How to enable Page translation in Google Chrome


How to enable pages in Google Chrome
By default, the Google Chrome browser offers to translate pages in a language different from the system. For example, when opening a page in English will be proposed to transfer to Russian. However, if you or someone else self-confidently pressed "never translate English" (or another language), in the future there will be no such proposal.

In this manual, it is detailed how to enable automatic translation into Google Chrome: both for all unknown languages ​​and for those for which before this translation offer was disabled.

Note: The example will show the inclusion of translation from English and other languages ​​into Russian in Chrome for Windows. But the same steps and settings will be used in other OS - on Android, in iOS and Mac OS.

How to enable and disable automatic translation of site pages for all unfamiliar languages

Google Chrome has an option that includes and disables the automatic translation proposal for all pages in languages ​​other than the language selected in the browser (except for those for which the translation was previously disabled, we will talk about them in the second section of the manual):

  1. Click the Google Chrome button and open the Settings item.
    Open Google Chrome Settings
  2. Scroll down the page down and click on the "Additional" (in Chrome on Android and iOS, open the "Languages" item and go to the 4th step).
    Open Advanced Chrome Settings
  3. In Windows and Mac OS in the "Languages" section, click on the "Language" section.
    Open Chrome Languages ​​Open
  4. Turn on the "Offer pages translation if their language differs from the browser used."
    Enable offer Transfer Pages

After these actions, when opening the pages in a foreign language, their translation will be offered.

Automatically translate pages in Google Chrome

You can also click on the Google Translate icon in the address bar to transfer to Russian (or another default language) or press "Parameters" in the Translation Offer and select the item "Always translate" so that the translations of the pages are made automatically.

Enabling the translation of pages for languages ​​for which it was previously disabled

After the steps described in the first section, for some languages, the translation proposal may not appear, for example, if you previously installed the mark "Never translate English".

In order to change this and re-enable translation proposal, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Languages" section - "Language" in Google Chrome.
  2. If the language you are interested in are present in the list, click on the settings button to the right of it and check the item "Offer to translate pages in this language".
    Offer pages in the selected language
  3. If there is no language, add it (use the "Add Languages" button), and then do the steps 2.
    Adding a language in Google Chrome
  4. After that, the translation proposal will appear for this language.
    Pages are turned on again

Also, as in the previous case, you can enable automatic pages, using the appropriate item in the "Parameters" button.

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