Translation from Sberbank card on webmoney


Translation from Sberbank card on webmoney

Option 1: Translation through Sberbank Online

The first and most obvious way is to use Sberbank online mobile system, which allows you to make a variety of payments and translations. In order to use the mobile bank, you need to have an account in it. Those users who have not yet registered can do it right now, taking advantage of only with their card and telephone.

Go to the official Sberbank website online

  1. Clicking on the link above, you will fall to the main page of the service. Registered users can immediately enter their login and password, and new visitors are registered.
  2. Authorization in Sberbank online to transfer money to WebMoney

  3. Depending on the profile settings, it may be necessary to confirm authorization by entering the verification SMS, which will come to the tied phone number.
  4. Entering confirmation code when authorized in Sberbank online to transfer money to WebMoney

  5. Now switch to the "Payments" tab.
  6. Transition to the Payments tab in Sberbank online to transfer money to WebMoney

  7. You will see categories of services - select "Electronic products and entertainment".
  8. Selection of category with electronic money in Sberbank online to transfer money to WebMoney

  9. Among the list of subcategories, click on "Electronic Money".
  10. Selection of section Electronic wallets in Sberbank online to transfer money to WebMoney

  11. There are only two options - Yumoney and Webmoney. You need the second.

    Option 2: WebMoney services

    If you do not have Sberbank online and you do not want to register it or the sender - not you, you can do the replenishment of the wallet and differently. In WebMoney, there are several internal services that work in different ways at once.

    Replenishment by map number

    This method allows you to make a transfer from the card directly, thanks to which you will not need to resort to work with Sberbank online. To implement it, you will need to open your WebMoney profile.

    Go to the official WebMoney website

    1. Authorized in the account, click on the wallet where you need to take a translation, and click on "Top up".
    2. Selection of options for replenishing a wallet through a personal account in WebMoney

    3. From the list of options, you select "from a bank card".
    4. Choosing an option to replenish a wallet bank card through a personal account in WebMoney

    5. Immediately the form will be displayed that must be filled to perform the operation. Enter the amount without taking into account the commission (the one you already want to receive), the card number from where the means will be removed, and fill the remaining fields. In the end, click "Next".
    6. Filling out the shape of the transfer of money from the bank card of Sberbank through the personal account in Webmoney

    7. You will see the information window, which says how much the money will be filmed from a bank card. As you can see, the Commission up to 2,700 rubles is 50 rubles, over - 0%. Agree with the "OK" button.
    8. Confirmation of the Commission's information when transferring money from the Sberbank bank card through the Personal Account in Webmoney

    9. A new browser window will open through which the transaction is confirmed. Enter the verification code sent to the phone number and confirm the action.
    10. Confirmation of a transaction when transferring money from a bank card Sberbank through a personal account in WebMoney

    Top-Up service

    Webmani has a corporate Top-UP service through which transfers can also be carried out. It will take Sberbank online for its use. The method is most suitable for those users who wish to get money, for example from another person, without throwing their real wallet in the system.

    Go to the Top-Up official service page from WebMoney

    1. Open the link and make sure you are logged in in the system.
    2. Authorization on WebMoney website to transfer money from Sberbank's card through the corporate service TOP-UP

    3. Immediately you will see the percentage that takes the service. At the moment, for both types of ruble wallets it is 2.35%. Click on the Sberbank icon, which is in the category with the desired wallet: WMR or WMP.
    4. Information about the Commission when transferring money from the Sberbank card to the ruble wallets Webmoney through the corporate service TOP-UP

    5. Specify the replenished wallet if you have several of them, and then enter the amount of the replenishment (minimum 10 rubles). Link "How much will you need to pay?" It will help to calculate the commission that will be removed from the card in addition to the amount you entered. Button "Order" will translate you to the next step.
    6. Filling data to transfer money from the Sberbank card to Webmoney through the Top-Up corporate service

    7. The instruction on how to translate via Mobile and desktop Sberbank service online. Send this information to another person if it produces it.
    8. Information about the method of translating money from a Sberbank card on WebMoney through the corporate name Top-Up

    Service "Bank card"

    Another option, which is not particularly different from the previous one, but more convenient due to reduced percentages for the operation. In addition, it does not require an account in Sberbank online.

    Go to the Bank Card Official Service page from WebMoney

    1. As before, through the upper right side of the window, you log in to the system, select a wallet, enter the amount, multiple 100 (respectively, at least for translation - 100 rubles), enter the map data. All information on interest and the amount that will be written off is immediately displayed on the site. Checking all the data, click "Buy WMR".
    2. Filling data to transfer money from the Sberbank card to Webmoney through the brand service bank card

    3. To confirm the transaction, enter the code that came to your phone number.
    4. Confirmation of a transaction to transfer money from a Sberbank card to Webmoney through the company's company's bank card

    Option 3: Mobile Sberbank Online

    Users who prefer to make payments through mobile devices can also use the Sberbank Application online to replenish any wallet.

    Download Sberbank online from Google Play Market

    Download Sberbank Online from App Store

    1. In the new version of the application, there is no separate category on electronic money in the "Payments" section. In the future, she may appear in the same place where it finds in the web version of the bank, or in the "Other" section. In the meantime, instead, you will have to use the search string at the top.
    2. Go to the search section in mobile Sberbank online to transfer money to WebMoney

    3. Enter Webmoney to it and tap the coincidence within the category "Organizations and Services".
    4. Selection of WebMoney organization to transfer money through Mobile Sberbank Online

    5. Specify the wallet number or the phone to which this wallet is tied, write the amount of translation, taking into account the fact that the commission will be deducted from it, specify the card to write off the funds if you have several of them. "Message to the recipient" is not a mandatory point. Confirm translation by the "Continue" button. In general, all the rules for the implementation of such a transaction are not much different from those that were considered in the method of 1 of this article, therefore, for more information, you can turn there.
    6. Filling data to transfer money to Webmoney through Mobile Sberbank Online

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