How to cool the phone on android


how to cool the phone for android

Method 1: Closing unnecessary applications

The telephone overheating is most often associated with the performance of resource-intensive tasks that actively consume hardware power, especially the processor, so the first thing to do is to close the background applications unnecessary to you. If the output from the program is not provided, then try to disable it or freeze (required root access).

Method 2: Deleting the device from heat sources

The intimacy of the smartphone also affects the proximity of heat sources: direct sunlight, heating equipment, open fire and other things - to cool, remove the device if it is near them. In the future, this is desirable to prevent.

Method 3: Change the camera settings

Sometimes the heating source is the device chamber. This occurs due to the manufacturer's fault (marriage or too powerful module), and sometimes due to user actions (installed third-party software to expand functionality). In the first case, the only way out of the situation will replace the device, whereas in the second one should either change the settings of the informal camera application, or use the solution from the manufacturer.

Method 4: Using original charging accessories

In the process of charging the Android device heats up - this is the norm. But if the temperature becomes too high (for example, a glass or metal phone cannot be kept in hand), this is a clear sign of the problem. The most commonly similar is manifested when using non-original accessories: cables, power supplies or wireless charging stations, so if possible, try to use only complete solutions, and third parties - only as a last resort.

Method 5: Removing the Cover

Many users prefer to hide their devices into covers, for security reasons or desire to decorate them. But not everyone knows that the case may be a source of heating. Unfortunately, the cooling systems of many modern smartphones are not designed to use the cover, especially solid - with it heat transfer becomes either insufficient or uneven, which leads to increased heating. Therefore, encountered with high temperatures when the smartphone is working, the case will be better removed at all or at least replace to a thinner.

Method 6: use of external coolers

Modern flagship or gaming Android devices have very powerful CPUs, which in terms of heat generated approach to computer solutions. Manufacturers are increasingly installed in the cooling system products, but sometimes they are not enough. Fortunately, external cooling devices appeared on the market: separate coolers or covers with built-in fans that allow you to slightly reduce heating.

Outer cooler for cooling android smartphone

If you often play the resource-intensive games or own a "hot" model, buying such an accessory will be a good solution - good, products for every taste and pocket are presented on the market. The only thing, beware of gadgets with too low price: Most likely, no effect does not bring any effect.

Method 7: Repair or Replacement

The device's heating even in basic tasks like calls or using the Internet unequivocally testifies to the malfunctions of the motherboard, its components, batteries or all components. Faced with this, contact the service center. If the device is new and warranty service life is not yet exposed, it may even be replaced if the repair is recognized as inexpedient or impossible.

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