Windows 10 hotkeys 10


Windows 10 keys combinations
Hot keys in Windows - the most basic thing. Using simple combinations, if you do not forget to use them, many things can be done faster than using the mouse. In Windows 10, new key combinations are implemented to access new elements of the operating system, which can also simplify the operation with the OS.

In this article, first list hot keys that appear directly in Windows 10, and then some other, rarely used and few known, some of which have already been in Windows 8.1, but may be unfamiliar to users who updated with 7-ki. It may also be interesting: how to create your hot keys for Windows 10 in the free HotKeyp program.

New Keyboard shortcuts Windows 10

Note: Under the Windows key (Win), the key on the keyboard is implied on which the corresponding emblem is depicted. I clarify this moment, as too often you have to answer the comments in which I reported that I did not find this key on the keyboard.

  • Windows + V. - This key combination appeared in Windows 10 1809 (October Update), opens the clipboard log, allows you to store multiple items in the clipboard, delete them, clean the buffer.
    Magazine clipboard in Windows 10 1809
  • Windows + SHIFT + S - Another innovation of version 1809, opens the screenshot tool "Screen Fragment". If desired, in the parameters - special features - keyboards can be reassigned on the key PRINT SCREEN..
    Creating a screen fragment on hot keys
  • Windows +. S, Windows +. Q. - Both combinations open the search bar. However, the second combination will use the Cortana Assistant. For users of Windows 10 in our country at the time of writing this article there is no difference in the action of two combinations.
  • Windows +. A. - Hot keys to open the Windows notification center
  • Windows +. I. - Opens the "All Parameters" window with a new system settings interface.
  • Windows +. G. - Causes the appearance of a game panel that can be used, for example, to record the game video.

Separately, I will carry hot keys to work with Windows 10's virtual desktops, "presentation of tasks" and the location of the windows on the screen.

  • Win +.Tab, Alt +. Tab. - The first combination opens the performance of tasks with the possibility of switching between desktops and applications. The second - works as well as the Alt + Tab hotkeys in previous versions of the OS, providing the ability to choose one of the open windows.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Tab - It works just like Alt + Tab, but allows you to keep the keys after pressing (i.e., the open window selection remains active and after you released the keys).
  • Windows + keyboard arrows - Allow the active window to the left or right side of the screen, or one of the corners.
  • Windows +. Ctrl +. D. - Creates a new Virtual Desktop Windows 10 (see Windows 10 Virtual Desktops).
  • Windows +. Ctrl +. F4. - Closes the current virtual desktop.
  • Windows +. Ctrl + Left or Right Arrow - Switch between desktops in turn.

Additionally, I note that on the Windows 10 command line, you can enable the operation of hot copier and insert keys, as well as the selection of text (for this, run the command line on behalf of the administrator, click on the program icon in the header line and select "Properties". Remove the "Use Former version. "Restart the command line).

Additional useful hotkeys you might not know

At the same time I remind you of some other combinations of keys that can come in handy and about the existence of which some users could not guess.

  • Windows +. (point) or Windows +; (Point with comma) - Open the EMOJI selection window in any program.
  • WIN. +. Ctrl +. Shift. +. B. - restart video card drivers. For example, with a black screen after leaving the game and with other problems with the video. But use carefully, sometimes, on the contrary, it causes a black screen before rebooting the computer.
  • Open the Start menu and click Ctrl + top - Enlarge Start menu (Ctrl + Down - Reduce back).
  • Windows + digit 1-9 - Run an application attached to the taskbar. The digit corresponds to the sequence number of the program running.
  • Windows +. X. - opens a menu that can also be called right click on the "Start" button. The menu contains items to quickly access various system elements, such as running the command line on behalf of the administrator, control panel and others.
  • Windows +. D. - Collapse all open windows on the desktop.
  • Windows +. E. - Open the conductor window.
  • Windows +. L. - Block your computer (go to the password input window).

I hope someone from readers will find something useful on the list, and perhaps and complement me in the comments. From myself I will note that the use of hot keys really allows you to work with a computer more efficiently, and therefore I recommend to use it in every way to use, while not only in Windows, but also in those programs (and they have their own combinations) with whom you are more All work.

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