When installing a driver on a video card Blue screen


When installing a driver on a video card Blue screen

Rollback of changes

The priority action that needs to be done if a blue screen appears (BSOD) after installing the video card drivers, - roll back all changes. This is done by removing software. Starting the operating system in safe mode will avoid errors, and this can be done using the following instruction.

Read more: Safe mode in Windows 10

Starting the operating system in safe mode to solve the problems with a blue screen after installing the video card drivers

The next step is to delete the graphics adapter driver. To do this, there is a built-in option in Windows, allowing you to quickly cancel all changes, and you can use it like this:

  1. Right-click on the Start menu and in the context menu that appears, select the Device Manager option.
  2. Go to the device manager to roll back the video card drivers when the blue screen appears

  3. Expand the "Video Taparters" section to find the necessary video card there.
  4. Opening a list with video audit to roll back the video card driver when the blue screen appears

  5. Click on the PCM Graphic Adapter and go to Properties.
  6. Go to the video card properties to roll back the driver when the blue screen appears

  7. In the window that appears, you are interested in the "Driver" tab, in which you should click on "roll back" and confirm the changes.
  8. Rollback of the driver for the video card when the blue screen is appeared

You will be notified of the successful removal of graphics drivers, meaning that you can try to fulfill further recommendations from this material. Before that, do not forget to get out of the secure mode, since the next start of the operating system will already be held without the appearance of the blue screen of death.

Not always the process goes smoothly: often when trying to install the update, the system issues an error. In this case, we have full-fledged materials that tell about the elimination of this type of malfunction.

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Method 3: Checking the integrity of system files

Failures in the operation of the operating system can also affect the appearance of a blue death screen after installing a graphics driver, even if its correct version was originally selected. It is not difficult to start checking the integrity of system files, because the process is responsible for this process built into windows. Read about this operation in a separate article on our website. There you will find a guide for a situation where the check is completed with an error.

Read more: Using and restoring system file integrity check in Windows 10

Check the integrity of system files when solving problems with a blue screen after installing the video card drivers

Method 4: Computer Check for viruses

You can safely skip this method if you install the driver for the video card immediately after installing the operating system. Otherwise, the situation is quite likely that the PC is infected with viruses, which cause the appearance of a blue screen. After rollback, run a convenient test tool, delete the threats found and try to reinstall software for the graphics adapter.

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

Specifying a computer for viruses to solve a blue screen problem after installing the video card driver

Method 5: Verification of the video card for performance

From simple moving to more complex methods that are associated with video card hardware faults. To begin with, it must be checked for performance, and the easiest way to connect it to another computer, trying to install drivers. If the error does not appear, it means that everything is in order with the components.

Read more: Verification of the video card

The second step of testing the performance of the video card when problems with a blue screen appears

In a situation where the blue screen appeared on another computer, you should make sure that the video card has not burned down and can still be reanimated. There are some available checks that you can find out in another article on our website.

Read more: How to understand what the video card burned down

The graphic adapter can be restored if the cause of its breakage is the chip dump. This refers to the hardware that is already in operation last time, the owners of new video cards do not need to do this. For recovery, there is a whole warming procedure at home. It is recommended to do this only to experienced users, accurately following the leadership.

Read more: Warm video card at home

Warming up the video card when problems with a blue screen after installing drivers

If nothing of the above helps help, try reinstalling the operating system and check how the driver will be installed this time. If nothing helped, you should contact the store where you have been purchased, and pass it under warranty, and if the device has been purchased for a long time, find the service center yourself.

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