in the OS settings

  8. After completing the configuration of the system parameters, close the screen with the Android settings and go to the use of Viber - now obstacles to receiving alerts, in any case by the considered OS module, are absent.

Reason 3: "Do not disturb" mode

Another obstacle to receive notifications from Viber can become randomly activated or inappropriately configured "Do not disturb" mode on the Android device. If you have any problems with receiving events' alerts in the messenger, it will be necessary to verify that the function designed to limit them is not included in negligence or the operating system automatically, deactivate the "silence mode".

Read more: Disable the "Do not disturb" mode on Android

Viber for Android - Disable the mode Do not disturb if notifications from the messenger do not come

Cause 4: Background Activity Configuration

It is known that Android allows users widely to customize system parameters, including multitasking. However, the ability to install a ban to work Viber in the background may well be the cause of no notifications from the application. Thus, if you produced any actions from the materials described in the references available below with regard to the messenger using OS or using third-party tools, perform inverse operations.

Read more:

Turning off background processes on Android

Disconnection of autorun applications on Android

In other words, to eliminate the problem under consideration, try adding a Vaiber to autoload, remove the ban on its operation in the background, add an application to the list of exceptions of software tools designed to provide energy saving.

Viber for Android - Removing restrictions for the background activity of the messenger, adding an application to autoload

Cause 5: Other factors

In some cases, the lack of alerts from the messenger may be an unresolved problem even after eliminating all the above nuances that can determine its appearance. In such a situation, nothing else remains how to use more fundamental approaches to solving the issue - for example, reinstalling the application, actions for the allocation of the Messenger of large computing resources of the device, etc. With a list of causes of irreparalization of Viber for Android as a whole, as well as methods of eliminating you can find in a separate material on our website.

Read more: Causes of Disability VIBER on Android

Viber for Android - reinstalling the messenger as a method of solving problems with notifications


Considering the causes of the lack of notifications from Viber for iOS, we can say that they are not fundamentally different from the Android described in the environment - most often to eliminate problems with receiving notifications to correctly configure the messenger and / or the operating system. However, in view of the essential differences in the architecture and interface of the "apple" operating system and the "green robot", recommendations to eliminate the factors that impede the demonstration of alerts about events in Vaibera and the procedure for their implementation will differ.

Cause 2: Messenger Settings

In addition to deactivation in the settings of the notification system, the Vaiber programs can be disabled, so the next step towards ensuring trouble-free receiving alerts is the correct selection of messenger settings.

  1. Run Viber, open the "More" tab, taping on the extreme panel to the bottom of the screen at the bottom of the screen. From the displayed list of options, go to "Settings" of the program.
  2. Viber for iPhone Starting the program, go to settings

  3. Open the parameter section called "Notifications". On the displayed screen, activate the main element that allows the messenger notices to work as conceived by its developers, - "Enable notifications".
  4. Viber for iPhone Activation of notifications in the messenger settings

  5. Next, translate (optionally selectively) the corresponding type of notification types to the "enabled" position.
  6. Viber for iPhone Activation of all types of notifications in the messenger settings

  7. If desired, by activating the options in the "Notifications in Annex" area, include "Vibration" and "Sounds".
  8. Viber for iPhone Enable audio notifications and vibrations in the settings of the messenger

  9. On this, the receipt of Vaiber alerts by configuring its program is considered to be provided, you can exit "settings" and use the service as usual.
  10. Viber for iPhone output from the messenger settings after enabling notifications

Reason 3: "Do not disturb" mode

Automatic or independent inclusion of the "Do not disturb" mode in iOS is completely logical (in this and the meaning of the device translation to the state) will prevent the display of all warnings from the programs functioning on the device, and Viber here is no exception. Therefore, when notifications from the messenger suddenly ceased to be shown on your iPhone, it will be useful to check whether the specified mode is not activated, and turn it off to obtain warnings, acting, for example, as follows.

  1. Open the "Settings" of the iPhone and, spilling their list, enter the "Do not disturb" section.
  2. Viber for iPhone IOS settings - section do not disturb

  3. Move the switch located next to the name of the "Do not disturb" mode to "Off".
  4. Viber for iPhone Turning off the mode Do not disturb through iOS settings

  5. Exit "IOS settings" and check the effectiveness of the manipulation - now generated notifications viber should be demonstrated without problems.

Cause 4: Other factors

The lack of the generated Viber alerts provided that the Program and Operations are configured in accordance with the above instructions, may indicate serious problems that are eliminated by more cardinal, rather than configuring the program and OS, manipulations. On the possible causes of the partial or complete inoperability of the messenger on the iPhone and the methods of elimination, it is told in a separate material published on our site, - fulfill the recommendations offered in it.

Read more: Causes of Viber Inoperability on the iPhone

Viber for iPhone Reinstalling the Messenger to eliminate issues in its work


Viber users for Windows eliminating such trouble as no notifications are carried out much faster and easier than preferring exceptionally mobile versions of the system client. On a computer to prevent the display of alerts from the messenger, only two factors can and are very easy to eliminate.

Cause 2: Synchronization failure

If the notifications in the messenger are configured and until a certain point was displayed as needed, then the culprit of their absence, most likely, is a sudden disruption of the data exchange process between the Viber's mobile client and its "clone" on the PC. To eliminate the failures of this kind in most cases, it is enough to re-serve in the program.

  1. Go to "Settings" Wireer

    Viber for Windows Transition to the settings of the messenger to deactivate it on PC

    And deactivate it on the computer.

    Read more: How to deactivate Messenger Viber on PC

  2. Viber for Windows Deactivation of Messenger on Computer

  3. Open and authorize desktop Viber, re-synchronize data between it and the messenger, which is installed on your mobile device.

    Read more: How to synchronize Viber on a PC and Android smartphone or iPhone

  4. Viber for Windows Activation of the application on the computer

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