How to find out what is looking for in Yandex


How to find out what they are looking for yandex

Method 1: Search Row Yandex

There are several ways to determine what the Yandex users are interested. The easiest - search prompts appearing during the phrase input. They reflect the most popular requests that begin on the entered words or letters.

Go to Yandex Search page

Display of search tips in Yandex

Search tips are associated with the location of the device, so if you are interested in another region, you will have to first specify it in the search engine settings. About how to do it, written in detail in a separate article on our website.

Read more: How to set up the region in Yandex

Changing the region in Yandex

Method 2: Wordstat

VORDSTAT - Yandex service for the selection of words, with which you can get information about user search queries. It is commonly used to collect semantics when promoting commercial and information resources. The service makes it possible to find out how many times a month users enter this or that word or phrase and thus reveal that people are looking for concrete subjects, as well as the most popular requests in it.

Go to Wordstat service

  1. Open WordStat, enter a request from one or more words on the topic of interest and click "pick up."
  2. Entering a query in Wordstat

  3. We are waiting for the area with the results. At the top of the list there is a word or phrase introduced in the search bar, and to the right of it the overall preliminary statistics of the shows per month of all phrases, including the request entered.
  4. Viewing statistics on the search query in Wordstat

  5. Below will be the most popular phrases with this word.

    View full schedule on Wordstat search query

    In the column on the right, statistics on similar requests.

  6. View the statistics of the shows for similar requests in Wordstat

  7. If you are interested in information on a specific region, click "All regions".

    Login to the Selection section in Wordstat

    We note the desired and click "choose."

    Selection of the region in Wordstat

    As a rule, in such cases, the number of shots decreases.

  8. View show statistics on request in the selected region

  9. To see how many times this phrase was looking for in previous periods, click "Query History".

    Log in to the query history section in Wordstat

    Information will be presented in the form of a graph

    View query history graphics in Wordstat

    and in a tabular version.

  10. View query history table in Wordstat

Method 3: Yandex.Investments

Yandex services accumulate a huge amount of data that make it possible to conclude about the world around the world, changes occurring in it and the interests of people. All company research is freely available. With their results, you can read in a special section.

Go to Yandex Studies

  1. Open a page with Yandex research. We are interested in data related to search queries, so use the filter. Click on the "All Topics" field and in the context menu, select "Search".
  2. Yandex Research Category

  3. After downloading the page, select the study in the list.

    Selecting Search Engine Yandex

    It is difficult to summarize all search queries in one category, so Yandex distributes them on topics and makes information blocks.

  4. View search results results Yandex

  5. The company also conducts research on the main topics that users were interested in during the year.

    Choice of annual search research Yandex

    These reports usually include popular people, important events and activities in politics, filmmaking, game, sports, music industry, etc. The most common requests for which users are looking for are also taken into account.

  6. The results of the annual search research Yandex

  7. To receive notifications about new Yandex studies, at the top of the head of the page we click the "Subscribe" button, we enter an email address and click "Finish".
  8. Subscribe to Yandex Studies

Also on the page "About company" you can learn live that people are looking for in Yandex. But it will not be possible to use such data, as the requests are not broadcast, but they are selected randomly.

Go to the page "About company" in Yandex

Live requests for Yandex live

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