Why android phone or iPhone is heated


Why the phone is heated and what to do
Regardless which brand and on which OS is your smartphone: Android or iPhone, you may encounter the fact that the phone is very hot, and the battery sits down both during operation or charging and without visible reasons.

In this article about why the phone can warm, which it is in it that can cause heating when it is a normal behavior of the device, and in what cases it makes sense to worry.

  • Phone components that heat and conditions under which it happens
  • When the heating of the phone is a normal phenomenon.
  • What to do if the phone is very warm without visible reasons

Heating components in modern smartphones

There are two main components in your phone, which can be very hot (these are not the only components, but usually it is in them):
  • CPU
  • Battery (battery)

The processor heats up at high loads, most often we are talking about games, but this is not the only option: for example, it can warm with long video shooting (since it is encoding that requires processor resources), some work tasks, and for some , weaker processors and with relatively simple tasks like watching video.

In turn, the battery is heated during charging (especially when the "Fast Charging" function is used and, on the contrary, with a rapid discharge, which, in turn, can be caused by the intensive use of the processor and other components (wireless network, GPS), as well as the degree Screen brightness.

Among the additional nuances can be noted:

  • Heating will be felt more at a higher ambient temperature (for example, in the summer of +30 telephone, when performing the same tasks, it will be hotter than at room temperature +20).
  • Different processors are basked in varying degrees. For example, it is believed that with other MEDIATEK processors (MTK) are hotter than Qualcomm.
  • The degree of how the heating of the phone will depend on the specific model: from the layout of the internal components, the cooling system devices, the case material.
  • In some cases, heating can be caused by poor communication with the network operator network.
  • If you have recently changed the phone case, it can also serve as a heating if it prevents the normal heat removal.

In what cases is that the phone is quickly heated normally

To begin with the scenarios when the heating of the phone should not disturb you much, because it is quite normal:

  1. You play "heavy" game. Especially if simultaneously with this, the phone is in charge. Moreover, some games that do not differ excellent graphics are poorly optimized, which also loads the processor of your phone. Also should not be surprised that with such games the battery is discharged very quickly, see android quickly discharged, quickly discharges the iPhone.
  2. You use the phone as a navigator, especially if this happens in the car and the phone is connected to charging.
  3. You are working with some applications that require significant computing resources. These are now for Android and for iPhone. As a rule, this is something related to graphics and video, but there may be other options, for example, with an intensive download of something in the torrent client, the device will also be heated, and, of course, when performing various performance tests.
  4. A multiple application or some kind of large application is updated: this is a fairly energy-intensive process. Also, if your phone has a significant number of applications that perform automatic synchronization, it can cause heating.
  5. The phone lies on charging, especially if functions like Quick Charge. However, in this case, the "healthy" phone usually does not get hot, rather very warm (35-45 degrees).
  6. Calls during charging can make the temperature from step 4 above.
  7. You are in the area where the phone loses all the time and again finds the network or changes the type of communication (2G / 3G / LTE).
  8. You use the phone in the sun, in the heat, especially if energy-intensive operations are performed, and the phone is charged (everything that is described in this point should be avoided, it is undesirable for your device).

As a rule, in these situations, the phenomenon is short-lived (except for games) and when the factor affecting the use of the processor, the charge and battery discharge, the phone temperature quickly comes to normal.

When the fact that the phone heats up can cause anxiety and what to do

If some obvious factors that could force the phone is missing, it can talk about unwanted phenomena.

If the phone is heated when simply lies (not on charging), with applications updates, the downloads of something from the Internet does not occur, it can be assumed that some application (it is possible that malicious) continues to work in the background.

Recently, it was often the miners cryptocurrency integrated into various free applications, but there may be other unwanted applications. To check this feature, you can restart your Android phone in safe mode (all third-party applications will be disabled).

If at the same time the heating disappeared, try to assume that it was you recently installed that it could affect that the battery report in the settings (see which applications are most consumed the battery charge in parameters to the greatest extent.

Information about applications using battery

Sometimes "guilty" are not malicious applications, and antiviruses or memory cleaning programs: Check whether the problem persists if you disable or delete them.

Another reason for concern: the phone began to warmly after replacing some hardware components (batteries, charging connector) or after situations where something could damage these components (for example, after the smartphone fell into water). At the same time, consider that those batteries that you buy ourselves or you install under the prominent "new original" very often such are not and in themselves are very quickly discharged and the battery did the battery from the manufacturer.


  • If the phone with disabled Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless networks, not connected to charging heats up is not normal. We are looking for a problem: unwanted, incorrectly working application or hardware fault.
  • When the phone is heated on charging and at the same time, you do something on it - the heating is natural.
  • If the phone is greatly heated and quickly discharged during some games or when using certain programs, and in other operations it does not occur - usually this is a normal phenomenon.
  • If you have just purchased a new phone and compared to the old one seems to be hotter when working, it can be associated with a difference in hardware components, materials and a cooling approach.

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