Some keys on the laptop keyboard stop working


Some keys on the laptop keyboard stop working

Cause 1: Keyboard Mode

If you do not work the blocks of the F1 - F12 keys or the digital block, it is enough to change the keyboard mode.
  • F1 - F12: In modern laptops, the "Action Keys" mode is usually installed by default, because of which it is used to use its multimedia destiny when you press this row. For example, by pressing F6, you disconnect the sound, but this action may not be the one you wait for the key. To perform its main functional destination, you will need to use the combination of the Fn + F6 keys. You can always switch this mode so that when you press the Fn + F-key, a multimedia action was performed, and not the main one. You can do this using the material on the link below.

    Read more: How to enable the F1-F12 keys on a laptop

  • Digital block: laptops involving the use of a digital block in the form of individual rows with keys or additional values ​​in the letter keys can disable and turn on their operation, most often by pressing the NUM LOCK key. For more information about other options for turning on the digital block, read in the material on the following link.

    Read more: How to turn on the digital key block on the laptop

Cause 2: Keyboard Pollution

The most popular reason why some keys on the keyboard, located in random order, cease to be accommodated - its pollution. At the same time it can be different:

  • The gear hit the key, for example, crumbs, dust, hair;
  • The keyboard was spilled liquid;
  • The julp key, again, most likely, because of the fluid that fell inside.

Stripping from the cause, you can already navigate what to do. With just a dirty keyboard (sometimes the steers are not visible externally, but if you remove the button itself, the remnants of the food, animal wool, accumulated dust and fat) are quite clearly cleaned and check whether the key is pressed.

Read more: Clean keyboard at home

If the keyboard flooded with liquid, it could very seriously suffer. In any case, it will take it to disassemble and clean the contacts from the residues of liquid, oxidation and other negative consequences. However, it is worth understanding that this is not always effective, because to provide "help" a component needed immediately after spilling fluid. At best, the keyboard can be corrupted, in the worst - the liquid fell on the motherboard and spoiled it. We looked at the situation with more detail below, for the reason 6.

In the presence of knowledge and confidence in your abilities, you can disassemble the laptop on your own and clean the keyboard. Everyone who has never come across such an operation and is afraid to break something, it is better to contact the service center. Tell the master of the problem - you may be able to get rid of the trimming of the affected areas.

Read more: What to do with a flooded keyboard

Inverted keyboard down laptop after fluid

The poured keys are usually there from spilled liquid type of sweet tea, but sometimes there are a consequence of other reasons, so be sure to check the operation of all keys that are not related to letters and numbers - maybe some of them do not give normally the rest. It is best to do this through special online services.

Read more: Keypad check online

Cause 3: Software errors

Often, problems with clicking some keys calls the software installed on the user's computer. It is not possible to list such a software possible, so the user will have to independently understand whether any of the established, especially running, programs adversely affect the keyboard. For example, some people stopped accommodating random keys even after installing the driver for the GeForce Experience video card. That is, as you understand, the culprit of the problem can even become the software that you will not think about checking under normal conditions.

First of all, the "Anamnesis" is important: remember that you were installed or updated quite recently. It is likely that some of the installed programs and turned out to be a source of malfunction. Stop her work, and if it did not help, make a "clean" launch of the operating system:

  1. The Win + R keys call the "Run" window where you write msconfig, and then press ENTER or OK.
  2. Call Application System Configuration when searching for the cause of broken keys on the keyboard

  3. Being on the General tab, select the "Selective Start" option and leave the checkbox only to "Download System Services", repel.
  4. Clean Windows Starting through the System Configuration application when searching for the cause of non-working keys on the keyboard

  5. Switch to the "Services" tab, check the box at the "Do not display Microsoft Services", then click "Disable All". Now restart the computer and check if the keys work. If yes, look for the culprit among the disconnected services, selectively including some of them.
  6. Disable the start of all services through the system configuration application when searching for the cause of non-working keys on the keyboard

When unsuccessful loading, the problem should be searching among autoload records. Users of Windows 7, while in the same application, can go to the "Auto-loading" tab and click on the "Disable All" button.

Applying a clean download to the autorun list in the snap-in configuration of the system in Windows 7

Winners of Windows 10 will have to open the "Task Manager" for this purpose, for example, the Ctrl + Shift + ESC keys. In it, go to the "Auto-boot" tab, remove absolutely all programs from downloading, which do not affect the performance of the PC (most likely, this is the entire list of autoloads). To do this, highlight each process with the mouse and click on the "Disable" button.

Disable the program startup when searching for the cause of non-working keys on the keyboard

N1 may cause an unsuccessful update of the operating system. If it was just recently produced on a computer, roll back the update. In the "dozen" there is a convenient feature:

  1. Open the parameters application.
  2. Go to parameters to roll back the last installed update when searching for the cause of non-working keys on the keyboard

  3. Go to the "Update and Security" section.
  4. Go to roll back the last installed update in Windows 10 when searching for the cause of non-working keys on the keyboard

  5. Through the left tab, switch to "Restore", where you will see the "Back to the previous version of Windows 10". You have 10 days from the moment of installing the update, after which the refund will be unavailable. Immediately click "Start" to start rollback, or first learn about this action more with the link button "More details".
  6. Rollback of the latest installed update in Windows 10 when searching for the cause of non-working keys on the keyboard

You can help our other guides.

Using a screen keyboard

To be able to use non-working keys to repair, it is convenient to run a virtual keyboard. It is already built into the operating system, and you can even call it before entering your account if the password is installed on it and it is not physically unable to enter it. In the link below, you will find information on how to open it and use on a laptop with any version of Windows.

Read more: Run a virtual keyboard on a laptop with Windows

Screen keyboard in Windows 10

Key reassignment

Another option is to reassign the function of the non-working key to the operating. It is more suitable for long-term use, since the reassignment process itself may not be from rapid, or if you need to print a lot, and every time you call a virtual simplicity is inconvenient. In addition, not everyone wants to contact the service center if the pair of unpopular keys does not work.

Read more:

Programs for reassigning keys on the keyboard

Reassay keys on the keyboard in Windows 10 / Windows 7

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