Not installed Logitech G Hub


can not install logitech g hub

Method 1: Install as Administrator

Sometimes the reason for the failure to install software Lodzhitek to the banal simple - administrator permissions are required to run the installer. First, make sure that your current record has appropriate access.

Read more: How to get administrator rights in Windows 7 and Windows 10

Then simply right-click on the executable installer and select "Run as administrator".

Start the installation program as an administrator to solve problems with the installation of Logitech G Hub

The further procedure should take place without any problems.

Method 2: Full reinstalling programs

Often considered a problem faced by users who install the software from Logitech is not the first time. Decision in such a situation would be the complete removal of all the company's products, as well as some service files.

  1. Run the snap "Programs and Features" in any suitable manner - for example, through a window, "Run." Simultaneously press Win + R, then type in the query string appwiz.msc and click "OK".
  2. Open programs and components to solve problems with the installation of Logitech G Hub

  3. Scroll through the list of installed software and find where all the elements associated with the Logitech G-Hub. Uninstall each with the selection and pressing the "Delete" button.
  4. Remove the old version of proramma to solve problems with the installation of Logitech G Hub

  5. After the procedure, close the "Programs and Features", and then turn on the hidden elements.

    Read more: How to make hidden files visible in Windows 7 and Windows 10

  6. Show hidden files to solve problems with the installation of Logitech G Hub

  7. Again, call the tool "Run", but this time enter his command% appdata% and click "OK".
  8. Folder data applications to solve problems with the installation of Logitech G Hub

  9. Please search folder - click on the appropriate line on the top right, type in her request lghub and press Enter. You should see a list of folders and documents - select all (with the mouse or a combination of Ctrl + A), engage the combination Shift + Delete and confirm the operation.
  10. Delete the folder application data to solve problems with the installation of Logitech G Hub

  11. Now repeat the search, but with logitech request and delete all the data found.
  12. Using the same window "Run" change directory "the ProgramData" (request% programdata%) and repeat the procedure from step 6-7.
  13. Clear application catalog to solve problems with the installation of Logitech G Hub

    Restart the computer, and then download the installer G-Hub again and try to install the program - now the process should go fine.

Method 3: Install a previous version

For users who have the problem under consideration lies in the enlightenment at the initialization stage, a method is useful with the installation of an older release and update release to relevant from it.

  1. Open the browser that you prefer and go to the link below - it leads to the Logitech FTP server, from where the installer and downloads the data to install the application

    FTP server Logitech

  2. After downloading the contents of the server's root directory, open the "Search on the page" (most of the modern browsers for it corresponds to the Ctrl + F combination) and specify the LGHUB_INSTALLER query. A list of program versions will appear, click on lghub_installer_2018.9.2778.exe.
  3. Start loading the previous version to solve problems with installing Logitech G Hub

  4. Wait until the installation file is downloaded, then go to the download folder - for example, by selecting an additional download strip option, if you use Google Chrome.
  5. Open downloaded file of the previous version to solve problems with installing Logitech G Hub

  6. Start setting the application from the administrator (see method 1), now it must pass without any problems.
  7. If you have a relatively old accessory from Logitech (release of 2018 or earlier), you can use this version of the branded software, but it will be necessary to upgrade to the latest periphery. To do this, start the G Hub and click on the settings button.
  8. Open application settings for solving problems with Logitech G Hub

  9. In the upper right corner of the window there will be an active link "Check if there are updates", click on it.
  10. Check updates for application to solve problems with Logitech G Hub

  11. The search and download of the current version of the software will begin.
  12. Download updates for apps to solve problems with Logitech G Hub

    This option is quite simple.

Method 4: Fighting Computer Viruses

It is also possible that the installation of the considered software may interfere with viral infection - there is a certain category of malicious software that does not allow you to install or delete programs. Usually, some additional symptoms are also evidenced by some additional symptoms in the form of crashing of files, spontaneously start a browser, the appearance of unfamiliar shortcuts on the "desktop" and so on. When you collide with similar problems, use our anti-virus recommendations, which will find in the article on the link below.

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

Eliminate viral infection to solve problems with the installation of Logitech G Hub

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