Error 0x800F081F and 0x800F0950 when installing .NET Framework 3.5


Errors 0x800F081F and 0x800F0950 in Windows 10
Sometimes, when installing .NET Framework 3.5 in Windows 10, the 0x800F081F or 0x800F0950 error appears in Windows 10, the Windows failed to find the fals necessary to perform the requested changes "and" failed to apply changes ", and the situation is quite common and not always easy to figure out what's the matter .

In this instruction, details about several ways to correct the error 0x800F081F when installing the .NET Framework 3.5 component in Windows 10, from more simple to more complex. The installation itself is described in a separate article How to install .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.5 in Windows 10.

Before proceeding, notice that the cause of the error, especially 0x800F0950, may be non-working, disabled Internet or locked access to Microsoft servers (for example, if you have disabled Windows 10 surveillance). Also, the cause is sometimes third-party antiviruses and firewalls (try temporarily disable them and repeat the installation).

Error message 0x800F081F when installing .NET Framework 3.5

Manual setting .NET Framework 3.5 to correct the error

The first thing to try in case of errors during the installation is to install .NET Framework 3.5 in Windows 10 in the "Installation of Components" - use the command line for manual installation.

The first option involves the use of internal storage of components:

  1. Run the command prompt on behalf of the administrator. To do this, you can start typing the "Command Line" in the search for the taskbar, then right-click on the result found and select the "Run from the administrator" item.
  2. Enter the command Dism / Online / Enable-Feature / FeatureName: NetFX3 / All / LimitAccess Tap Enter.
    Installing the .NET Framework from local storage
  3. If everything went successfully, close the command line and restart the computer. .NET Framework5 will be installed.

If this method also reported an error, let's use the installation from the system distribution.

You will need to either download and mount the ISO image with Windows 10 (necessarily in the same bit depth that you have installed, to mount, right click the image and choose "Connect". See. How to download the original ISO Windows 10), or, if Prepare, connect a flash drive or disk with Windows 10 to a computer. After that, perform the following steps:

  1. Run the command prompt on behalf of the administrator.
  2. Enter komanduDISM / Online / Enable-Feature / FeatureName: NetFx3 / All / LimitAccess / Source: D: \ sources \ sxsgde D: - letter of the mounted image, disk or flash drive with Windows 10 (on my screenshot letter J).
    Error correction by installing .NET 3.5 in DISM
  3. If the command has been completed successfully, restart the computer.

With a high probability, one of the methods described above will help in solving the problem and error 0x800F081F or 0x800F0950 will be corrected.

Fixed errors 0x800F081F and 0x800F0950 in the registry editor

This method may be useful when installing the .NET Framework 3.5 occurs on a corporate computer, where your server is used for updates.

  1. Press the Win + R keys on the keyboard, enter the REGEDIT and press ENTER (WIN-Key with the Windows emblem). The registry editor opens.
  2. In the Registry Editor, go to the sectionHKey_Local_machine \ Software \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ WindowsPDATE \ AUPRI of the absence of such a partition, create it.
  3. Change the parameter value named USEWUSERVER to 0, close the registry editor and restart the computer.
    Usewuserver in the registry
  4. Try installing through "Enable and disable Windows Components".

If the proposed method helped, then after installing the component, it is worth changing the parameter value to the original one (if it had a value of 1).

Additional Information

Some additional information that may be useful in the context of the error when installing .NET Framework 3.5:

  • The Microsoft website has a utility to troubleshoot the .NET Framework setting, available on the I don't undertake to judge her effectiveness, usually the error was corrected before it is applied.
  • Since the error in question is directly related to the ability to contact Windows Updates, if you are somehow disconnected or blocked, try to turn on again. Also on the official website Available tool for automatic troubleshooting of the update center.

The Microsoft website has an offline .NET Framework 3.5 installer, but for previous versions of the OS. In Windows 10, it simply loads the component, and in the absence of an Internet connection reports 0x800F0950 error. Download page:

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