How to change the button positions on Android


how to change the button positions on android

Method 1: Systems

Many manufacturers are expanding in their shells functionality, including allowing you to change the order of the navigation buttons.


the procedure is performed on smartphones Samsung follows:

  1. Open the "Settings" - for example, through the shutter device.
  2. Cause the settings to change the buttons on the Samsung Android

  3. Scroll down the list until you see "Display» ( «Display») and tapnite on it.
  4. Open display settings to change the buttons on the Samsung Android

  5. Next, use the option "Navigation Bar» ( «Navigation Bar»).
  6. Settings navigation bar to change the buttons on the Samsung Android

  7. Now go to the block "Order button» ( «Button order») and choose the option that suits you the most. Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine the position of their own.
  8. Select the order of elements in order to change the buttons on the Samsung Android

    Changes are applied instantly.


  1. Start phone settings management tool.
  2. Cause the settings to change the buttons on Android Huawei

  3. Scroll down and select "System and upgrade."
  4. System Settings to change the buttons on Android Huawei

  5. Tapnite "System navigation."
  6. Navigation settings for the system to change the buttons on Android Huawei

  7. Navigate to the option "Three navigation buttons".
  8. The navigation pane to change the buttons on Android Huawei

  9. Here, select the preferred option.
  10. Navigation options for the system to change the buttons on Android Huawei

    The shell Huawei also can not arbitrarily choose the location of the buttons.


Devices Xiaomei also has a corresponding option.

  1. Open the Settings application.
  2. Open the settings to change the buttons on Android Xiaomi

  3. Next, select the "Advanced Settings".
  4. Select Advanced Settings to change the buttons on Android Xiaomi

  5. Use the item "Unlimited screen."
  6. unlimited display settings to change the buttons on Android Xiaomi

  7. Make sure that the active version of the "buttons", then switch on tapnite "Swap menu button and back."
  8. Activate the required option to change buttons on Android Xiaomi

    Unfortunately, there is no pure Android system capabilities to change the location of the buttons.

Method 2: ADB

An unusual way to move elements of the navigation bar is to use the Android Debug Bridge means.

download ADB

  1. Make sure that the target phone is turned on debugging via USB, as the computer has the appropriate drivers.

    Read more:

    How to enable USB debugging on your Android

    Installing drivers for Android Firmware

  2. Open the "Command Prompt" in the name of the administrator - for example, find the component via the "Search", then use the same name run option.

    Read more: How to run a "command line" on behalf of the administrator in Windows 7 and Windows 10

  3. Run a command line to change the Android buttons through ADB

  4. In the command input interface, go to the ADB folder, then enter the ADB Devices command.

    Check the device connection to change the Android buttons through ADB

    A list should appear in which the connected device will be displayed.

  5. Device recognition to change the Android buttons through ADB

  6. Next, write the following:

    ADB Shell.

    Settings Put Secure Sysui_Nav_Bar "Space, Recent; Home; Back, Space"

    Check the input correctness and press ENTER.

  7. Enter the sequence of commands to change the Android buttons through ADB

  8. Unlock the device and look at the Navbar - the "Recent Applications" and "Back" buttons will be moved.

Finish work to change the buttons on Android via ADB

An option with Android Debug Bridge is suitable for owners of a pure "green robot".

Read more