How to put a password for games in Windows 10


How to put a password for games in Windows 10

Method 1: Game Protector

First, we will first demonstrate a solution from a third-party developer, designed to set passwords to executable files, and its name - Game Protector - already speaks for itself. It is extremely easy to manage this application, since it presents only a few basic and auxiliary functions that we consider in the following instruction.

Go to download Game Protector from the official site

  1. Use the link above to get to the official Game Protector website and download the installer of this program. Run the standard installation, run the software and immediately specify the executable game file for which you want to set a password.
  2. Go to choosing a game to install a password through the Game Protector program in Windows 10

  3. A new "Explorer" window will appear, where and find the very object, and then double-click on it to select.
  4. Select the game to install the password through the Game Protector program in Windows 10

  5. The next step is to install the password itself. Enter it in the specifically allotted for this line, and in the below again, repeat the input to confirm the key.
  6. Enter the password to start the game using the Game Protector program in Windows 10

  7. From additional functions, we note the ability to change the icon of the application, which is done in one click.
  8. Ability to install a new icon on a password game in the Game Protector program in Windows 10

  9. If necessary, you can change the name of the executable file and create a backup to return an exe object to its original state, if suddenly the password will be lost.
  10. Ability to change the name of the executable file when protected in the Game Protector program in Windows 10

  11. Click on the "Protect" button to confirm the changes.
  12. Activation of protecting the game password using the Game Protector program in Windows 10

  13. You will be notified that now the EXE file is protected, and its backup is at the specified address.
  14. Successful activation of protecting the game using a password in the Game Protector program in Windows 10

  15. Now, when you start the game, a window will appear in which you will be prompted to enter the set password. Further loading will only occur if this code is correct.
  16. Enter the password to start the game when protecting through the Game Protector program in Windows 10

  17. If you enter the wrong enclosure, another message will appear with information and request to repeat the attempt.
  18. Information about the incorrectly entered password for playing in the Game Protector program in Windows 10

  19. If you want to refuse to protect in the form of a password, go back to the Game Protector main menu and press "Unprotect".
  20. Reset password protection game through the Game Protector program in Windows 10

In Game Protector, there is no list of games to which the password is already installed in the form of a password, so they will have to be memorized independently, and when editing each executable file and decide whether to change the password or it is necessary to remove it. If such an implementation of the settings does not suit you, pay attention to the following solution.

Method 2: Pelock

Immediately note that the Pelock program applies for a fee, but on the official website you can download a trial version to familiarize yourself with all the functions present. This software has a huge number of different tools for protecting files, but now we will only touch on the basic to demonstrate the process of adding a password to executable objects of games.

Go to the Pelock download from the official site

  1. After running PELOCK, click on the "Add File" button to go to the selection of a custom executable item.
  2. Go to the selection of the game file to install the password through the Pelock program in Windows 10

  3. In the "Explorer" window, in a standard way to select a file, clicking on it with the left mouse button twice.
  4. Selecting a game file to install a password through the Pelock program in Windows 10

  5. The Protect File button is responsible for activating protection. It can be pressed now or after additional program settings.
  6. Activation of the protection of the game password through the Pelock program in Windows 10

  7. To make changes to switch to the Options tab.
  8. Go to configuring additional security options in the Pelock program in Windows 10

  9. The password changes through the partition with the corresponding name "Password".
  10. Go to setting up a password to protect in the Pelock program in Windows 10

  11. Install the box next to the "Password Protection" and change the standard key to more reliable.
  12. Select a new password to protect the game in the program Pelock in Windows 10

  13. Now when you start a configured application, a window will appear on the screen in which you will need to enter the set password to continue the game.
  14. Enter the password to access the game when protecting the Pelock program in Windows 10

To configure the following files in PELOCK, you will need to press again along the same button and activate the protection. At the same time, nothing will prevent you from changing passwords for each game, making it in the same way as demonstrated above.

Method 3: Antiviruses

Other programs designed to install passwords on applications are not so popular and do not always work correctly, therefore it makes sense to consider them. However, we will analyze two alternative options in case the previous ones did not come up, and the first of them is to use the antivirus. In almost all antivirus software there is a function of parental control, allowing to establish restrictions on the game. Take for the example Dr.Web.

  1. Install the antivirus to your computer or use already added, where and find the "Parental Control" block.
  2. Go to the configuration of parental control to block the game in the Dr.Web program in Windows 10

  3. Activate special access to make the ability to make changes.
  4. Activation of parental control for blocking games through Dr.Web program in Windows 10

  5. Select a user for which you want to set restrictions on the launch of games.
  6. Select a user to configure restrictions through Dr.Web program in Windows 10

  7. Go to "Files and Folders".
  8. Go to setting up file access and games through Dr.Web program in Windows 10

  9. Activate this feature by moving the appropriate slider.
  10. Enabling game blocking function for user through Dr.Web program in Windows 10

  11. Click on the button in the form of a plus to add an object to the list.
  12. Go to the selection of the game file to lock through Dr.Web in Windows 10

  13. After selecting the executable file, you can specify which level of access for a specific user to provide.
  14. Successful playing game for user in Dr.Web in Windows 10

Approximately the parental control is still configured in another anti-virus software, however, specific of them have their own protection systems and do not allow you to install passwords, so view the list of available functions before installation. You can choose an appropriate antivirus in a separate category on our website.

Read more: Antiviruses for Windows

Method 4: Parental Control in Windows 10

In Windows 10, there is a parental control function, which can be managed through the section on the official Microsoft website by connecting the required number of accounts to family access. This technology allows you to only block the launch of programs or set time limits, so this option is not all. However, it can come in handy, if for certain reasons it does not fit any of the previous methods. All about parental control in this operating system, read in the reference below.

Read more: Features of "Parental Control" in Windows 10

Using Parental Control in Windows 10 to Lock Games

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