Flash Player for Yandex Browser


Flash Player for Yandex Browser

Installation and Activity Management

A tool that supports flash-content playback on different sites is set by default to Yandex.Bruezer, so the user remains only to solve which sites to allow, and how to prohibit the use of the plug-in. This setting is carried out as follows:

  1. Through the top panel of the browser, open the menu and go to the "Settings" section.
  2. Transition to Settings section for controlling Flash Player plugin in Yandex.Browser

  3. There you are interested in the category "Sites", so click on this line on the left.
  4. Go to section Sites for managing the Flash Player plugin in Yandex.Browser

  5. In the "Sites" block, click the "Advanced Site Settings" row.
  6. Opening detailed sites settings for controlling the Flash Player plugin in Yandex.Browser

  7. Find "Flash" and configure permissions for different sites depending on personal needs.
  8. Management of the Flash Player plugin in Yandex.Browser

If we are talking directly about the Adobe Flash Player plugin, which is installed separately to the operating system, information about its installation and management in the web browser can be found in another article on our website on the link below.

Read more: Installing Flash Player on Yandex.Bauzer

Setting up Flash plugin

Under the setting of a plug-in responsible for playing Flash content in Yandex.Browser, it is implied to create permissive and prohibitive rules for specific sites, control them in specific cases. Next, you will find another guide from our author, in which there is all the necessary information about the management of this Plugin.

Read more: Setting up Flash Player for Yandex.Bauser

Detailed setup of the Flash Player plugin in Yandex.Browser

Adobe Flash Player Update

When using Adobe Flash Player, the operating system sometimes has a need to update it. Yandex browser allows the user to configure the automatic addition of updates, but you can use the manual method. In some cases, you will have to refer to the method implying downloading the latest version of the program from the official site. Click on the following header to learn more about each of these methods and choose the appropriate situation.

Read more: How to update Adobe Flash Player in Yandex.Browser

Updating Flash Player plugin in Yandex.Browser through the operating system

Solving problems with the performance of Flash Player in Yandex.Browser

Using the plugin under consideration figured out, it remains only to mention the moments in which problems with its performance arise. There are several reasons for the appearance of malfunctions, and for each of them it is necessary to choose a special fixing algorithm, as read in the material below.

Read more: Causes of Disability Flash Player in Yandex.Browser

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