How to distribute Wi-Fi modem


How to distribute Wi-Fi modem

Method 1: Corporate Soft

We carried this method to first place, because it does not require any additional settings from the user, and the Wi-Fi distribution mode itself via a USB modem is switched on directly in the software used to interact with these network equipment. However, it should be borne in mind that the built-in Wi-Fi module is far from all such devices, so the method will be implemented only in some users. They will need to run the corporate software, activate the connection and enable the distribution of the wireless network in the tab specifically allotted for this.

Inclusion of the modem wireless mode through the branded software

As for the most corporate software, it should be installed automatically when the modem is connected. If this does not happen, the device must be configured manually - we advise you to familiarize yourself with the universal manual on our website by clicking on the following link.

Read more: Setting up a USB modem

Method 2: Function built in OS

Most often, the USB modem connects to a computer or laptop, where the main interaction with it occurs. If you have a built-in or optional adapter on your PC, which allows you to connect to a wireless network, it means that you can share this network with other users in the operating system of functions, thereby applying Wi-Fi to the USB modem. To do this, simply configure network equipment, and then configure the OS, which is written in the detailed form in the material below.

Read more: Internet distribution in Windows 10 from a laptop

Connecting a modem to a computer to configure a wireless mode

Method 3: Router Application

Now in many modern routers there is a USB connector designed to connect removable media, printers and USB modems. This allows you to choose such a mode of operation that would distribute the Internet over a wireless network when this modem is connected. Accordingly, to implement the method, you will need to make sure that the modem can be connected to the router.

Connecting a modem to a router for further configuration Wi-Fi

The next step is to enter the router settings, since all further action are carried out exactly there. To do this, it needs to be connected via a wireless network or a LAN cable to a target computer, open the browser and log in in the web interface, read more detailed.

Read more: Input to the router settings

The configuration process after connecting the USB modema is drastically different on certain models of routers, so we propose to disassemble the two most common options, but you will only have to choose the most appropriate one.

The appearance of the D-Link router settings can be classic, because in the same TP-Link, Netis or ZTE, all menus are roughly similar, with the same names and location. In this case, configuring the distribution of the Internet via the USB modem is carried out in the quick configuration mode and looks like this:

  1. After authorization in the Internet center, run the setup wizard by clicking on the "Click'n'Connect" or "Fast Setup" section.
  2. Go to quick configuration of the D-LINK router to configure the modem wireless network

  3. Skip the stage with a network cable connection, since now it is simply no need.
  4. Running the D-Link router setup wizard to configure the modem wireless network

  5. When a request for a selection of the provider, you can specify your mobile operator if it is listed. So with a point of access (APN), there will definitely not have any problems. Otherwise, leave the value "manually".
  6. Select the provider when configuring the D-Link router to configure the modem wireless network

  7. When you select the connection type, specify "3G" or "LTE" (4G), which depends on how the generation of the mobile network provides the operator.
  8. Selecting a mode when setting up a D-LINK router to configure the modem wireless network

  9. After that, a notification may be displayed that the modem is blocked. This means that the SIM card is protected by the PIN code, which is required to be entered for unlocking.
  10. Unlock modem via D-Link router to configure the modem wireless network

  11. Save all changes and wait for the router to reboot. After that, open the "3G-modem" section to verify the quality of communication.
  12. Go to view the status of the connected modem to the D-Link router

  13. Check out the overall information, as well as change the PIN, if there is a need for this.
  14. Check the status of the connected modem to the D-Link router


Asus decided to go to another way, making the web interface almost unique. However, consider this option as an example is not due to the individuality of the appearance, but because the inclusion of communication mode with the USB modem occurs in a separate application, which is also found from other manufacturers of network equipment.

  1. If not Russian language is selected by default, change it in the upper right corner of the web interface.
  2. Select ASUS Routher Language To configure the modem wireless network

  3. After that, open the category "USB application", which is in the "General" block.
  4. Go to the application to configure the modem in the ASUS router to configure the wireless network

  5. Go to the USB modem setting, selecting the appropriate option in the menu that appears.
  6. Switch to modem setup mode in ASUS router for configuring a wireless network

  7. Activate the USB mode so that the program detects the connected network equipment.
  8. Enable modem mode in ASUS router to configure a wireless network

  9. Change the access point (APN), if this requires a mobile operator, and enter the PIN from SIM cards. No more changes in the web interface should be done.
  10. Enter the modem parameters in the ASUS router to configure the wireless network

  11. Apply settings and send a router to reboot.
  12. Saving the modem parameters when setting it in the ASUS router

If, after making changes and restarting the router you can't connect to Wi-Fi via a USB modem, it is possible that the wireless mode is not yet configured or completely disabled. Then manually check the parameters and change them. In all web interfaces, this is done in approximately the same algorithm.

  1. Open the "Wireless Mode" or Wi-Fi section.
  2. Go to the wireless mode settings when setting up a Wi-Fi modem via router

  3. Make sure the access point is activated or independently turn it on.
  4. Enabling the wireless network Wi-Fi modem via router

  5. Set the name for the network with which it will be displayed in the list available, and go to the next step.
  6. Filling information about the wireless network setting Wi-Fi modem via router

  7. Open the "Wireless Protection" subcategory.
  8. Go to Wireless Network Security section Setup Wi-Fi Modem via Router

  9. Specify the protection protocol recommended by the developers, and then specify a reliable password for it consisting of a minimum of eight characters.
  10. Setting the wireless network protection setup Wi-Fi modem via router

Wireless mode will be available after you save all changes and restart the router.

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