Internet does not work through Router Rostelecom


Internet does not work through Router Rostelecom

Method 1: Proper configuration of the router

First you need to make sure that all the settings associated with the Internet connection for the router from Rostelecom were performed correctly. Especially for owners of such devices on our site there is a separate article on their configuration. Check out it by clicking on the link below, and in need of changing the parameters from scratch by selecting a fast or manual method.

Read more: Routelecom Routeter Setup

Checking the global settings of the router Rostelecom in the absence of a network connection

Method 2: Check connection to the provider

During configuration, not all users are accurately followed by instructions from the Internet service provider, and sometimes they do not even get them, so when changing the WAN connection parameters, various problems associated with obtaining the Internet may occur. Call the provider and find out which changes you need to enter. In most cases, Rostelecom supplies the PPPoE protocol, which means it must provide a unique username and password. After this data be defined, you should perform such actions in the web interface:

  1. First of all, log in in the router's web interface, if this was not done before, using the instructions for the link below.
  2. Read more: Login to Rostelecom's settings

  3. After that, go to the "Network" tab.
  4. Go to checking network settings when problems with Internet router Rostelecom

  5. Make sure the interface type is "PPPoe" or that which said the provider.
  6. Selecting the connection protocol when dealing with Internet access Rostelecom

  7. Source to the PPP block, fill in the username and password, paying attention to the keyboard layout and the letters register. The "Connection" item should be set to "constantly".
  8. Select the type of connection when problems with Internet access via Router Rostelecom

  9. Below, click "Connect", and also make sure that there are no other profiles in the WAN interface list. If necessary, simply delete them from there.
  10. View the active network connection profile when problems with Internet access via Rostelecom router

After applying all changes, the router should go on a reboot. When you re-enable, check if the Internet appeared. If it is still not, proceed to the following ways.

Method 3: Checking the LAN settings

The incorrect parameters of the local network are rarely caused by an unstable connection with the Internet or its absence as a whole, since the default settings are set correctly. However, sometimes users accidentally change them or this happens when the router is reset, so it becomes necessary to check the configuration.

  1. In the web interface you are interested in the "LAN" section.
  2. Go to the settings of the local network when issues with Internet access via Rostelecom router

  3. In it, make sure that the IP address corresponds to or, and the network mask has a value of If it is not so, change the settings and save the changes.
  4. Setting up the local network when problems with Internet access via Router Rostelecom

  5. Move to the "DHCP" category and check the DHCP Mode parameter. The drop-down menu should be the value "DHCP Server", which is responsible for the fact that this mode is in an active condition.
  6. Checking the DHCP server when issues with Internet access via Router Rostelecom

Method 4: Check DNS servers

The final method associated directly with the actions in the web interface is to check the DNS servers, because due to incorrect addresses, problems can occur with access to specific sites.

  1. To view the parameters, open the "WAN" section.
  2. Go to the settings of the domain name server when problems with the Internet via Router Rostelecom

  3. Run below to view the status of the current network profile, where locations "DNS server 1" and "DNS server 2". Specify from your provider if it gives the addresses, enter them into these fields, and otherwise delete their contents.
  4. Setting up a domain name server when problems with the Internet via Rostelecom router

Method 5: Check Windows Settings

There is a possibility that the problem with Internet access is caused by non-router settings, but errors in the operating system itself. You can find it possible quite easily, for example, checking access to the network from another device. If it turned out that malfunctions are present only on one computer or laptop, contact your material from another link below to consider all possible methods of solving them.

Read more: Solving a problem with non-working Internet on a PC

Setting the operating system when internet problems via Router Rostelecom

Method 6: Routher Performance Check

Note that sometimes the router itself and physical problems with his work turn out to the culprit of the missing Internet. Then you will need to manually check the connection and operation of the device, reading the thematic guide on our website.

Read more: Routher check for performance

Checking the router with problems with Internet access via Rostelecom router

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