Do not work Yandex widgets


Do not work Yandex widgets

Homepage Yandex

The download widgets of the Yandex are displayed only in the full version of the site. Therefore, first, make sure that you do not use the laconic version, in which only login is available and search.

Go to the full version of the main page of Yandex

Method 1: Enabling notifications

The scoreboard with notifications from Yandex services is displayed on the right. If there are no there, they can be disabled.

  1. In any browser, open the main page of Yandex, click "Setup" and select "Portal Settings".

    Login to the Inex portal settings

    In Yandex Browser, the Settings button can also be located on the bottom panel, which appears when scrolling the page down.

  2. Log in to the settings of the Yandex portal using the bottom panel

  3. Go to the Notifications tab and celebrate those that we want to receive.

    Select notifications to display on the main page of Yandex

    They will turn them automatically, but it can be done manually using special control elements.

  4. Display widgets with notifications on the main page of Yandex

Method 2: Block turn

Above the search string and under it there are also widgets. They are made in the form of blocks with news, road situation, weather data and others. Remove them cannot be removed, but you can collapse and thereby hide information.

  1. Click on the arrow to the right of the block name.
  2. Relief widget on the main page of Yandex

  3. The data should appear immediately.
  4. Widget on the Yandex page in the expanded state

Method 3: Reset Settings

If the data in the block has stopped updated, try resetting it.

  1. Click on the menu icon to the right of the block and select "Set up".
  2. Log in to the widget settings on the main page of Yandex

  3. Click "Reset Settings" and wait when Page will restart.
  4. Reset the widget settings on the main page of Yandex

  5. So that the information is automatically updated, the corresponding option must be enabled.
  6. Enabling Auto-updating the widget on the main page of Yandex

Yandex.Browser for mobile devices

  1. In the mobile web browser, as in the PC version, the widgets are posted on the screen of creating a new tab. Tap the menu icon in the form of three points and open the "Settings".
  2. Login to Mobile Yandex Browser Settings

  3. Scroll down the screen down to the "Widgets" block and turn them on if they were not active.
  4. Turning on Widgets in Mobile Yandex Browser


  1. Yandex services widgets are located under the navigation pane. Their composition depends on the location of the device. Some blocks cannot be turned off, but most can be. Tap the user icon in the upper right corner and open the "Settings".

    Login to Settings Yandex

    Either click the menu icon at the bottom, and then the gear icon.

  2. Alternative input to Yandex Application Settings

  3. In the "General" block, open the "tape settings" and turn on those blocks that are needed.
  4. Enabling widgets in Yandex

Method 4: Profile Change

Widget problems can cause errors in the current user profile. To verify this version, you can create another profile.

  1. In the settings of the Yandex.Baurizer for PCs, go to the "Users" block and click "Add user".

    Creating a new profile in Yandex Browser

    Indicate the name, select the icon and click "Add".

  2. Setting up a new profile in Yandex browser

  3. When a window opens with a new profile, check if widgets work. To switch between profiles, press the corresponding icon.
  4. Switching between profiles in Yandex Browser

If the user's change has solved the problem, the recently installed extensions have become caused by its cause. In this case, you can try to delete them in the way described in a separate article on our website.

Read more: How to delete extensions in Yandex.Browser

Removing extensions from Yandex Browser

Yandex Widget for Android

This is an independent application that can be placed on the main screen of the device to quickly recognize the weather, the situation on the roads, currency rates, etc. Judging by user reviews, it also does not always work correctly.

Method 1: Disabling Energy Saving

First of all, the application can affect the "Energy Saving Mode". Therefore, if you notice any errors, for example, you stopped automatically updated information, try disable this feature. On how to do this on the device with Android, we already told in detail.

Read more: Disable energy saving on Android

Turning off energy saving on Android

For third-party applications on the device, the default power consumption optimization is usually configured to save battery charges. When this option begins to work, some features, such as data synchronization or the use of mobile networks, are not available. But this feature can always be disabled for a specific software.

  1. Open Android "Settings", go to the "Applications" section and choose the Yandex widget.
  2. Entry to the Yandex widget settings

  3. In the "Battery" section, the option "Excellency Optimization" is taped.
  4. Log in to the parameters of the application of the Yandex Widget

  5. A list with not optimized applications will open.

    List of applications without battery optimization

    If there is no Yandex widget among them, open the full list of applications, we find the desired and turn off the function.

  6. Search Yandex widget

  7. The application should appear in the list not optimized.
  8. Disabling the flow optimization for Yandex widget

If a third-party software is installed on the system to optimize the system, it will have to turn it off or add a widget to exceptions.

Method 2: Cleaning Cache

If the software freezes, for example, the news does not turn out, the search engine does not work or there is no possibility to enter the settings, probably help cache cleaning.

  1. Again, we enter the section with information about the application, open the "memory" and tapa "Clear Cache".
  2. Cleaning cache yandex widget

  3. When saving the problem, try to remove it and re-set.
  4. Reinstalling Yandex widget

If the methods described did not help restore the work of the Yandex widgets, contact the company's support service. Describe the situation in detail and list the actions that have already been taken. So specialists will be able to reveal the cause and assist.

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