How to use MSI Dragon Center


how to use the msi dragon center

Checking system status

Monitoring the state of the computer (CPU and GPU chip temperature, fan speed and main voltages and frequencies) available in the "Home" tab «Monitor». The same section is enabled by default when you open the program.

Starting the computer systems monitoring panel for the program settings MSI Dragon Center

Inclusion game mode

MSI Dragon Center is able to automatically select the combination of motherboard options and / or installed on her system components for the best gaming experience - this feature is called «Gaming Mode». To enable it, go to the path "Home» - «Gaming Mode» and use the same name switch at the top right of the window.

Access to the game mode and its activation for MSI customization Dragon Center

No longer need to configure anything, the app will do everything yourself. Unfortunately, considering the option so far only works with a limited number of game software, predominantly AAA projects 2019-2020 model years, but the developer plans to increase the number of compatible products.

Adjusting performance profiles

The program has the ability to fine tune MSI PC profiles.

  1. Go to "Home» - «User Scenario».
  2. the mode menu for MSI customization Dragon Center

  3. There are several profiles:
    • «Extreme Performance» - maximum performance with overclocking settings;
    • «Balanced» - optimum ratio between performance mode and power-saving operation;
    • «Silent» - the minimum capacity to reduce the noise of the coolers;
    • «Super Battery» - the maximum efficiency;
    • «User» - user settings.
  4. Open modes menu for MSI customization Dragon Center

  5. Option «Extreme Performance» offers set up your computer for optimal game experience at the highest graphics settings - it allows you to nominally increase the operating frequency of the motherboard chipset and graphics card (only available for MSI products).
  6. Setting Extreme Performance mode for MSI customization Dragon Center

  7. Options «Balanced», «Silent» and «Super Battery» additional configuration is required, so let's move right to the point «User». When this mode is made available drop down menu «Performance Level» and «Fan Speed», where you can set performance profiles and work coolers respectively.

    The configuration of the user-mode program for MSI setup Dragon Center

    Next to the menu icon gears is present, which provides access to advanced settings - for example, configuring the fan output depending on the current temperature.

  8. User Mode Advanced settings for the MSI program settings Dragon Center

    The combination and availability of certain profiles depend on the Iron MSI installed in your computer.

Peripheral operation configuration

With the help of MSI Dragon Center on laptops and playing motherboards of the Taiwanese manufacturer, you can also configure the behavior of the keyboard and connected monitor or matrix.

  1. The main parameters of the peripherals are located on the Home tab - "General Settings".
  2. Open keyboard options to configure MSI Dragon Center

  3. Here you can enable or disable the detection of the key Win, and reassign it to function - options «Windows Key» and «Switch Key» respectively. Here you can use the "Display Overdrive" option, which software improves the picture on the screen (only MSI laptops matrices are supported).
  4. Set keyboard settings for setting up MSI Dragon Center

  5. The options for program deactivation of a webcam (WEBCAM switch) are also available, changing the GPU operation mode (GPU Switch menu) and inclusion of a special display profile for CROSSHAIR DISPLAY.
  6. Webcam, GPU and Monitor options for configuring MSI Dragon Center

  7. For supported monitors and laptop panels, setting up color modes is available - True Color tab, which is located in the same section "Home".

    Call Options True Color to configure MSI Dragon Center

    In most cases, there are such profiles:

    • "Gamer" - the default option, is a balanced solution for games and everyday tasks;
    • "Anti-Blue" - turning on the filter of the blue spectrum, it is recommended to include before bedtime or with insufficient illumination;
    • "SRGB" - activates on the monitor (matrix) coverage of the full range of the specified palette, will be useful for users working with graphics;
    • «Office» - a reduced color range and reduced the limit of maximum brightness, focused purely on daily operational tasks such as typing;
    • "Movie" - as follows from the name, sets colors and update mode, optimal for watching movies and videos.

    Color profiles True Color matrix to configure MSI Dragon Center

    Click on the appropriate profile for its inclusion.

The available set of peripherals options depends on the equipment installed in the computer, so some of the above parameters may be absent in some cases.

Backlit control

The application under consideration also allows you to control the backlit of a variety of peripheral devices - the AMBIENT LINK tab is responsible for this (on some configurations are called "Mystic Lights").

Backlight Management Tab to configure MSI Dragon Center

When you connect a compatible device, you can select one of the color profiles or manually define the glow option - click on the Ambient Link panel to the right, then set the color and intensity manually.

Select Ambient Link backlight type to configure MSI Dragon Center

There are also pre-installed modes.

Preset Link Light Modes for Setting MSI Dragon Center

Activation of smart noise reduction

Some MSI motherboard models for desktop and laptops are equipped with a built-in noise cancellation system that runs on neural networks. For its inclusion, do the following:

  1. Open "Home" and use the Noise Cancel tab.
  2. Noise-canceling tab To configure MSI Dragon Center

  3. Next, click on the Speaker Noise Cancel switch and select the main sound output device from the drop-down menu.
  4. Setting the microphone noise reduction to configure the MSI Dragon Center

  5. Repeat the operation from the previous step for the "Microphone Noise Cancel" switch.
  6. Noise reduction of speakers to configure MSI Dragon Center

    Please note that until the fulfillment of this feature, some time can be held until the neural network model is adjusted to specifically your conditions.

Setting the second display

MSI video cards and laptops made by this company support the function of connecting external monitors as additional displays. To use it, do the following:

  1. Make sure the screen is connected to the computer and is recognized.

    Read more: Connecting and configuring two monitors in Windows 10

  2. Open the program and go along the path "Home" - "DUET DISPLAY".
  3. Work with the second display to configure MSI Dragon Center

  4. Pay attention to the block marked in the screenshot further, and execute the steps described in it: click on the "New" button and select a fragment on the main screen. Now the selected part should appear on the second connected display.
  5. Activation of the second display to configure MSI Dragon Center

  6. In this tab, you can connect the iOS device and duplicate the screen on it (you need to install a companion application), as well as configure the hot-access keys - click on the "Hotkey Settings" button and set the desired combination.

Hotkes and iOS-duplication to configure MSI Dragon Center

Driver Update and Installing Additional Utilities

With MSI Dragon Center, you can simplify the driver installation procedure, as well as install additional software that expands the functionality of the main application.

  1. First of all, go to the "Support" section. To set service updates to open the Live Update tab.
  2. A list of drivers will be opened. In the "Installed" block, those that update are not required is noted, and under the heading "New" is software that is desirable to update.
  3. Driver Categories for Update To Configure the MSI Dragon Center program

  4. Click on the "Scan" button to check which software needs to be updated. Upon completion of the scan, check the ticks opposite the desired positions in the New section, then click "Download".
  5. Selection of drivers for updating to configure MSI Dragon Center

  6. To install additional software, go to the Microsoft App tab. Here is a list of programs that can be installed to increase the functionality of MSI Dragon Center. To start the download, use the "Get It From Microsoft" button - after clicking it will open the Microsoft Store, from where it is loaded.

    Read more: Installing applications from Microsoft Store

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