Error 806 when connected VPN in Windows 10


Error 806 when connected VPN in Windows 10

Method 1: Deleting Virtual Network Connections

Most virtualization applications use software tools for internet forwarding to guest systems. They can conflict with VPN connections, which leads to the error under consideration. Troubleshooting Problem Simple - All adapters created by virtualization managers should be deleted.

  1. Open the "Run" using the Win + R keys by the combination of the Win + R keys, then enter the NCPA.CPL query in it and click OK.
  2. Open network connections management to eliminate 806 errors when connected VPN in Windows 10

  3. In the network connections window, find all positions that match the adapters of virtual machines - an example of those such as you can observe the screenshot below.
  4. Example of virtual adapters to eliminate 806 errors when connected VPN in Windows 10

  5. After defining all the required items, click on one right of the right mouse button and use the Delete item. Do not worry - the next time you start the corresponding virtual machine, the compound will be created again.
  6. Deleting virtual adapters to eliminate 806 errors when connected VPN in Windows 10

  7. Repeat the previous step for all the spent connections that found.
  8. After performing this operation, try connecting to your VPN network, now the error should not occur. Alas, but it works far from each type of virtual adapters - if the removal parameter is not available, you will have to erase the guest OS associated with it, or uninstall the virtual machine.

Method 2: Troubleshooting Firewall Problems

An error with code 806 also occurs due to the actions of a system or third-party firewood, for example, if the corresponding compounds are prohibited. In this case, this software will be required to be adjusted accordingly.

Read more: Setting up the system firewall in Windows 10

If, in addition to the system network screen, a solution built into the antivirus is used, it is most likely to be disconnected, since in most cases the fine tuning of third-party firewood is not provided.

Read more: How to turn off the antivirus

The problem can also be in a too strict policy of connections used in the network router - check the parameters and change them if necessary.

Read more: Setting the firewall in the router

Method 3: Switching authentication method

The last reason for which an error with code 806 may occur is the inconsistency of the authorization option of the connected user. In this case, the unsupported protocol should be removed, but it should be borne in mind that this procedure will significantly reduce the security of the compound. If you are ready to come to terms with such a risk, follow these steps:

  1. Open connections settings (see method 1) and find among them that used by VPN. Click on it right-click and select "Properties".
  2. Open VPN properties to eliminate 806 errors when connected VPN in Windows 10

  3. In the window that opens, go to the Safety tab.
  4. Go to connection security options to eliminate 806 errors when connected VPN in Windows 10

  5. Find the Password Check Protocol (CHAP) item, remove the mark from it and click OK.

Disable the problem protection protocol to eliminate 806 errors when connected VPN in Windows 10

Record to the network with new settings - this time no errors should no longer occur.

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