Line diagram in Excel


Line diagram in Excel

The principle of creating a bar chart

The line diagram in Excel is used to display completely different informative data relating to the selected table. Because of this, the need arises not only to create it, but also to configure under their tasks. At first, it should be sorted out about the choice of a linear chart, and then proceed to the change of its parameters.

  1. Highlight the desired part of the table or its entirely, holding the left mouse button.
  2. Selecting a table to create a bar chart in Excel

  3. Click the Insert tab.
  4. Go to the Insert tab to create a bar chart in Excel

  5. In block with charts, expand the "Histogram" drop-down menu, where there are three standard linear graphs template and there is a button to go to the menu with other histograms.
  6. Selecting a bar chart to create from the list available in Excel

  7. If you press the latter, a new "Insert Chart" window will open, where, from the assorted list, select "Linely".
  8. Go to viewing bar charts in the list of all Excel graphs.

  9. Consider all the present charts to select the one that is suitable for displaying the working data. The version with the group is successful when you need to compare values ​​in different categories.
  10. Acquaintance with a bar chart with a grouping in Excel

  11. The second type is a line with accumulation, allows you to visually display the proportions of each element to one whole.
  12. Familiarization with a schedule chart with accumulation in Excel

  13. The same type of chart, but only with the "normalized" prefix differs from the previous data to the data submission units. Here they are shown in the percentage ratio, and not proportionately.
  14. Familiarization with a normalized accumulative chart in Excel

  15. The following three types of bar diagrams are three-dimensional. The first creates exactly the same grouping that was discussed above.
  16. View the first version of the three-dimensional line diagram in Excel

  17. The accumulative surround diagram makes it possible to view a proportional ratio in one whole.
  18. View a second version of the three-dimensional line chart in Excel

  19. The normalized volume is as well as two-dimensional, displays the data in percent.
  20. View the third version of the three-dimensional line diagram in Excel

  21. Select one of the proposed bar charts, look at the view and click on ENTER to add to the table. Hold the graph with the left mouse button to move it to a convenient position.
  22. Transferring diagrams in a convenient table area after its creation in Excel

Changing the figure of a three-dimensional line chart

Three-dimensional bar charts are also popular because they look beautiful and allow you to professionally demonstrate a comparison of data when project presentation. Standard Excel functions are able to change the type of shape of a series with data, leaving the classic option. Then you can adjust the format of the figure, giving it an individual design.

  1. You can change the figure of a line diagram when it was originally created in a three-dimensional format, so do it now if the schedule has not yet been added to the table.
  2. Opening a menu to create a three-dimensional line chart in Excel

  3. Press LKM on the rows of the diagram data and spend up to highlight all values.
  4. Select a series of three-dimensional line chart to edit them Excel

  5. Make the right button with the right mouse button and through the context menu, go to the section "Data range" section.
  6. Transition to editing series three-dimensional bar chart in Excel

  7. On the right will open a small window that is responsible for setting up the parameters of the three-dimensional row. In the "Figure" block, mark the suitable figure for replacing the standard and look at the result in the table.
  8. Selecting a figure when editing a three-dimensional line diagram in Excel

  9. Immediately then, open the section in the middle responsible for editing the format of the bulk figure. Ask her the relief, the contour and assign the texture when necessary. Do not forget to monitor changes in the chart and cancel them if you don't like something.
  10. Setting the three-dimensional figure format when creating a three-dimensional line chart in Excel

Change distance between diagram lines

In the same menu, working with a series diagram there is a separate setting that opens through the "Parameters of the Row" section. It is responsible for an increase or decrease in the gap between the rows of both the front side and side. Choose the optimal distance by moving these sliders. If suddenly the setup does not suit you, return the default values ​​(150%).

Changing the distance between the rows of the three-dimensional line chart in Excel

Changing the location of the axes

The last setting that will be useful when working with a timing diagram - change the location of the axes. It turns the axis of 90 degrees, making the display of the graph vertical. Usually, when you need to organize a similar type, users choose another type of diagrams, but sometimes you can simply change the setting of the current one.

  1. Click on the axis right mouse button.
  2. The selection of the axis to change its location in the EXCEL line diagram

  3. A context menu appears through which you open the axis format window.
  4. Transition to the axis setting to change its location in the Excel line diagram

  5. In it, go to the last tab with the parameters.
  6. Opening an axis location setup menu in the EXCEL line diagram

  7. Expand the "Signatures" section.
  8. Opening the signature menu to change the location of the bar chart in Excel

  9. Through the "signature position" drop-down menu, select the desired location, for example, at the bottom or on top, and then check the result.
  10. Changing the position of the signature when setting up a bar chart in Excel

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