How to configure the beeline modem


How to configure the beeline modem

Step 1: Unpacking and Connecting to Computer

If you have not yet unpacked and did not connect the modem purchased from the representatives of Beeline, now it's time to do this. Remove the device from the box, remove the back cover or open the side connector and insert a SIM card there, which already connected the Internet. The principle of installing SIMI depends directly from the model of this network equipment, but there is nothing difficult in this. Now the USB modem is ready for a subsequent connection to the computer.

Unpacking the modem from Beeline before it sets

Insert it into a free USB connector on your computer, activate the power button if present, and expect until the indicator lights up, and the appropriate notification will appear in the operating system.

Connecting a modem from beeline to a computer before adjusting it

In most cases, the driver installation program is immediately launched, since it is mounted in the device itself. You can only follow the instructions displayed on the screen to complete the installation of software and start using the network. If the program for some reason does not work or was not installed, go to the next step.

Step 2: Installing the Driver Update

The driver update is required in cases where its graphic program has not been installed when network equipment is connected or it works incorrectly, which can be associated with its obsolete version. For each modem model from Beeline, it is necessary to select a specific update, which is happening as follows:

Go to the official website of Beeline

  1. Take advantage of the link above to go to the official website of the Beeline, where you are interested in the "Help" section, the button to open which is located on the top panel.
  2. Transition to the support section on the Beeline site to download the modem driver

  3. Run down and select "USB modem Beeline".
  4. Go to section with files for modem on Beeline

  5. On the right will appear the first category "instructions for devices". In this list, find the device model used and click on the "File Update File" or "Windows Driver" line.
  6. Select driver update file for Beeline modem on the official website

  7. Expect the download of the target archive.
  8. The download process of the update file for the Beeline modem from the official site

  9. Open the file folder and run the executable file there.
  10. Run the update file for the modem driver from Beeline

  11. Follow the instructions to install the modem management software.
  12. Installing the Update for Modem Driver from Beeline

Check the performance of the obtained software and go further. If some problems have arisen with the launch, refer to the operator's technical support for solving them.

Step 3: Software Management

Modems software from Beeline is implemented in extremely simple for the user. It is divided into several blocks that are responsible for performing certain actions. For example, you can view messages, check the balance, manage services or current connection, as well as track statistics.

Exterior view of the graphical interface of the Modem Beeline Modem

As for the settings, this section contains only a few useful items that are sometimes required to change. Immediately note that certain models support the distribution of Wi-Fi, respectively, in the category of wireless network configuration it will be needed to enable, set the password and network name, and then save the changes.

Setting the distribution of the wireless network for modem from Beeline

In the "Connection" or "Network" menu, fill in your account information received when purchasing a modem. Authentication parameters and profile name set your discretion. After creating the profile, the connection will occur automatically.

Configure the connection to the modem network from Beeline

Setting up a USB modem Beeline via Windows

There is an alternative option for organizing an Internet connection via USB modem without the use of graphic software from developers. This method is more complicated and not always effective, but it does not have to download any additional applications to configure it, since everything is performed in the operating system:

  1. Open the Start menu and go to "Parameters".
  2. Switch to parameters for setting the Beeline modem in the operating system

  3. There you need a section "Network and Internet".
  4. Opening a network and Internet section to configure the Beeline modem through the operating system

  5. In the first category, go down to the bottom and click on the clicker inscription "Network and Shared Access Center".
  6. Opening the network management center and shared access to configure a modem from Beeline

  7. In the "Changing Network Settings" block, click on "Creating and Configuring a New Connection or Network".
  8. Go to creating a new connection to configure a modem from Beeline

  9. As a connection option, specify "Internet connection".
  10. Creating a new connection to configure a modem from Beeline

  11. Connection type - "Switched".
  12. Select the type of connection to configure the connection via the modem from Beeline

  13. Enter your phone number, username and password from the Internet service provider. If difficulties appear during the filling of items, contact the operator directly to the operator to clarify all the details.
  14. Configuring the connection for the modem from Beeline through the operating system

  15. After you, you will be notified that the connection is ready to use.
  16. Notification of successful connection for the Beeline modem via the operating system

  17. However, this is not finished yet on this, because it is necessary through the same section in the "parameters" to "configure the adapter parameters".
  18. Go to view active networks for connecting to the Beeline modem

  19. Right-click on the Created Connection and select "Properties".
  20. Go to the property connection via a modem from Beeline

  21. Set the phone number to connect again.
  22. Configuring connection through network properties for Beeline Modem

  23. Next, pay attention to additional parameters: Activate or disconnect them only as needed.
  24. Advanced modem settings from Beeline via OS

Note that often users discover the problems of the USB modem from Beeline. There are different reasons that cause such a problem. If you are in the number of people who collided with similar difficulties, read the auxiliary material on the link below.

Read more: Causes of Disability USB Modem Beeline

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