How to multiply the cell on the cell in Excel


How to multiply the cell on the cell in Excel

Method 1: Multiplying Cell Cell

For multiplication of cells in Excel, there is no special feature, as the developers made with sums. This implementation is most often not needed, since when multiplying a large range of numbers, the user will most likely receive a result that will have to be raised to a degree with the base E. However, multiply multiple cells one on another can no problem.

  1. In a suitable cell, write a sign "=", which denotes the beginning of the formula record.
  2. The beginning of creating a formula for multiplication of a cell on a cell in the Excel program

  3. Highlight the first cell so that its name is displayed after the equality sign.
  4. Selecting the first cell to multiply it to another when creating a formula in Excel program

  5. Put the sign "*" denoting multiplication.
  6. Writing a multiplication sign when creating a formula in Excel program

  7. In the same way, highlight the second cell and confirm the creation of the formula by pressing the Enter key.
  8. Select the second cell for multiplication to the first in Excel program

  9. Now in this cell the result will be displayed, and the formula itself is shown in the string above.
  10. The result of creating a multiplication formula of cells in Excel

  11. You can add more cells for multiplication or combine different mathematical operations, but consider that the program has a limit on displaying huge numbers.
  12. The result of creating a formula for multiplication of a cell into several cells in the Excel program

At the end of the article, it is described about the problems associated with the multiplication of cells, so if something failed, immediately open this section and look for a suitable solution method.

Method 2: Cell multiplication by number

If you can multiply one cell to another, it means that nothing hurts as a second cell to substitute the necessary number. Then the formula will be another, but not fundamentally.

  1. Enter the contents of the string as well as shown in the previous method, but do not fill the data on the second cell.
  2. Start creating a formula for multiplication of a cell by number in the Excel program

  3. Instead, add a multiplication sign and write a number for a mathematical operation.
  4. Entry of the number to multiply it to the cell in the Excel program

  5. Complete editing by clicking on ENTER, and see what happened in the end.
  6. The result of multiplication of cells by number in the Excel program

Also combine multiplication of cells to other cells and numbers or add other mathematical operations, not forgetting the sequence of their execution. If you need to put something in priority, use brackets to designate action. Recording such formulas in Excel exactly complies with the standard rules of mathematics.

Method 3: multiplication by constant

The constant is called a constant number, and in the case of cells in the electronic table, it acts as a fixed value. To do this, use the "$" sign denoting the creation of a constant. Now, when moving the table or copy it, the cell will never move. If everything is clear to the creation of formulas, then read about the fixing of the cell in the one of the following article.

Read more: adding $ sign in Microsoft Excel

Multiplication of cell on a constant in the Excel program

Solving possible problems with cell multiplication

Almost all problems arising when trying to multiply the values ​​or create any other formula in Excel are associated with an incorrectly tuned cell format. To verify and correct this situation, you can read the thematic article on our website, which is devoted to solving the amount of counting the amount, but is also suitable in current realities.

Read more: Solving a problem with calculating the amount of selected cells in Microsoft Excel

Fixing problems with multiplication of cells in Excel program

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