How to turn on the microphone in zoom


How to turn on the microphone in zoom

Option 1: Zoom for Windows

In the zoom for Windows, the inclusion of the microphone can be quite accurately adjusted for your own needs, it is possible to use one of three options for activating the sound capture device.

Do not forget that before using the microphone directly in Zoom, it must be enabled and configured in the operating system!

Read more: Enable and configure a microphone in Windows

Method 1: Program Settings

To ensure the automatic power on your microphone when logging into any conference, follow the following ZOOM setting.

  1. Opening the zoom for the PC, go to "Settings" by clicking on the "Gears" button on the Home tab.
  2. Zoom for Windows Transition to Program Settings

  3. From the menu on the left side of the window that opens, move to the "Sound" parameter configuration section.
  4. Zoom for windows section sound in program settings

  5. In the Microphone area, make sure that the audio capture device is selected correctly, if necessary, adjust its "volume", and also using the "Check ..." button, make sure that the audio order is working.
  6. Zoom for Windows Microphone Configuration in the Program Settings

  7. Scroll the list of settings. At the bottom window of the Options block, set the mark near the "Automatically connect sound from the computer when entering the conference" and free from the checkbox checkbox "Disable the sound of my microphone when connecting to the conference".
  8. Zoom For Windows Activation options automatically connect sound from a competeer when entering a conference in the sound settings

  9. This configuration is complete - close the "Settings" window. From now on, your microphone will be automatically activated at the time of logging in to the existing and creating a new online communication session through the zoom.
  10. Zoom for Windows Exit the program settings after activating the automatic switching on the microphone in the conference

Method 2: Conference Window

To enable your microphone during communication session zoom, it suffices to use the conference screen interface element or a special key combination.

  1. When in the process of communication through ZOOM, there is a need to transfer the audio stream from its microphone to the audience address, move to the table below the conference window of the toolbar and click on the "Enable Sound" button.

    Zoom for Windows Turning on your microphone during online conference

    Repeated click on the specified but received the name "Turn off the sound" to the interface element deactivates your microphone.

  2. Zoom for Windows Turning off your microphone during the conference

  3. In addition to clicking on the button in the window, activate / deactivate your microphone to the zoom for the PC during the conference, it is possible by using the "ALT" key combination.
  4. Zoom For Windows Enable-Disable your microphone during a conference using the Alt + A key combination

Method 3: Space Key

Another, with certain models of using the ZOOM service, a pretty convenient version of the operation of the microphone operation during the conference is to use to activate / deactivate a "space" on the keyboard. Before the specified key can be activated to solve the problem under consideration, it is necessary to configure the program.

  1. Run the zoom, open it "Settings"

    Zoom for Windows Opening the settings of the program from the Home tab

    And move to the "Sound" section.

  2. Zoom for windows section of the microphone operation parameters in the program settings

  3. Scroll through the list of sound parameters in the right side of the window to the bottom.

    Zoom for Windows Transition to block options controlling the operation of the microphone in the program settings

    In the four options block, remove the mark near the first paragraph, set next to the second.

    Zoom for Windows Deactivation of the automatic switching on the microphone at the entrance to the conference

    Activate the feature called "Press and hold the Space key to temporarily turn on your sound."

  4. Zoom For Windows Enable Microphone Activation option when you click on the Space Key

  5. After completing the definition of settings, close the configuration window. Now, during the conference organized through the ZOOM, your microphone will work from the moment you press the "space" on the keyboard and until you stop exposure to this key.
  6. Zoom For Windows Temporary activation of its microphone during a conference by pressing the Space Key

Option 2: Zoom Mobile Application

The inclusion of the microphone in ZOOM for devices on Android and iOS can be automated, in a certain way configuring the application. And at the same time, as well as on a PC / laptop, the possibility of forced activation / deactivation of the sound capture device remains available during the online conference.

Read more: Turning on the microphone in Zoom on mobile devices

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