How to change the color of the keyboard on Android


How to change the color of the keyboard on Android

Option 1: Gboard

Most mobile devices with the Android operating system on the market equipped with Google Keyboard.

Gboard download the Google Play Store

  1. Run the keyboard from any application that uses it, go to "Settings" and open the "Subject".

    Log in Gboard settings

    Either Tapan on the icon with the three points and go to the same section of the opened area.

  2. Entrance to the section in Gboard

  3. There are several colors layout. Choose any and it will automatically be applied.
  4. Selecting the layout colors Gboard

  5. There are two types of background images - landscapes and gradient.

    Download the background image in Gboard

    They will first have to download, so you will need access to the Internet.

  6. Setting background image in Gboard

  7. To decorate your background image, in the top of the screen in the block "My Content" Tapan "Add" is found in the device memory the desired image, select the frame you want us area on it and click "Next".

    Search background image for Gboard in memory

    On the next screen, adjust the brightness, press the "Finish" and apply the settings.

  8. Installing a third-party background image Gboard

Option 3: Swiftkey

Appearance settings exist in the popular keyboard from Microsoft, which is also the standard in mobile devices of some manufacturers.

Download Microsoft Swiftkey Keyboard from the Google Play Store

  1. The keyboard layout click on the icon with three dots and open the section "Topics."
  2. Entrance to the keyboard settings Swiftkey

  3. In the "Your" tab is already available several topics.
  4. Selecting a standard theme for keyboard Swiftkey

  5. If you want something a little more color, go to the tab "Gallery". All topics there are free, but they need to download, and it will have to log in to the application using the "uchetki» Microsoft or Google. Choose one of the options, and when open the preview window, Tapan "Upload."

    Topic Selection from gallery Swiftkey

    If authorization was not there, click "Account" or "Other accounts". In this case, we use the Microsoft account.

    Pick an account to log in to Swiftkey

    How do I change the keypad on the device with Android

    Above we mentioned applications, which are usually pre-installed on the device, but the Google Play store many other keyboards. Almost each of them has a section where you can change the look of the layout, some developers pay these possibilities is really a lot of attention. The only thing you want to print them, have them turn on and selected as the default keyboard settings in the smartphone. More on this in another article written on our website.

    Read more: How do I change the keypad on the device with Android

    Select the default keyboard on the device with Android

    READ ALSO: Keyboards for Android

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