Lost Battery icon on Windows 10 laptop - how to fix


What if disappeared the battery icon in Windows 10
If you have a battery charge indicator icon on your laptop with Windows 10, in most cases, the situation correction does not take much time, provided that the battery itself has not fallen.

In this manual, simple ways to correct the display of the battery icon in the Windows 10 notification area. If for some reason it stopped displayed there. See also: How to make the battery indicator showing the remaining work time in Windows 10.

  • Turning on the battery icon in Windows 10 parameters
  • Restarting the conductor
  • Reinstall the battery in device manager

Turn on the battery icon in parameters

Let's start with a simple check of Windows 10 parameters that allow you to enable or disable the battery icon.

  1. Press in any empty place the taskbar with the right mouse button and select "Task panel parameters".
    Open taskbar options
  2. Note the "Notification Area" section and two items - "Select the icons displayed in the taskbar" and "Turn on and off system icons".
    Setting up icons on the taskbar
  3. Turn on the "Power" icon in both of these items (for some reason it is duplicated and the inclusion only in one of them may not work). In the first point I recommend and enable the "Always display all icons in the notification area" to the battery indicator, so that the battery indicator is hidden behind the arrow icon.
    Turn on the battery icon on the taskbar

If everything went successfully, and the reason for the lack of the icon was precisely in the parameters, the battery indicator will appear in the notification area.

However, it does not always help, in some cases the settings are already set properly, but the signs of the necessary icon are not observed. In this situation, you can taste the following methods.

Restarting the conductor

Try to restart the Windows 10 Explorer - it will make your laptop restart the entire interface of the system and if the battery icon disappears due to a conductor failure (and this is not uncommon), it will appear again. Procedure:

  1. Open the Task Manager: To do this, you can right-click on the Start button and select the desired item in the context menu.
  2. In Task Manager, find the conductor, select it and click "Restart".
    Restarting Windows 10 Explorer

Check if it corrected the problem. If this is not the result, we turn to the last method.

Reinstall the battery in device manager

And the last way to return the missing battery icon. Before use, connect your laptop to the power grid:

  1. Open the Device Manager (this can be done in the Right click menu on the Start button).
  2. In the Device Manager, open the "Batteries" section.
  3. Select in this section of the device corresponding to your battery, usually "battery with ACPI-compatible control", click on it with right mouse button and select "Delete the device" and confirm the deletion.
    Deleting the battery in device manager
  4. In the Device Manager menu, select "Action" - "update hardware configuration" and wait for the battery installation process.

If the battery is properly and Windows 10 managed to reinstall it, you will immediately see the battery indicator in the Windows 10 notification area. Also, in the context of the topic in question, it may be useful to do if the laptop is not charging.

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