How to restore bookmarks in chrome


How to restore bookmarks in chrome

Method 1: Data Synchronization

In the event that the Chrome browser you use with Google Account, to restore the bookmarks, it is enough to enter it and wait until the data synchronization is completed. Sometimes it may be necessary to do it manually. We have previously been told about all the nuances of the procedure in more detail in individual articles, references to which are given below.

Read more:

How to enter the Google account

How to synchronize bookmarks in the browser Google Chrome

Enter the password to enter Google account after resetting settings in Google Chrome browser

The solution described above will work only if adding bookmarks was carried out using the funds built into the web browser - the standard bookmark manager. If the third-party extension was used to save important sites, it will be necessary to install it from Chrome WebStore and also log in to your account. Once synchronization is completed, the data will be restored.

Read more: Managers bookmarks for browser Google Chrome

Visual Bookmarks Yandex for Google Chrome Browser

Method 2: Data Transfer

In each web browser, and Google Chrome is no exception, there is a useful export function and import bookmarks as an HTML file. With it, you can restore the bookmarks after reinstalling the program in which the Google account was not used, and after the "moving" from one browser to another. About how it is done, we also wrote earlier in separate instructions.

Read more: How to transfer bookmarks after reinstalling Google Chrome

Move bookmarks in Google Chrome browser on PC

Method 3: Restore Bookmark File

Windows has the ability to restore previous versions of files. With it, you can return the bookmarks, but only if, after you delete or change, this data is no longer overwritten.

C: \ Users \ User_Name \ AppData \ Local \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data \ Default

  1. Copy the above address, open the "Explorer", for example, by pressing the "Win + E" keys, and insert the contents of the clipboard into its address bar. Replace the expression "user_name" to your username used in the operating system, and press "ENTER" or the right arrow to go to the right.

    Go to the Google Chrome browser folder on PC

    See also:

    How to find out the username on a computer with windows

    How to open a conductor on a computer with windows

    Where is the bookmarks of Browser Google Chrome

  2. A folder with a Google Chrome web browser will be opened. Find a file with the name "Bookmarks" in it, click on it right-click and select "Restore the previous version".
  3. Restore the former version of the file with the Google Chrome browser bookmarks on PC

  4. Restart the browser and check the presence of bookmarks - most likely they will be restored.

Method 4: Replacing the Bookmark File

Usually google chrome stores two versions of the file with bookmarks - old and new. In the previous decision we restored the first, here we will replace it with the second.

  1. To begin with, you must temporarily disable data synchronization in a web browser. To do this, follow the following:
    • Through the program menu, go to "Settings".
    • Call the menu and open settings in Google Chrome browser on PC

    • Under the description of your account, click on the Synchronization of Google Services.
    • Open Section Google Services Synchronization in Google Chrome Browser Settings on PC

    • Next, select "Data Management for Synchronization".
    • Open section Data Management for synchronization in Google Chrome browser settings on PC

    • Install the marker opposite the "Configure Synchronization" option.
    • Configure sync in the Google Chrome browser settings on PC

    • Deactivate the switch located opposite the "Bookmark" items, then close the web browser.
    • Disable the synchronization of bookmarks in the Google Chrome browser settings on PC

  2. Using a system "Explorer", go to the folder where the browser data is stored. Do not forget to replace the username to your.

    C: \ Users \ User_Name \ AppData \ Local \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data \ Default

  3. Check if there are "Bookmarks" and "Bookmarks.bak" files. The first contains an updated version of bookmark data, the second is the previous one.

    Files with bookmarks in Google Chrome Browser folder on PC

    Remember this nuance, select them and copy, and then move them to any convenient place on your computer.

    Copying files with old and new bookmarks in Google Chrome browser folder on PC

    Return to the folder with the web browser data, delete the file "Bookmarks", and "Bookmarks.bak" rename, deleting ".bak". After that, it will be perceived by the program as an actual version of the bookmarks.

  4. Rename the file with the old bookmarks in the Google Chrome browser folder on PC

  5. In Google Chrome, open the "Settings" and follow the steps that are specified in the first step of the current instruction, that is, turn on the deactivated synchronization parameter.
  6. Enable Bookmark Synchronization in Google Chrome Browser Pocketers on PC

  7. Snooet Run the web browser - bookmarks must be restored.
  8. If this solution does not work, return the original "Bookmarks" and "Bookmarks.bak" files in their original location.

Method 5: third-party programs

If none of the above solutions presented to return bookmarks in Google Chrome, you should contact specialized programs that provide data recovery. One of these is Recuva, created by CCleaner developers, we use it.

  1. Install the program to your PC and run it. In the first window, click on the "Next" button.
  2. The first launch of the Recuva program to restore bookmarks in the Google Chrome browser on PC

  3. Next, set the marker opposite the "All Files" parameter and click "Next" again.
  4. Select all files in the Recuva program to restore bookmarks in Google Chrome browser on PC

  5. In the next window, check the "IN A SPECIFIC Location" item, after which insert the browser data address in the string below.) Or send it to it using the Browse button and the file manager opened. Click "Next" again.
  6. Specifying the path to the data folder in the Recuva program to restore bookmarks in the Google Chrome browser on PC

  7. Click "Start" to start the deleted data search procedure.
  8. Start recovering data in Recuva program to restore bookmarks in Google Chrome browser on PC

  9. Expect until the check is completed, it usually takes no more than one minute.
  10. Waiting for data recovery in Recuva program to restore bookmarks in Google Chrome browser on PC

  11. In the window that appears on the screen, find "Bookmarks" in the File List. In order to make it easier to do, sort the content by name.

    Sort search results in Recuva program to restore bookmarks in Google Chrome browser on PC

    Select the detected item and use the "Recover" button,

    Run data recovery in Recuva program to restore bookmarks in Google Chrome browser on PC

    After that, specify the "folder overview" in the "Folder Review" path to save it.

  12. Specify a place to save data in Recuva program to restore bookmarks in Google Chrome browser on PC

  13. In most cases, the data recovery procedure takes a few seconds, after which the window shown below appears. Click it "OK" and go to the location selected in the previous step.
  14. Complete data recovery in Recuva program to restore bookmarks in Google Chrome browser on PC

  15. Find a restored file there, select it and copy it there.
  16. Copy the file with Google Chrome browser bookmarks on PC

  17. Go to the Google Chrome data folder and insert it, agreeing on the data replacement if such a request appears.
  18. Insert a copied file with Google Chrome browser bookmarks on PC

  19. Restart the browser and check the presence of bookmarks - they will probably be restored.
  20. The RecuVA program is an excellent data recovery tool, and to solve the task, its free version is fully suitable. If for some reason it does not suit you, read the article below and select analog.

    Read more: Programs for data recovery on PC

Restoration of bookmarks on mobile devices

On mobile devices with iOS / iPados and Android, the task of restoring bookmarks in Google Chrome has significantly fewer solutions than in the case of a PC version. The reason for this lies in the differences in operating systems and how work with data is implemented in each of them. You can return previously saved sites either by synchronization that you first need to be activated on the computer, and then in a mobile application, or, in other cases, first using one of the instructions presented above in the desktop version of the program, and then activating synchronization on both devices.

Synchronize Google Chrome browser data in a mobile application for iPhone and Android

In applications for iPhone, iPad and Android, this is done in "Settings". The algorithm of action is practically no different from that of the PC and is shown in the image above.

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