How to combine hard disk sections


How to combine partitions on disk
Many when installing Windows crashes hard disk or SSD into several sections, sometimes it is already divided and, in general, it is convenient. However, it may be necessary to combine the partitions of the hard disk or SSD, how to do it in Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7 in detail in this instruction.

Depending on the availability of important data on the second of the combined partitions, you can do as embedded Windows tools (if there are no important data or they can be copied to the first section before combining), or use third-party free programs to work with sections (if important data on The second section is there and copy them now). Next will be considered both of these options. It can also be useful: how to increase the disk C due to disk D.

Note: Theoretically, the actions performed, if the user definitely does not understand its actions and performs manipulations with system partitions, can lead to problems when loading the system. Be careful and, if we are talking about some small hidden section, and you do not know why it is needed - it is better not to proceed.

  • How to combine disk sections with Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7
  • How to combine disk sections without loss of data using free programs
  • Combining hard disk or SSD sections - Video instructions

Combining Windows Disk Sections with built-in OS

Combine partitions of the hard disk in the absence of on the second from the sections of important data can be easily using the built-in Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7 tools without the need to use additional programs. If there are such data, but they can be previously copied to the first of the sections, the method is also suitable.

Important note: The combined sections must be located in order, i.e. One follow the other, without any additional sections between them. Also, if in the second step in the instructions below you see that the second of the combined partitions is located in the area highlighted by the green color, and the first one does not work, the method in the described form does not work, it will be necessary to pre-delete the entire logical section (highlighted green).

Steps will be as follows:

  1. Press the Win + R keys on the keyboard, enter the diskmgmt.msc and press ENTER - the "Disk Management" utility will start.
  2. At the bottom of the disk management window, you will see a graphical display of partitions on your hard disk or SSD. Right-click on the section, which is on the right of the partition with which you need to merge (in my example I merge C and D discs) and select "Delete TOM", and then confirm the removal of the volume. Let me remind you, between them should not be additional partitions, and the data from the separated section will be lost.
    Deleting a disk partition in Windows
  3. Right-click on the first of two integrated partitions and select the Context menu item "Expand Tom". The volume expansion wizard will be launched. It is enough to press "Next", by default it will use all the non-distributed space that appeared in the second step to combine with the current partition.
    Expand Tom in Windows Drive Management
  4. As a result, you will receive a combined section. The data from the first of the volumes will not go anywhere, and the second space will be completely attached. Ready.
    Disc sections are merged

Unfortunately, it often happens that there are important data on both combined sections, and it is not possible to copy them from the second section. In this case, you can use free third-party programs that allow you to combine sections without data loss.

How to combine disk sections without data loss

There are many free (and paid too) programs to work with the hard disk sections. Among those available for free, you can highlight Aomei Partition Assistant Standard and Minitool Partition Wizard Free. Here we consider the use of the first of them.

Notes: To combine partitions, as in the previous case, they must be located in a row, without intermediate partitions, there must also be one file system, such as NTFS. The merger of the partitions is performed after rebooting in the Preos or Windows PE environment - so that the computer can boot to execute the operation, you will need to turn off the secure boot into the BIOS if it is enabled (see how to disable Secure Boot).

  1. Run Aomei Partition Assistant Standard and in the main program window, right-click on any of the two combined partitions. Select the section "Merge section".
    Combine sections in Aomei Partition Assistant Standard
  2. Select partitions to merge, for example, C and D. Note, below in the section Combination window will be shown what letter will have a combined section (C), as well as where you find the data from the second section (C: \ D-drive in my case).
    Choose sections for combining
  3. Click OK.
  4. In the main program window, click "Apply" (button at the top of the left), and then the Go button. Agree with a reboot (partitioning will be completed outside of Windows after a reboot), as well as remove the "ENTER INTO Windows PE MODE to Perform Operation" mark - in our case it is not necessary, and we will be able to save time (but in general on this topic before Take up, look at the video, there are nuances there).
    Combining sections in Preos and WinPE
  5. When rebooting, on a black screen with a message in English that the Aomei Partition Assistant Standard is running now, do not press any keys (it will interrupt the procedure).
  6. If, after the reboot, nothing has changed (and it passed surprisingly quickly), and the sections were not combined, then do the same, but without removing the mark at the 4th step. At the same time, if you encountered a black screen after logging in Windows at this step, run the task manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del), select "File" - "Run a new task", and specify the path to the program (partassist.exe file in Folder with the program in Program Files or Program Files x86). After rebooting, click "Yes", and after performing the operation - RESTART NOW.
    Sections are successfully combined
  7. As a result, after performing the procedure, you will receive the combined partitions on your disk with data saving from both sections.

You can download Aomei Partition Assistant Standard from the official site If you use the Minitool Partition Wizard Free program, the whole process will be practically the same.

Video instruction

As you can see, the combination procedure is quite simple, if you take into account all the nuances, and there are no problems with disks. I hope to cope, and difficulties will not arise.

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