How to set up a router


How to set up a router

Preliminary work

Unfortunately, the company Dom.Ru has no routers of own production, and therefore they offer users when connected to purchase devices from partners. Most often, one of the budget models of TP-LINK is most often in the role of the standard router, so we will consider it as an example. In the event that you use another model, focus on the names of the menu and the sequence of actions, adapting them to the available web interface. You need to start directly from connecting the router to a computer, because only after that you can open an Internet center. A detailed guide on this topic is looking for in the material on the link below.

Read more: Connecting a router to a computer

Appearance of the router from the company when connected to a computer

After you were convinced of the correctness of the connection and that the computer sees network equipment, check the operating system parameter, whose settings in the future can affect network access. To do this, you need to open the properties of the network adapter and see the type of obtaining IP addresses and DNS servers. This data must be obtained automatically.

Read more: Windows network settings

Network settings of the operating system before configuring the router from

Authorization in the Internet Center

All subsequent actions will be performed in the web interface of the router, so it will be required to log in through any browser. If you first encounter authorization in the Internet center, read the thematic guide on the link below.

Read more: Login to the web interface of routers

Authorization in the router web interface to adjust the device from

Setup for novice users

First of all, we propose to familiarize yourself with the quick configuration wizard, which will allow newcomers without much difficulties to perform surface configuration of the router and immediately after that enter the Internet. Not on all models of routers there is such a tool, but many developers try to implement it.

  1. Once the authorization is passed, go to the "Fast Setup" section through the left panel.
  2. Go to the section for quick customization of the router

  3. In the first window there is no useful information - it is only responsible for the launch of the wizard, so immediately click "Next".
  4. Run the wizard of the quick setting of the router via the web interface

  5. This network equipment for will function in a wireless router mode, respectively, this item and mark the marker.
  6. Select the mode of operation of the router when it is quickly configured through a web interface

  7. Often, during auto-tuning, the user is offered to choose a country and provider so that all WAN parameters are set automatically. If you have such an opportunity, fill in the table and check the information from the one that the Internet service provider provides. Otherwise, check the checkbox "I did not find suitable settings", select the PPPOE connection type and set the data received from the provider for authorization.
  8. Install automatic parameters for the provider via the web interface of the router

  9. By readiness, go to the next step.
  10. Go to the next step settings after installing the parameters of the router

  11. Cloning MAC address to most users is not required, so just skip this step and go to the next one.
  12. Cloning of the physical address of the device when quickly tuning

  13. The final stage will be the activation of the wireless network, since now many users are connected to the Internet through Wi-Fi. In this block, you only need to set the name Wi-Fi, which can be found in the list, mark the recommended type of protection and write a password consisting of a minimum of eight characters.
  14. Setting up a wireless network during quick configuration of the router

  15. In the "Confirm settings" window, make sure that everything is set correctly, and then click on "Save" so that all changes entered into force.
  16. Confirmation of the fast setting of the router via the web interface

Please note that immediately after completing the configuration, the router will go on a reboot, and the re-activation will take up to several minutes. Only after the router proceeds to a normal operating status, check the network access.

Manual configuration

Usually for network equipment added a huge number of editable parameters, but during quick configuration they are not affected, since novice users rarely need to change something from this. Consider all the settings in this section, as well as show what to do if the previous instruction is not suitable due to the lack of an appropriate tool.

Step 1: Network

The first stage is to configure the protocol for receiving the Internet from the provider, since it is from this that the network is depends on. Almost always provides the PPPoe protocol, so you should find out the login and password in advance for connecting. To do this, open the documentation from the provider or contact technical support. Once the data is obtained, follow these actions:

  1. In the "Operating Mode" menu, mark the "Wireless Router" marker.
  2. Selection of the mode of operation of the router while manual configuration

  3. Track go to the "Network" section and open the category "WAN". As a connection type, specify "PPPOE" or another variant depending on which information provided the provider, then fill out the remaining fields that appear and click "Save".
  4. Select connection while manual adjusting router

  5. If suddenly determined the dynamic IP address for you, it will be needed to specify it in the "Connection Type". Next, no additional actions with the use of the IP address or DNS servers do not need to be performed because they are automatically provided.
  6. Select connection via dynamic address in router settings

Step 2: LAN Parameters

The local network parameters include only three different sections that can be useful to the user. In most cases, they do not need to touch them, but sometimes it may be necessary to change.

  1. In the same section "Network", open the category "LAN", where the IP address of the router changes and the subnet mask is set, but we do not recommend that we do not recommend that the procedure and complete confidence in your actions.
  2. Setting up the global parameters of the local network for the router

  3. If you are going to connect the device to a TV to view IPTV, go to the appropriate category and activate this feature, without forgetting to save changes.
  4. Setting up online television for router

  5. It remains only to disassemble the "cloning of the MAC address". We have already spoken about this when quickly tuning and repeat now that only experienced users who know why it is intended for cloning.
  6. Cloning of the physical address while manual adjustment of the router

Do not forget that any changes should be immediately saved, because otherwise it can be reset when switching to the following menus.

Step 3: Wireless Mode

The next step is to configure the wireless network. It makes sense if you have not configured Wi-Fi through the built-in wizard or want to change the additional parameters that are missing in it.

  1. Open the "Wireless Mode" section and immediately go to "Basic Settings", where the basic parameters are located. You only need to activate the network or disable it at all if it is not needed. Developers offer to change the name Wi-Fi, select the channel and set it width. Percentage of recent actions must be extremely rare, for example, when WDS mode is configured.
  2. General Wireless Settings with manual configuration of the router from

  3. Follow the "WPS", where this technology is managed. By default, WPS is in the on state, and in the menu itself there is the ability to create a new PIN or manually add a device by pressing only one button.
  4. Quick Connection Settings for Wireless Router

  5. Do not forget about protecting the wireless mode. Mark the Recommended paragraph to specify the security protocol, and then simply change the password to more reliable. No more changes in this category should be performed.
  6. Security Setup Wireless Router

  7. You can limit the access of specific devices to the Wi-Fi network, for which go to "Filtering MAC addresses", set the appropriate rule type and add targets to the table so that the rule is applied to them.
  8. Filtering of the wireless network addresses when configured

  9. You can find out the MAC address of any hardware connected to a wireless network router in the "Wireless Statistics". If necessary, update the list to view new devices.
  10. Checking the status of a wireless network when configuring

  11. Additionally, we note that most routers support the guest network, which is used for different purposes. Its settings correspond to the standard Wi-Fi parameters available for change.
  12. Turn on the guest network when manual configuration of the router

  13. Pay attention to the schedule table if it is present in the web interface. Thanks to it, the time is configured into which the guest network will be active, if there is no need for its functioning on an ongoing basis.
  14. Setting the guest network schedule with manual router configuration

All changes will be applied after rebooting the router, so we recommend immediately connect any device to it on Wi-Fi and check Internet access. If the setting is performed correctly, there should be no problems.

Step 4: DHCP Parameters

To configure the DHCP that is responsible for automatically obtaining different IP addresses in all connected devices, a separate section is selected in many routers. As a rule, it will only be necessary to make sure that the settings are correct, they must be changed less often.

  1. Open the appropriate menu and make sure that the DHCP server is in the on state. You can manually register DNS servers and change the IP range, following it, so that it does not intersect with the standard router address ( or
  2. Enabling automatic receipt of addresses for the router

  3. Next, go to the "List of DHCP Clients". Here you can see what device a certain IP address was assigned - it will be useful in the further when editing the access control parameters.
  4. In the "Address Reservation", manual assignment to the specific equipment of the IP address, which will be enshrined behind it, which is also used to further configure access control.
  5. Setting up address redundancy for devices through the settings of the router

Step 5: Protection / Access Control / Parental Control

We offer to familiarize yourself with the security settings, access control and parent constraints within the same step, since in many web interfaces these parameters are aligned or the transition to them is carried out by switching tabs.

  1. We will analyze the standard options for protection of the router. By default, all of them are enabled and do not need additional configuration, especially from novice users. You shouldn't just change the values ​​if you are not sure what you are doing.
  2. Enabling Standard Protection Parameters when setting up the router

  3. Often in routers there are extended protection, which allows you to protect yourself from DOS attacks. It is also designed for experienced users who want to set filtering by the number of packages received per second.
  4. Enabling additional protection options when setting up the router

  5. The router can manage anyone who is connected to it, but it is easily corrected via the "Local Management" section. It is possible to limit access to the web interface to all devices besides the current or set the MAC address for the white list.
  6. Setting the parameters of the local control router

  7. Finally, we note that sometimes manufacturers offer connect Yandex.dns to safely stay on the network. Check out the description of this technology directly in the Internet center and decide for yourself whether it is worth activating it.
  8. Setting the indexation from Yandex when configuring the router

  9. Parental Control function allows you to create a list of limited access sites or select only those that are allowed to visit. In a separate section, activate this tool and enter the MAC addresses of all objects to which the rules will be applied.
  10. Turning on parental control when configuring a router

  11. After that, create a table with a schedule and add sites for the ruler, which is made literally a few clicks and is not something complicated.
  12. Choice of schedule for parental control when setting up router

  13. To control access, go to a separate menu, where you first select the target node to which further rules apply.
  14. Select a node when configuring access control to the router

  15. Then create a list of targets related to access control. To do this, add each one in the table separately.
  16. Selecting a target when setting up access control to the router

  17. In the table itself only the IP address and port are filled. You can add a description if necessary for certain purposes.
  18. Manual adding goal when setting up access control to Router

  19. Finally, set the schedule for which access control will work using all the same familiar table.
  20. Setting the schedule for access control when setting up the router

When resetting the router settings, all safety rules are also reset. It is better to back up in advance to immediately restore all parameters if necessary - this will be discussed at the final stage of the article.

Step 6: System Tools

From the entire web interface, only the last section called "System Tools" is left to disassemble, where the main options for controlling the router are present. Consider each category separately.

  1. Make sure that the time in the appropriate menu is set correctly, including the date - they are needed for the correct functioning of parental control and other safety rules.
  2. Setting the system time when configuring the router

  3. Go to "Update Built-in By": This section will be useful when you need to reflash or update the router software.
  4. Setting firmware updates through the router settings

  5. Reset to factory settings is also carried out through "System Tools". Consider that absolutely all user parameters will be deleted.
  6. Reset Router Settings to the factory status via the web interface

  7. Download the configuration file through the backup and recovery, it will be possible to download it in the same menu.
  8. Backup and restore the settings of the router

  9. Developers allow you to restart the router directly through a separate menu, as well as configure the automatic reboot time, for example, to reset the cache to normalize the functioning of the device.
  10. Sending a router to reboot through the web interface

  11. Change the administrator password if you do not want anyone to enter the web interface and change the parameters.
  12. Changing the entry parameters to the web interface for the router

Now the basic parameters of some routers are changing through a smartphone, which becomes the best option in the absence of access to the computer. If you think this method is suitable, use the general instructions from the article on the link below.

See also: Setting up routers via phone

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