Registry editing is prohibited by the system administrator - how to fix?


Registry editing is prohibited by the administrator
If you try to start the REGEDIT (registry editor), you see a message that the registry editing is prohibited by the system administrator, this suggests that Windows 10, 8.1 or Windows 7 system policies that are responsible for user access (in including with administrator accounts) to edit the registry.

In this instruction in detail about what to do if the registry editor does not start with the "Registry editor" and several relatively simple ways to correct the problem - in the Local Group Policy Editor, using the command line, .Reg and .bat files. However, there is one mandatory requirement so that the steps described are possible: your user must have administrator rights in the system.

Resolution Registry Editing Using the Local Group Policy Editor

The easiest and easier way to disable the ban on editing the registry is to use the Local Group Policy Editor, but it is only available in the professional and corporate editions of Windows 10 and 8.1, also in Windows 7 maximum. For a home edition, use one of the following 3 methods to enable registry editor.

Registry editing is prohibited by the system administrator

In order to unlock the editing of the registry in the REGEDIT using the Local Group Policy Editor, follow these steps:

  1. Press the Win + R buttons and enter the gpedit.msc in the "Run" window and press ENTER.
    Running gpedit.msc in windows
  2. Go to user configuration - administrative templates - system.
    Enabling the Registry Editor in Local Group Policy
  3. In the Work area on the right, select "Disable access to registry editing tools", double-click on it, or right-click and select Edit.
  4. Select "Disabled" and apply the changes made.

Unlock registry editor

Unlock registry editor

This is usually enough that the Windows registry editor becomes available. However, if this did not happen, restart the computer: registry editing will be affordable.

How to enable the registry editor using the command line or BAT file

This method is suitable for any Windows edition, provided that the command line is also not blocked (and this happens, in this case we try the following options).

Run the command line on behalf of the administrator (see all ways to run the command line from the administrator):

  • In Windows 10. - Start typing "Command Line" in the search for the taskbar, and when the result is found, click on it right-click and select "Run from the administrator."
  • In Windows 7. - Find in Start - Programs - Standard "Command Line", click on it right mouse button and click "Start on behalf of the administrator"
  • In windows 8.1 and 8 , On the desktop, press Win + X keys and select the "Command Line (Administrator" menu.

In the command prompt, enter the command:

REG Add "HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System" / T Reg_DWORD / V DISABLEREGISTRYTOOLS / F / D 0

And press ENTER. After executing the command, you must receive a message that the operation is successfully completed, and the registry editor will be unlocked.

Enabling registry editing on the command line

It may happen that the use of the command line is also disabled, in this case you can do somewhat differently:

  • Copy the code written above
  • In the notebook, create a new document, insert the code and save the file with the .bat extension (Read more: How to create .bat file in Windows)
  • Right click on the file and run it on the administrator.
  • For a moment, the command line window will appear, after which it will disappear - this means that the team was completed successfully.

Using the registry file to remove the prohibit registry editing

Another method, in case .bat files and command row do not work - create .reg registry file with parameters that unlock editing and adding these parameters to the registry. Steps will be as follows:

  1. Run the notepad (is in standard programs, you can also use the search on the taskbar).
  2. In notepad, insert the code that will be listed below.
  3. In the menu, select File - Save, in the File Type field, specify "All Files", and then specify any file name with the required .Reg extension
    Saving REG file in notebook to unlock the registry
  4. "Run" this file and confirm the addition of information in the registry.

Code .Reg file for use:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System] "DisableRegistryTools" = DWORD: 00000000

Usually, in order for the changes to be used, the computer is not required to restart.

Enabling registry editor using unhookexec.inf from Symantec

Anti-virus software manufacturer, Symantec, offers to download a small INF file that allows you to remove the ban on editing the registry pair of mouse clicks. Many Trojans, viruses, spyware and other malicious programs change the system settings that may affect the launch of the registry editor. This file allows you to reset these settings to standard for Windows values.

In order to take advantage of this method - download and save yourself an unhookexec.inf file on the computer, then install it by right-clicking and selecting "Set" in the context menu. During installation, no windows or messages will appear.

Also, you can meet the registry editor tools in third-party free utilities to correct Windows 10 errors, such as this feature in the System Tools section in Fixwin for Windows 10.

That's all: I hope one way will allow you to successfully solve the problem. If you cannot enable access to editing the registry, describe the situation in the comments - I will try to help.

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