How to remove the item "Send" (Share) from the context menu of Windows 10


How to delete the item Share from the context menu of Windows 10
In Windows 10 of the latest version, several new items appeared in the context menu of the files (depending on the type of file), one of them "send" (Share or share in the English-language version. I suspect that soon and in the Russian version, the transfer will change, since Otherwise, the context menu turns out two items with the same name, but different action), when you click on which the Share dialog box is called, allowing you to provide sharing file for selected contacts.

As it happens and with other rarely used items of the context menu, I am sure, many users will want to remove "send" or "share." How to do this - in this simple instruction. See also: How to edit the Windows 10 Start Context menu, how to remove the items from the context menu of Windows 10.

Note: Even after deleting the specified item, you can still share files by simply using the Share tab in the Explorer (and the "Send" button on it that will cause all the same dialog box).

Point Send or Share in the context menu

Delete item Share from the context menu using the registry editor

In order to delete the specified context menu item, you will need to use the Windows 10 registry editor, the steps will be as follows.

  1. Run the registry editor: Press Win + R keys, enter the regedit in the "Run" window and press ENTER.
  2. In the Registry Editor, go to the section (Folders on the left) HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ * \ SHELLEX \ CONTEXTMENUHANDLERS
    MODERNSHARING folder in registry editor
  3. Inside ContextMenuHandlers, find the subsection named ModernSharing and delete it (right click - delete, confirm deletion).
  4. Close the registry editor.

Ready: Share (send) will be deleted from the context menu.

Point Send removed from the context menu

If it is still displayed, simply restart the computer or restart the conductor: You can open the task manager to restart the conductor, select the "Explorer" list and click "Restart".

Restarting Windows 10 Explorer

In the context of the latest version of OS from Microsoft, this material can be useful: how to remove volumetric objects from the Windows 10 conductor.

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