What is twinui in windows 10 and how to fix possible problems with it


What is twinui in windows 10
Some Windows 10 users may encounter the fact that when opening any file from the browser, links to the email address and in some other situations by default, the TwinUI application is offered. Other mentions of this element are possible: for example, messages when applications errors - "For more information, see Microsoft-Windows-TwinUI / Operational" or if it is impossible to set anything other than twinui as the default program.

In this manual, it is detailed what TwinUI is in Windows 10 and how to fix errors that may be associated with this system element.

Twinui - what is it

TwinUI is Tablet Windows User Interface, which is present in Windows 10 and Windows 8. In fact, this is not an application, namely an interface with which applications and programs can run UWP applications (applications from the Windows 10 store).

For example, if in the browser (for example, Firefox), which does not have an embedded PDF viewer (provided that in the PDF system, you are installed by default - as usual and immediately after installing Windows 10) click on the link with such The file will open the dialog box offering open it using TwinUI.

The described case means starting edge (i.e., applications from the store), compared with PDF files, but only the name of the interface is displayed in the dialog box, and not the application itself - and this is normal.

Twinui discovery dialogue

A similar situation may occur when opening images (in the photo application), video (in cinema and TV), email links (by default compared with the "Mail" and the like.

Summing up, TwinUI is a library that allows you to work other applications (and Windows 10 itself) with UWP applications, most often we are on launching them (although the library has other functions), i.e. a kind of launcher for them. And this is not something that you need to delete.

Correction of possible problems with twinui

Sometimes Windows 10 users have problems related to twinui, in particular:

  • The inability to match (set the default) No application other than twinui (at the same time sometimes twinui can be displayed as the default application for all types of files).
  • Problems with the launch or operation of applications and the message that you want to view the information in the Microsoft Windows-Twinui / Operational log

For the first situation, with problems with associations of files, the following methods of solving the problem are possible:

  1. Using Windows 10 recovery points to the date preceding the emergence of the problem if available.
  2. Restoring the Windows 10 registry.
  3. Try to set the default application using the following path: "Parameters" - "Applications" - "Default applications" - "Set default values ​​for the application". Then select the desired application and mapping it with the necessary supported file types.
    Install file associations instead of twinui

In the second situation, if applications and reference errors are sent to the Microsoft Windows-TwinUI / Operational log, try the steps from the instructions do not work Windows 10 applications - usually they help (if the point is not that the application itself with some errors, which is also happens).

If you have any other problems associated with twinui - describe the situation in detail in the comments, I will try to help.

Supplement: Twinui.pcshell.dll and twinui.appcore.dll errors can be called third-party software, damage to system files (see how to check the integrity of Windows 10 system files). Usually the easiest way to fix them (not counting the recovery points) - reset Windows 10 (can be saved with data saving).

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