Password leakage check in Password Checkup


Password Checkup Extension for Chrome
Any user who reads the news on technology, the case meets information about the leakage of the next portion of user passwords from any service. These passwords are collected in the database and can be used to faster user passwords in other services (more on the topic: how to crack your password).

If you wish, you can check whether your password is stored in such databases using special services, the most popular of which is However, not everyone trust such services, because theoretically, leaks can occur through them. And now, Google has recently released the official extension of Password Checkup for the Google Chrome browser, which allows you to automatically perform checks on leakage and suggest a password change, if it is threatened, it is about him that it will be discussed.

Using the Password Checkup Extension from Google

In itself, the expansion of Password CheckUp and its use does not represent any difficulty even for a novice user:

  1. Download and install Chrome extension from the official store
  2. When using a unsafe password when entering any site, you will be prompted to change it.
    Notification of the detected password leakage
  3. In case everything is in order, you will see the appropriate notification by clicking on the green extension icon.
    Password leaks in chrome are not detected

At the same time, the password itself is not transmitted to check anywhere, only its checksum is used (however, according to the available information, the address of the site to which you enter can be transmitted to Google), and the last stage of the check is performed at all on your computer.

Also, despite the extensive database of populated passwords (more than 4 billion), which is available at Google, it does not completely coincide with those that can be found on other sites on the Internet.

In the future, Google promises to continue to improve the expansion, but now it may be quite useful for many users who are not thinking about that their login and password may not be so protected.

In the context of the topic under consideration you may be interested in materials:

  • About security passwords
  • Built-in chrome complex password generator
  • The best password managers
  • How to view saved passwords in Google Chrome

Well, at the end, what I have written more than once: Do not use the same password on several sites (if accounts are important for you for you), do not use simple and short passwords, and also take into account that passwords in the form of a set Figures, "Name or Last Name of Birth", "Some word and a pair of numbers", even when you cruciate them in Russian in English layout and from the capital letter - not at all what can be considered reliable in today's realities.

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