How to remove Paint 3D in Windows 10


How to remove Paint 3D in Windows 10
In Windows 10, starting from the Creators Update version, in addition to the usual Paint graphics editor, Paint 3D is also present, and at the same time the context menu item is also "Change using Paint 3D". Many use Paint 3D just once - see what it is, and the specified point in the menu is not at all, and therefore it may be logical to be desire to remove it from the system.

In this instruction detailed how to remove the Paint 3D application in Windows 10 and remove the Context menu item "Change using Paint 3D" and video in all described actions. Materials may also be useful: how to remove bulk objects from the Windows 10 conductor, how to change the Windows 10 context menu items.

Deleting application Paint 3D

In order to delete Paint 3D, it will sufficiently use one simple command in Windows PowerShell (administrator rights are required to execute the command).

  1. Run PowerShell on behalf of the administrator. To do this, you can start you to type PowerShell in searching on the Windows 10 taskbar, then right-click on the result in the result and select the "Start from the administrator" item or right-click on the Start button and select the "Windows PowerShell" item.
    Run PowerShell on behalf of the administrator
  2. In PowerShell Enter the Get-AppXPackage Microsoft.mspaint | Remove-AppXPackage and press ENTER.
    Removal Paint 3D in PowerShell
  3. Close PowerShell.

After a short process execution process, Paint 3D will be removed from the system. If you wish, you can always re-install it from the Application Store.

How to delete "Change with Paint 3D" from the context menu

To delete the "Change using Paint 3D" item from the context menu of the image, you can use the Windows Registry Editor 10. The procedure will be as follows.

  1. Press Win + R keys (where the WIN is the Windows emblem key), enter the regedit in the Run window and press ENTER.
  2. In the Registry Editor, go to the section (folders in the left side) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Classes \ SystemFileAssociations \ SystemFileAssociations \ .bmp \ Shell
  3. Inside this section, you will see a subsection "3D edit". Click on it right-click and select Delete.
    Remove the item Change with Paint 3D
  4. Repeat the same for similar sections in which the following file extensions are indicated instead of .BMP: .gif, .jpeg, .jpe, .jpg, .png, .tif, .tiff

Upon completion of the specified actions, you can close the registry editor, the "Change Using Using 3D" item will be removed from the context menu of the specified file types.

Video - Delete Paint 3D in Windows 10

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