Error 0xC0000225 when booting Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7


How to fix the error 0xc0000225 in windows
One of the Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7 download errors with which the user may encounter - Error 0xC0000225 "Your computer or device must be restored. The desired device is not connected or not available. " In some cases, the error message also specifies the problem file - \ Windows \ System32 \ WinLoad.efi, \ Windows \ System32 \ WinLoad.exe or \ Boot \ BCD.

In this manual, it is detailed how to fix the error with code 0xC000025 when booting a computer or a laptop and restore the normal download of Windows, as well as some additional information that may be useful when restoring the system's performance. Usually, reinstalling Windows is not required to solve the problem.

Note: If the error occurred after connecting and disconnecting hard drives or after changing the boot order to BIOS (UEFI), make sure that the desired disk is set as the download device (and for UEFI systems - Windows Boot Manager in the presence of such item), as well as The number of this disk has not changed (in some BIOS there are separate from the order of loading section to change the order of hard drives). You should also make sure that the disk with the system in principle is "visible" to the BIOS (otherwise we can talk about hardware fault).

How to fix the error 0xc0000225 in Windows 10

Error code 0xc0000225 when booting Windows 10

In most cases, the error 0xc0000225 when booting Windows 10 is caused by problems with the OS bootloader, and it is relatively simple to restore the correct load, if it comes to a hard disk fault.

  1. If on the screen with an error message there is an offer to press the F8 key to access the download parameters, click it. If you find yourself on the screen, which is shown in step 4, go to it. If not, go to step 2 (for it will have to use some other PC).
  2. Create a bootable USB flash drive, be sure to be in the same bit as installed on your computer (see the Windows 10 boot flash) and boot from this flash drive.
  3. After downloading and selecting a language on the first screen of the installer, on the next screen, click on the "Restore System" item.
    Running Windows 10 Recovery
  4. In the recovery console, select "Troubleshooting", and then "Additional Parameters" (in the presence of paragraph).
  5. Try to use the "Restoring when loading" item, which is consistent with a considerable problem automatically. If it has not worked and after it is applied, the normal download of Windows 10 is still not happening, then open the "Command Line" item in which you use the following commands in order (press ENTER after each).
    Running the recovery using the command line
  6. diskpart.
  7. List Volume (As a result of the execution of this command, you will see a list of volumes. Pay attention to the volume number of 100-500 MB in the FAT32 file system, if any. If there is no - go to step 10. Also look at the system of the system partition of the disk with Windows, Since it may differ from C).
    UEFI bootloader in diskpart
  8. SELECT VOLUME N (where n is the volume number in FAT32).
  9. Assign Letter = Z
  10. EXIT.
  11. If that FAT32 was present and you have an EFI-system on the GPT disk, use the command (if necessary, by changing the letter C - system partition of the disk): BCDBoot C: \ Windows / S Z: / F UEFI
    Error Correction 0xc0000225 WinLoad.efi
  12. If that FAT32 was absent, use the BCDBoot C: \ Windows command
  13. If the previous command has been performed with errors, try using the bootrec.exe / rebuildbcd command
  14. If the proposed methods did not help, try also the methods described in this instruction.

At the end of these actions, close the command line and restart the computer by setting the hard disk download or installing Windows Boot Manager as the first boot point in UEFI.

Read more on the topic: Windows 10 bootload recovery.

Bug fixes in Windows 7

In order to correct the error 0xc0000225 in Windows 7, in fact, you should use the same method, except that the 7-ka computers and laptops are not installed in UEFI mode.

Error 0xc0000225 in Windows 7

Detailed Load Recovery Instructions - Windows 7 boot recovery, using bootrec.exe to restore download.

Additional Information

Some additional information that may be useful in the context of the correction of the error under consideration:

  • In rare cases, the cause of the problem may be a hard disk malfunction, see how to check the hard disk on errors.
  • Sometimes the reason is independent actions to change the partition structure using third-party programs, such as Acronis, Aomei Partition Assistant and others. In this situation, the clear council (except for reinstallation) will not be possible: it is important to know what exactly was done with the sections.
  • Some report that the registry recovery helps with the problem (although this option, with this error, it personally seems doubtful), however, the restoration of the Windows 10 registry (for 8 and 7 steps will be the same). Also, booting from the boot flash drive or disk with Windows and running the recovery of the system, as described at the beginning of the instruction, you can use the recovery points if available. They, among other things, restore and registry.

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