How to choose a power supply


How to choose a computer power supply
What is the power supply and what is it needed for?

Power supply (BP) is a network voltage conversion device (220 volt) to specified values. For a start, we will look at what criteria you can choose a power supply for a computer, and then consider some points in more detail.

The main and main selection criterion (BP) is the maximum component of the computer device, which is measured in the power measurement units called Watt (W, W).

About 10-15 years ago, no more than 200 watts were required for the normal operation of the average computer, but in our time it increased, due to the emergence of new components that consume a large amount of energy.

For example, one Sapphire HD 6990 video card can consume up to 450 W! Those. For the selection of BP, you need to decide on the components and find out what their power consumption.

Let's look at the example, how to choose the right BP (ATX):

  • Processor - 130 W
  • Motherboard -40 W
  • Memory -10 W 2pcs
  • HDD -40 W 2pc
  • Video Card -300 W.
  • CD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD -2 0W
  • Coolers - 2 W 5pcs

So, in front of you list with components and power consumed by them, it is necessary to form the power of all components to calculate the power of BP, and + 20% for stock, i.e. 130 + 40 + (20) + (80) + 300 + 20 + (10) = 600. Thus, the total power of the components is 600VATT + 20% (120 W) = 720 watts i.e. For this computer, it is recommended that the BP power is not lower than 720 W.

With power, we figured out, now we will try to deal with the quality: after all, it does not mean quality. Today on the market there are a large number of power supplies from cheap unnamed to very well-known brands. The good power supply can also be chemodes from the fact that there are not all firms make BP themselves, as it is customary to take it easier to take and do on the finished scheme of some eminent manufacturer, and some do it very well, so worthy of quality can Meet everywhere, but how to find out without opening the box it is already a difficult question.

And yet you can give advice on the choice of ATX Power Supply: High-quality BP cannot weigh less than 1 kg. Pay attention to the wire marking (as in the picture) if 18 AWG is written there, then this is the norm if 16 AWG, then it is very good, and if 20 AWG, then it is already a low-quality wire, you can even say marriage.

Power supply wires

Of course, it is better not to experience fate and choose BP proven firms, there is a guarantee and brand. Below is a list of recognized stamps of power supplies:

  • Zalman.
  • Thermaltake.
  • Corsair.
  • Hiper.
  • FSP.
  • Delta Power

ATX power supply unit

There is another criterion - this is the size of the power supply, which depends on the body factor of the case where it will stand, and the power of the BP itself, mostly all power supplies are the ATX standard (shown in the figure below) but there are other BPs that do not belong to specific standards.

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