How to return TrustedInstaller rights in Windows 10


How to return TrustedInstaller rights in Windows 10

The trustedinstaller rights transmission operation to edit the system element is as follows:

  1. Find using the "Explorer" the item you want to change, click on it with the right mouse button and select "Properties".
  2. Call object properties to return TrustedInstallwer rights in Windows 10

  3. In this window, go to the "Security" tab and click "Advanced".
  4. Open object properties to return TrustedInstallwer rights in Windows 10

  5. The access control setting tool will appear. In it, use the "Edit" button.
  6. Start changing the object owner to return trustedinstallwer rights in Windows 10

  7. Here in the "Enter the names of the selected objects" print the following:

    NT Service \ TrustedInstaller

    Make sure the data are correct and click "Check Names".

    Check the name of the object owner to return TrustedInstallwer rights in Windows 10

    After this operation, the name must be changed to TrustedInstaller - this means that everything is done correctly, and you can click "OK".

  8. Set the name of the owner of the object to return the rights of TrustedInstallwer in Windows 10

  9. After performing this operation, you will return to the owner's changes to snap - now the system object will be needed for the item.

    Replace the object owner to return TrustedInstallwer rights in Windows 10

    For more reliability, you can note the options "Replace the owner of the subspeteners ..." and "Replace all records ...", then click "Apply" and "OK" to save.

  10. Apply the owner's change to return TrustedInstallwer rights in Windows 10

    Thus, the owner of the directory or file will be replaced.

Also, if you need, on the contrary, change TrustedInstaller to another account, use the instructions further.

Read more: Entry "Request TrustedInstaller" error when deleting a folder in Windows 10

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