How to turn off the touchpad on the MSI laptop


how to turn off the touchpad on the MSI laptop

Method 1: Key combination

Most laptops have a combination of quick access to those or other functions, including to turn off the touchpad. In MSI computers, this is a FN + F3 combination, use it to shut down the touch panel.

Please note that on some models of laptops (mostly budget segment), this option may be absent, in this case simply apply one of the following methods.

Use the key combination to turn off the touchpad on MSI laptops

Method 2: "Control Panel"

The second option to turn off the touchpad is to use the driver tools available through the system tooling "control panel".

  1. Open the "Run" window by combining the Win + R keys, then enter the CONTROL PANEL query at its row and click OK.
  2. Open the control panel to disable the touchpad on MSI laptops

  3. Switch the display of snap items to "Large icons" mode, then find the "Mouse" point and go to it.
  4. Mouse settings in the control panel to disable the touchpad on MSI laptops

  5. In MSI laptops, ELAN touchpads are used, so go to the tab of the same name.
  6. Tab in the mouse settings in the control panel to disable the touchpad on MSI laptops

  7. In the driver options, the touch panel can be turned off by two methods. The first - automatic, triggers when connecting a USB mouse, To do this, check the "Disconnection when connecting an external USB mouse".

    Working with a USB manipulator in the mouse settings to disable the touchpad on MSI laptops

    The second option is a complete touchpad shutdown, for which you click on the "Stop Device" button.

  8. Stop the device in the mouse settings for turning off the touchpad on MSI laptops

  9. To save the changes consistently, click "Apply" and "OK".
  10. Apply the changes in the mouse settings to disable the touchpad on MSI laptops

    Ready, now the touchpad must be disabled.

Method 3: "Device Manager"

If for some reason the previous method did not work for you, it is possible to programmatically disable the touchpad via the "Device Manager".

  1. Repeat step 1 from the method 2, but now enter Devmgmt.msc as a query.
  2. Call the device manager to disconnect the touchpad on MSI laptops

  3. Open the category of mouse devices and other indicating devices. The touchpad in most cases is indicated as "PS / 2-compatible mouse", "Elan Input Device" or "Synaptics Touch Panel" - click on this position with the right mouse button and use the Delete Device item.
  4. Start deleting a device for turning off the touchpad on MSI laptops

  5. Confirm the operation.
  6. Confirm the removal of the device to disable the touchpad on MSI laptops

    Check the performance of the touchpad, it must be disconnected. If you need to enable it back, open the Device Manager and use the Action toolbar items to "update the hardware configuration".

Method 4: BIOS

Finally, many MSI laptops support touchpad shutdown by means of motherboard. If you want to take this opportunity, do the following:

  1. Restart the laptop and at the board turning on the F2 or DEL keys.

    Read more: How to go to the BIOS on MSI

  2. The embodiments of the built-in software "Mother" can be somewhat different from each other, so here and then give exemplary names of the necessary points and options. The required settings are most often located on the Advanced tab, go to it.
  3. Open Advanced BIOS Settings for Disable Touchpad on MSI Laptops

  4. Search for categories "System Properties", "Keyboard / Mouse Features", "Device Options" - if there are such, expand them, otherwise the required setting, "Internal Pointing Device", is located in the main menu - select it arrows on the keyboard .
  5. The desired parameter in the BIOS to disable the touchpad on MSI laptops

  6. Next, press ENTER, in the pop-up menu, specify "OFF" or "disable" and again use the Enter key.
  7. Install the BIOS parameter to turn off the touchpad on MSI laptops

  8. Press F9 or F10, and use the "Save & Exit" option or press "YES" in the pop-up menu, as in the image below.

Save changes to BIOS to turn off the touchpad on MSI laptops

After reboot, check the performance of the touchpad - now it must be turned off. Unfortunately, the possibility is not available in all versions on MSI motherboards.

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