How to find out how much space program in Windows


How to find out the size of programs in Windows
Despite the fact that almost everyone knows how to watch the size of the folders, today many games and programs place their data not in one single folder and, looking at the size of Program Files, you can get incorrect data (depends on the specific software). In this manual for novice users detail how to find out how much space on the disk is occupied by individual programs, games and applications in Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7.

In the context of the article, materials may also be useful: how to find out what is occupied on the disk, how to clean the C disk from unnecessary files.

View information about the size of installed programs in Windows 10

The first methods are suitable only for Windows 10 users, and the methods described in the following sections - for all the latest versions of Windows (including the Ten).

In the "parameters" of Windows 10 there is a separate section that allows you to view how much space installed programs and applications from the store are occupied.

  1. Go to the parameters (Start - the "Gears" icon or Win + I keys).
  2. Open "Applications" - "Applications and Features".
  3. You will see a list of installed programs and applications from the Windows 10 store, as well as their size (for some programs it may not be displayed, then use the following methods).
    Program dimensions in Windows 10 parameters

Additionally, Windows 10 allows you to view the size of all installed programs and applications on each disk: go to the parameters - the system - the device's memory - click on the disk and look at the information in the "Applications and Games" section.

The size of all installed programs

The following ways to view information about the size of installed programs are equally suitable for Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7.

We learn how much the program is occupied or the game on the disk using the control panel

The second way is to use the "Programs and Components" item in the control panel:

  1. Open the control panel (for this purpose, you can use the taskbar in Windows 10).
  2. Open the "Programs and Components" item.
  3. In the list you will see installed programs and their dimensions. You can also highlight the program you are interested in or game, its size on the disk will be displayed at the bottom of the window.
    Program Size in Control Panel

The above two ways work only for those programs and games that were installed using a full-fledged installer, i.e. are not portable programs or a simple self-extracting archive (which is often for non-license ignition software from third-party sources).

View the size of programs and games that are missing in the list of installed programs.

If you downloaded a program or game, and it works without installation, or in cases where the installer does not add a program to the list installed in the control panel, you can simply see the size of the folder with this software to find out its size:

  1. Go to the folder where the program you are interested in, click on it right-click and select "Properties".
  2. On the General tab in the "Size" and "On Disk" paragraph, you will see a place occupied by this program.
    View folder size with program

As you can see, everything is quite simple and should not cause difficulties, even if you are a beginner user.

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